

  • Hello Cameo,
    I really enjoyed reading your poem!
    I appreciated the process of self-acceptance and self-discovery that I felt your poem described. Being a black woman with curly hair, I can definitely understand some of the things you mentioned in your poem. The agony of wash day. The coils that take forever to comb out. Your arms hurting after a long time standing in the mirror trying to “tame” your hair. I really loved that at the end of this poem, it was as if you had come to terms with these things, and realized that the entire process is beautiful. I really liked when you said,
    “My journey with this crown of thorns Is better than it was before.” This shows that there is still some work to do, perhaps redefining your definition of what beautiful really means. Even in the media, beautiful is portrayed as a skinny girl with long straight hair- not 4c curls.
    I appreciated this poem, but just always remember that everyone’s journey is different. There are some girls that decide to wear wigs or braids or twist etc, and that’s what embracing themselves feel like to them. That is what makes them feel whole. Diversity, switching up the look, changing things while being in complete control, and realizing that it doesn’t make them any less beautiful, or any more beautiful.
    Whatever each individual decides to do with their “crown of thorns” is up to them, as long as they’re not hiding behind other styles and embracing who they are completely.
    Thank you so much for sharing!

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  • Asia Makeda responded to a letter in topic Mental Health 1 years ago

    this had me in tears and I want to send you a big hug and let you know that you are so strong and so loved.
    Sometimes, life gets to a point where we see no point. I’ve been there. I’ve had friends who have been there. And it’s hard to get past because, at the same time, you have people relying on you. People that want you to stay. People that say they love you.
    I was overwhelmed because the people that I wanted to love me no longer did. The people I craved love from the most made me feel like I wasn’t worth the fuss. I felt like I was a walking mess of emotions and sadness and I had lost so much Melinda. I had made a mess of so much. I was simply a lost cause- but that wasn’t the case.
    You are right, you’re not a quitter.
    And I can’t tell you when or how, but I promise you that things get better. It may take some time and suck for a while, but life has a funny way of turning around and changing when we least expect it to.
    Never give up and best wishes to you.

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    • Yes, you are right it hasn’t been an easy journey, but one of learning. Learning to love myself again, and tending to the needs that I have, basic needs. One example is just time for myself. I haven’t written in a long time and being on this site has helped me to tell what I have to say and it’s helping me so much.

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  • Asia Makeda responded to a letter in topic Magical Moments 1 years ago

    You have no idea how much your story resonates with me.
    I went through a very similar situation.
    I was in a toxic household for about 11 years, waking up every day and walking on eggshells. The gaslighting. The manipulation. The feeling of inadequacy, insecurity, never really feeling like you had a home, a purpose. Never feeling wanted or loved or treated with basic respect or decency. One day, I walked out with nothing but the clothes on my back and my phone. It was the most terrifying, boldest thing I have ever done. That was 2 years ago now.
    Maryann, choosing yourself and your peace is always the right move. It may not be easy. Some days felt so impossible even after I moved out, but I made it through. I got through the days I never thought I would make it through. I had/ have an amazing support team that I relied on, much like you were able to rely on Mikaela. What that family did for you…never take that for granted.
    That is the truest form of love, taking someone in with no gain to oneself. I know exactly how it feels to use school as an escape, to feel like you don’t want to be a burden- to feel uncomfortable everywhere.
    Now is your time to heal Maryann.
    Let yourself be loved, be catered to, be understood, and be heard.
    Never allow anyone to take that voice and dignity from you ever again.
    Best wishes

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  • Asia Makeda responded to a letter in topic Women’s Empowerment 1 years ago

    Hello Victoria,
    I just would like to say, you are so kind to write this. Allison may come across it or not, but regardless you really have impacted other people that read this that struggle with mental illness or know someone who struggles. Hearing about the suicide did affect me greatly, considering I have watched tWITCH on television for years now whether he was on Ellen, dancing, or judging other dancers.
    I love that you are an advocate for mental health! Even though you mentioned that you have no personal mental illness, just the fact that you see how mental illness has affected others’ lives and want to speak up about it or do something about it shows how kind-hearted you are.
    Also writing about Zaia is extremely beautiful as well, and mentioning how Allison’s strong example will impact her.
    This letter was truly selfless and I’m really glad that you wrote this and posted it.
    Thank you and best wishes.

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  • Asia Makeda responded to a letter in topic Poetry 1 years ago

    Hi Malak!
    This site has some amazing poets omg!
    I want to hear your thoughts as well behind this poem, but I’ll share what I felt after reading it.
    “Outmaneuver your enemies” was a very strong line because when we usually hear someone say something like that it is not in a positive light. For example, you may have heard someone say, “Get them before they get you” or something along those lines- in effect outmaneuvering them. With all that being said, that is not the energy that I drew from those lines that you wrote. I didn’t find any resentment or built-up hatred in these lines. I think by outmaneverung your enemy it literally means that you find another way to keep the peace or to avoid confrontation of some kind. You even went as far as to say to support them- “inverting foe to friend.” Also hoping those that do have built up animosity and hatred eventually let it go and better themselves.
    I absolutely love how this poem goes contrary to what a lot of people may practice, think, or feel.
    If we had more people putting love like this into the world, it would be a much better person.
    Never lose that.
    Best wishes

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    • Dear Asia,
      I’m so glad you understood that my perspective is a positive one and not a hurtful one. This poem was inspired by a contest online, but my varied experiences in war, racism, colonialism, and demeaning speech have turned me into a believer of turn the other cheek, but by helping the other understand yours through conversation. Faith is…read more

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  • Asia Makeda responded to a letter in topic Chasing Your Dreams 1 years ago

    Hi Drew!
    Already we have a lot in common because I myself am majoring in Journalism and Communications. Who you know can definitely play a huge factor in this field, at times over what you know it appears. From experience, finding jobs in this field can most definitely be a challenge, but having a support group and people in your circle that want the best for you has certainly seemed to make a difference.
    Throughout your story, I was also intrigued to see how your patience paid off. Being patient and speaking up for yourself as well really made a difference for you, so make sure you never lose those skills.
    Just based on this story alone Drew, it seems that you have a lot going for you and you’re only just beginning! Don’t stop taking chances on yourself!! Speak up and put yourself out there for other opportunities and see what happens.
    Best wishes

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  • Asia Makeda responded to a letter in topic Chasing Your Dreams 1 years ago

    Hi Larry,
    I absolutely love everything about this story. I feel like it tells so much about who you are and what imprint you want to leave on this world.
    A lot of people never take a chance on themselves because they’re afraid to fail. Just the fear of failure alone leaves the majority in a stagnant position- but you didn’t let fear lead to inactivity. You saw one way of life was about to take a change in pace and so deciding to create a new one for yourself was not only an unselfish move but also one that was worth it. I aspire to be a lot like you because I do want to take chances on myself, especially knowing that my worth ethic and prayers won’t allow me to completely “fall through the floor.”
    Have you ever watched the movie “The Greatest Showman”? I would give it a watch. It is a musical and I’m not sure if you’re into that (lol), but it reminds me so much of your story and the importance of working hard and taking chances on yourself, even when there are other people relying on you or doubting your abilities.
    I have always been taught, “Nothing beats a Failure but a Try” and you are certainly a living example of that.
    Best wishes to you.

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  • Asia Makeda responded to a letter in topic Poetry 1 years ago

    Omg, I’m so glad I was able to sense some of your inspiration throughout the poem because of the way it was so beautifully written. Not feeling trapped in your grief or stuck in time because of a situation is important to healing, and I’m glad nature and prayer were able to help you. I would love to share poetry! Continue writing and share some whenever you are able. Thank you and best wishes

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  • Continue writing and continue being true to yourself, everything else will fall into place. It can be hard to navigate things at times, but just remember your worth as a writer and as an individual!
    Best Wishes.

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  • Thank you, I’m so glad that you were able to take something away from what I said!

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  • Asia Makeda responded to a letter in topic Poetry 1 years, 1 months ago

    Hey Heidi!
    I am also a poet and reading this gave me a sense of serenity that was super refreshing. My favorite line is, “shards of penitence glint in the rain”. I would love to hear more about what inspired you to actually write this poem and what it means to you. Just from reading this, it seems like the speaker may be torn or dealing with some feelings of regret and trying to reach for peace and solace while also letting go of some of those burdens. Finally freeing herself from the expectations of others…but poetry can take on a completely different meaning depending on who reads it.
    I would love to hear what your initial thoughts were on this piece.
    Beautiful and thank you for sharing!
    <3 asia makeda

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    • Thank you so much for your thoughtful insight Asia! Yes, this poem was written during a time that I was feeling very torn. A lot of people in my life were dealing with trauma and I was feeling very overwhelmed and regretful that I wasn’t able to ease that burden for them. I tried to turn to God in prayer, but I wasn’t really sure what to pray. But…read more

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      • Omg, I’m so glad I was able to sense some of your inspiration throughout the poem because of the way it was so beautifully written. Not feeling trapped in your grief or stuck in time because of a situation is important to healing, and I’m glad nature and prayer were able to help you. I would love to share poetry! Continue writing and share some…read more

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  • Hi Jake!
    This question resonates with me in a way, and thank you so much for sharing this because I feel like a lot of people feel the same way but never voice it. It’s always good to feel like you’re an inspiration, but on the other hand, you do at times want to pick what people are inspired by.

    Here’s a fact: We can’t choose which parts of us will inspire others.
    When we put information about ourselves out in the world and begin to tell our stories, we don’t control what will impact others or what will stick to them the most.
    Another fact: As a journalist, you can write the story you want to share with the world.
    Being transparent and authentic would allow you to share with others about your condition, but that doesn’t have to be a crutch or the only story you tell.

    You’ve overcome adversity and you want to share those stories? Immerse yourself in writing THAT story. Writing those things that you’ve overcome and want to share- which includes but is not limited to cerebral palsy.
    At first glance, cerebral palsy may be the first thing others see. What will you do to make them see past that?
    We can create our own narratives! And don’t be afraid to write about “that thing” either. That is an adversity that you have had to overcome, just don’t let that be the end of your story.
    Maybe you can use that as the beginning of something beautiful.
    Lastly, always remember that we are who we feel we are at the end of the day. You are a journalist. You can be proud of that no matter what makes you different or what stories you tell. The minute you start forgetting who you are or what you stand for is the minute you lose who you are and the purpose you want to accomplish.
    Don’t hyperfocus on what makes you different or become insecure. Use whatever parts of you, even the ones you don’t like or fully understand, as a road map for other people to navigate the world through and to inspire.
    Hope something I said helps
    <3 Asia Makeda

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    • Thanks @asiamakeda for saying that it resonated with you.. YOUR ANSWER is SO PERSONAL AND POWERFUL!

      There are SO MANY GEMS FILLED WITH GOLD throughout, it took me a while to decide which ones I want to highlight!

      The pieces that I will “walk”😆 away with are:

      1. The FACT: “We Can’T control what WILL IMPACT OTHERS OR what WILL STICK TO THEM…read more

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      • Thank you, I’m so glad that you were able to take something away from what I said!

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      • Continue writing and continue being true to yourself, everything else will fall into place. It can be hard to navigate things at times, but just remember your worth as a writer and as an individual!
        Best Wishes.

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