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VOTING starts March 15th and ENDS APRIL 14th at 11:59pm ET

Our winners will be announced  April 17th

You can vote by clicking the heart below your story (make sure you refresh page to see updated vote).

If you’re a member your vote counts 5x. If you’re not a member your vote counts once and you can vote by adding your email to our newsletter.

1st place – $200 – The Unsealed judges choose winner 

Bonus Prize – $50 – Whoever has the most votes determines winner 

Thank you everyone for sharing your beautiful stories.


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  • Aligned by Seven:2023

    “New year, new me… new goals set for 2023!” The 1st goal is checked by the fact that I have enough air within my lungs to breathe.

    I am here! I make peace with the fact that 2023 is already looking up for me.

    I’ve already had my vision board mapped out and told myself that “all of 2023, i’m gonna live comfortably.” I deserve it!

    New goals set for 2023 and they all align with my purpose.

    Did so much healing over the past few years that I’ve laid a solid foundation that’s much deeper than what lies beneath the surface.

    The shedding of my tears, old habits, and fears has allowed me to align with a laser sharp focus

    as it reveals all of my inner truths… I confidently speak up for those who feel hopeless.

    Although, prior to now it felt like no one else could even hear me. Maybe because I didn’t fully yet hear myself… so to speak.

    New goals set for 2023, I am a leader amongst my own destiny…

    Mastering all that I continuously co-create. Learning more about holistic medicines to heal my ancestral lineage for goodness sake!

    I’ll continue meditating and going within…

    and promise to myself to continue flowing… not only just with the pen.
    Faith and alignment is all that I’ll really need

    because for the new goals set… the divine will make sure that I’ll continue having everything that I could ever desire, want, and need!

    Living fully within each moment, I’ll approach each day gratefully.

    I will continue to prioritize peace and balance. Allowing myself to grow and expand from more of life’s daily lessons.

    Heavy, yet gentle on the self-care towards showing up as the highest version of myself.

    Having no specific expectations… by letting it all unfold for me naturally. Praying that everything turns out even better than I could imagine it to be!

    I set out to intentionally pour into my passions of inspiring others, creating, writing and dancing joyfully.

    Also, remind myself to playfully explore many new exciting festivities. I’ll indulge in the various wonders of very tasteful vegan recipes.

    Counting my blessings as I know that not everything in life is guaranteed.

    I value to equally nurture and grow along with my loved ones. I am also open to new, yet healthy/ lasting connections because I’ve detached from most of the old ones.

    Love (unconditionally), soft yet bitterly sweet, that’s the fluent language that I sacredly speak.

    Claiming it all! Signed “Aligned by Seven: 2023”

    Hold up! Just one last thing…

    I promise myself to maximize my unlimited potential… So, here it is. 2023, the journey begins!


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    • Valencia – This is fantastic. You are definitely a strong person. This line is so real and so relatable, “Although, prior to now it felt like no one else could even hear me. Maybe because I didn’t fully yet hear myself… so to speak.”

      We definitely hear you and I know you now hear yourself. Go be the highest version of yourself. You are ins…read more

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      • Lauren, thank you so much for your kind words. 💜 It feels amazing to finally share my journey with others! Thank you for this amazing platform!!!

        I am honored and so excited for what is in store with all of us coming together here !!!

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        • I am very excited as well. And I can’t wait to meet you on one of our Unsealed Conversations shows. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. <3 Lauren

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    • Valencia my favorite line is where you said “Living fully within each moment, I’ll approach each day gratefully.” Sometimes we don’t take the time to be grateful for the things we already have even for our bodies. Whether we are grateful to have food on our table breathe air or so on and so forth. Even though we have plans for the future we stil…read more

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      • Yessss!!! Thank you Kayjah, absolutely right on point with that. It makes a great difference in how we can better show up and receive even more of those blessings in advance. I appreciate your comment 💜

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  • 2023 and Me

    I want you to breathe easier
    To not critique yourself and art into artistic paralysis
    Do not question your Intuition
    I will let you make mistakes
    Only if you can learn from them
    I will not beat you up for being human

    I will give you the grace I allow others
    I am now able to love you as you need to be loved.
    And that love will grow with each passing day

    I believe that you are worth the struggle.
    That love is just as important to receive as give.
    You will be the change you want to see in this world.
    You will rage against the dying light
    And I will love and be proud of you with every moment of this coming year.


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    • Sarah, this is so good. You give so much love and kindness to others. I hope and pray every day you give that same love and kindness to yourself. You are wonderful and amazing and I hope you are as proud of yourself as I am of you. Thank you for sharing. I hope your year is going even better than planned. Thank you for sharing your heart with the…read more

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    • It’s always good to give ourselves grace because sometimes we tend to be a little too hard on ourselves we have to understand that sometimes we don’t have the ability to do everything we want to do our way. We sometimes have to understand that we are not perfect. I love that you said that you will rage against the dying light showing that no…read more

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    • Sarah giving ourselves grace is important, especially living in a society where there aren’t many people that will give you grace. Accepting grace for yourself is important, but also accepting grace for others is even more important. We need to remind ourselves that grace is there for us. We have the power to have grace in moments where we feel l…read more

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  • mistura submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new yearWrite a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new year 1 years, 2 months ago

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    A dreamer’s promise

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  • Dawn's Arrival

    The moment before dawn.
    The longest single moment in time,
    that any one can ever experience.

    The not knowing.
    Whether night will continue,
    as it has for so long.

    Or whether,
    at any second,
    the sun could make its debut.

    Nights wind blows through your hair,
    chilling you to the bone,
    as you watch the horizon in anticipation.

    Eyes wide,
    breath slow,
    shoulders tense.

    You scream,
    “When will this night be over?”

    Your voice travels across the hills,
    dancing with the grass,
    as it sways in the wind.

    A silence follows,
    the land stills,
    and then a glimpse at the edge of your view.

    Milky blue, shifting into blushing beauty.
    A smile grows across your face.

    Teeth glaring,
    cheeks wide and creased.

    The sun’s light and promise breaks the horizon.
    Glimmering against dewy grass,
    and shimmering steadily atop pools of lone water.

    Your journey continues,
    and you carry on.


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    • Jules… this poem is a whole mood! It really sets a tone and shares your feelings. Your writing shares so much strength and intelligence. But there is also pain and struggle. Decide whatever it is you want to do in life, and just go for it. You are smart and you are strong. There is nothing in your past and there is no person that can stop you.…read more

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    • Jules this is such a powerful poem! Your journey will continue. You have so much strength and nothing should hold you back from reaching your goals, not even your past. You’ve built solid ground now it’s time to move forward and step out of your comfort zone.

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  • In The New Year

    Right now, there is snow on the ground and children sled down the big hill in the park,
    Shriek out in joyous rapture

    From the window:
    smells of rosemary, bacon sizzling in the pan, and coffee burnt but loved by all fathers who share in the exhilaration of a snowy day

    Today is filled with happiness, shared as commonly as the lone cigarette at a party,
    Passed around

    Still, and not unlike that cigarette, the day is filled with a feeling of finality
    Heavy as led

    When it is over,
    When the clock strikes for the last time, feeling more like a period than a comma
    Ball dropping in Times Square like that most final form of punctuation

    That is when I wonder:
    What will those children’s delighted screams sound like in the next year to come?

    Will the fathers hope for more wind chilled days where their young cry out to be pulled along in that red toboggan we all know so well?

    Do they wish for their children to call out to them, “please daddy, please just one more ride!” as they watch their babies grow?

    I may never know what those fathers, those proprietors of black and bitter folgers, wish for when they hear that vast and final toll of the clock tonight, marking the end of their latest sentence

    And what of the children?
    Whatever they wish must stay unknown to me, their own desires a mystery for them alone to learn

    And when it rings in at midnight, the clock will have already accomplished it’s most sacred task of the year, only wishing to do it again and again endlessly

    Comma after comma until the night when the ball drops again
    Party poppers exploding in primary colored cheer
    The clock ringing out,
    A period to end the sentence

    When the clock tolls
    period after an endless run-on
    I will hope for just one thing

    I will close my eyes
    And make a wish:

    Love without fear is what will ring in my ears like the music all around me

    When I feel myself grow angry, stubborn, or closed off
    Love without fear is what will bring me back
    this year

    I can taste that goal like candy hearts, passed out in grade-school Valentines

    When I turn on the news to see fires
    Or war
    Or violence of unspeakable measure
    Those horrible unmentionable things that make blood boil

    I will still look out my window and see love in all that’s around me

    Keep candy hearts under my tongue so even the most bitter days taste sweet

    And I will have love this year

    Love for my students
    And friends
    Love for my own mistakes
    Love for forgiveness, and the planet, and the oceans and the heavens above

    For all of it

    I will hear that bell ring, twelve booming dings
    And I will have only one shining syllable roll around on my tongue
    That word will break free from my mouth in a joyous shout

    The ecstasy of newness will overtake me then, and I will begin the hard work of loving myself,
    Of loving the things I cannot change

    I will do this so that maybe the next time there is snow on the ground,
    And the bacon,
    And the sleds
    A period ready to be placed neatly at the end of this sentence, and a clock ready to strike
    All around will be the taste of love

    Then, with candied sweetness on my breath, I will be ready with a new list of goals to accomplish
    Things far more tangible than this one thing I must do when the ball drops tonight.

    I’ll finally learn to sew, or paint, or start a garden

    I’ll tell strangers how beautiful they are, and walk more, or learn to juggle, or learn to cook

    I will bake the perfect soufflé, and learn new songs, and write the most eloquent poems

    The clock will ding
    And the ball will drop
    And people will scream out in glorious cries of “I love you!“ to anyone willing to listen

    And there will be confetti, and kisses, and rosy cheeks filled with grapes for good luck, and happiness radiating from every direction as champagne is poured, and toasts are made to good health
    And I will have beautiful new goals,

    after love all else will follow


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    • Sonora, This is so sweet. I love how descriptive and thoughtful this poem is. I love how your recognize the power of Love. Love has the power to heal, empower, connect, and inspire. Thank your for sharing your heart and your writing with us. And thank you for being a part of our unsealed family. P.S. Have you learned to sew, paint or garden yet?…read more

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    • Sonora, you will be able to live with people don’t be afraid to love. Yes sometimes you get hurt but you learn from that pain and just continue to love more. Just know whenever someone you love lets go of you. You can always gain love and affection from someone else. Never be afraid to love with your heart and don’t stay closed off.

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  • 2023 Is Around The Corner

    You stuck up on us
    Like deer in the night
    I had heard of your coming
    But still wasn’t prepared for your arrival
    At the same time,
    I’m excited you’ll be at my door soon
    There’s so much I want to tell you
    Hopefully, you won’t be overwhelmed
    by my words
    I want to tell you
    That I want to finish my book
    Travel to other places
    Continue to work on being a better writer
    And to pursue it as a career
    I also want to strengthen my relationships
    and make new ones
    2022 went by so quickly
    I’m hoping you’ll go slowly
    As long as your year is a good one
    For every human being
    and creature on earth


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    • Gerald!!! I didn’t know you were writing a book! That’s amazing. I can’t wait to read it and I can’t wait for other people to see your beautiful heart. You are such a good soul and I am so glad you are part of The Unsealed family and our paths crossed. Thank you for being you. <3 Lauren

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      • Lauren!!! Yep. Haha. I need to start working on it again. I can’t wait to finish it and am thrilled for you and others to read it. I appreciate your kind words very much, Lauren. I’m glad our paths crossed too and to be a part of The Unsealed. Thank you for your light. 🙂 Gerald

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        • Gerald!!! I absolutely can’t wait to read it. Let me know when you do it. We can promote it on the site and on our social media. You are amazing. Grateful for your friendship. <3 Lauren

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          • Will do! I’ll let you know when I finish. That sounds exciting! Thank you, Lauren. I’m grateful as well. I still can’t believe we’ve crossed paths sometimes, but I’m glad it happened. <3 Gerald

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    • Gerald, I’m glad that this year is a happy look for you. I’m sure you will be able to travel more, write more, build relationships, and finish your book. You are so passionate about writing I can’t see you not doing it. You got this! Keep fighting!

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      • Thank you, Kayjah for your touching words! Keep fighting and striving I shall. I hope 2023 is going well for you so far and that good things have come true for you.

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  • magnoliajojo submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new yearWrite a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new year 1 years, 2 months ago

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    Weeping may stay the night, but joy comes in the morning

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  • mahoganyglaze submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new yearWrite a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new year 1 years, 2 months ago

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    2023 & me

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  • This Is the Year

    This is the year I learn to breathe underwater
    When the tides threaten to overrun the shore and drag me in
    When the waves blanket me and try to swallow me whole
    Not knowing
    This year is the year I grow gills
    I grow fins to help me glide through the water
    Because the floaties I had last year popped
    And I could only hold my breath for so long
    But still- I will evolve

    This is the year I learn to fly
    When the world tries to tie me down
    When the wind makes me a kite on a string
    I’ll cut myself loose
    Turn into a paper plane and soar
    Pray the rain doesn’t try to ground me
    But still- I will endure

    This is the year I transform
    But still- my roots remain
    When my mom cries, I will hold her
    When my dad despairs, I will bring him laughter
    When my brother worries, I will bring him understanding
    However, no longer will I play the martyr
    Because this is the year I will only give what I can and not all that I am
    But still- I will love  


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    • AWW REYNA, I love this. This is such a sweet and powerful poem. I love this part: “This is the year I learn to fly
      When the world tries to tie me down
      When the wind makes me a kite on a string
      I’ll cut myself loose”
      I hope you are flying free this year and you never let anyone or anything hold you back. Keep leading with love and chasing your w…read more

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      • Thank you so much for your kind words! This year has been especially rough on my and my family which has kind of led me into playing a backseat role in my life because I’m so worried about making sure everyone around me is ok. But this year I’m planning to stay true to myself and make an effort to put my needs first when I need to.

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    • Reyna, I love the line where you said “This year is the year I grow gills
I grow fins to help me glide through the water
Because the floaties I had last year popped
And I could only hold my breath for so long” wow what a way to compare what you went through last year. You had to grow and develop in ways you didn’t expect to reach your goals. Such…read more

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      • Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed my poem! Life is all about adapting, it’s sink or swim. But that doesn’t mean we don’t need tools to help us stay afloat. I hope people take the message I meant to convey to heart and that this poem inspires them to live a life full of joy. Surviving is the minimum, happiness is the goal.

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  • consciouslybeingbrooklyn submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new yearWrite a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new year 1 years, 2 months ago

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    I love seeing you shine

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  • new

    the two holes in my face
    where my eyes used to be
    have begun to spread ––
    my remaining soul begins to leak
    and I start to smell the reek.

    what reeks I cannot have;
    what feels I do not own;
    what sings I cannot reach;
    i am not my own.

    it smells of burnt lust and old fuzz
    i start to cough but nothing evades
    there’s nothing left of me to free
    there’s nothing left of me that’s me.


    the clock turns twelve
    i have my eye drops that I no longer need;
    so the eye drops, they seem to fall asleep
    the mirror reflects no light; no life
    the shower shivers; it hates itself
    the tv flickers; a bright baby blue
    (or maybe crimson red)

    i see the Sea in the hue
    or do I see my eyes?
    (they used to be bright baby blue too)


    this dessert you feed me
    oh how it eats me;
    not I, that eats it
    –– oh no, not I ––
    –– oh no, I wouldn’t dare––
    it steals the nourishment I have
    it takes
    and takes and takes and takes
    (this Desert is trapping)
    there is wind in my soul
    and this fine slender sand makes me cough;
    but still, I try to eat it.
    it’s the only thing I have.
    (this Desert is trapping)

    you hold my life as an hourglass with slender sand.
    your white knuckles withered, strangling my glass
    (trapping my Desert)
    there is no me;
    there is no time that is mine
    (time isn’t yours, but you hold it still)
    (sight isn’t either, but you carry mine still).


    Oh look!
    The Sea sees me; and I see it too
    The lighthouse blinds me; I fall.
    The esoteric night sky that they call the Sea
    Oh how it eats me!
    It’s royal blue encases all my crevasses
    While the whales feed me to the plankton
    I am not what is not me;
    But I am just as much food, as food is me.

    Oh, but no!
    I have been eaten, but have given nothing;
    My life as a sacrifice
    Is like a lamb without meat;
    My bones are brittle,
    My heartbeat weak,
    But my diaphragm that’s ripped out,
    It is still singing!

    Oh, It starts raining!
    What a wonderful sight to see
    The rain joins the water; so the rain joins me
    Oh new life!
    Oh how bright!

    The rain seeps through, I am renewed!
    The two holes in my face have been filled by the
    Sand of the Sea
    tears of God
    And the resilience of


    I didn’t find my eyes;
    The Earth made another pair for me.

    I didn’t get my time;
    I made time get me.

    I didn’t reject the food, but ate it;
    As food will no longer eat me.


    my bones form together;
    My flesh is flesh no more;
    my skin finally breathes;
    My brain is back in place;
    my back is back up right;

    Oh what a wonderful day;
    oh what a wonderful night!

    oh how the clouds blessed me

    this new year.


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    • Aww Braya, this is super creative and interesting. And you are right, you are so blessed. Thank you for sharing this poem and thank you for being a part pf The Unsealed family.

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    • Braya, your letter is so strong and well-written. I wish I could write like this! Keep up the great work! Loved your poem it’s so deep! Amazing Job!

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  • rgomez99 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new yearWrite a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new year 1 years, 2 months ago

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    Next year

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  • From Visions to Memories!

    Dear Mikhala,

    This year, you stop getting snubbed. There were too many moments where you stood back, gave your self-expression up for the sake of community, and said “in due time”… well it is due time. When you wake up, you will be in the front of life. No more being hidden in plain sight. Let everybody go blind if it means you keep shining. You see your path, and walk it. You know what to do with your life, and you do all of it. Success comes easily to you, because you make hard work seem easy. You get in that car that you earned, all on your own, drive it to your apartment where you find peace and quiet, and it is just you and your cat Sebastian. Bali, Italy, New York… they will be so happy to see you show up this year. This year, vacation is your friend. You have a great job with great pay, and you don’t have to give up your mental health to have it. This is the year that your friends stop by with snacks and wine so good, the re-runs on TV seem extra hilarious! And maybe you will or won’t find love this time, but when you ask yourself “will I find love?” the answer won’t hurt or make you nervous anymore. It won’t hurt to even wonder if you will. You know how to take it one day at a time this year. This year, your vision board becomes a memory board.

    I love you, I will never play around when it comes to you,


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    • Mikhala, you sound like an incredibly strong, disciplined, independent and focused young woman. You have so many reasons to stand tall and feel proud. What you said about finding love is so true. Don’t think about it too much, and take life one day at a time. You have a nice circle of peace – so whoever comes into your life has to match your…read more

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      • Thank you Lauren! I appreciate that and I am happy to have this community as an outlet 🙂 my journey to love is definitely something I wrestled with the most and I appreciate your support in me sharing that <3

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    • Mikhala, yes relaxation is your friend. Sometimes we all need a breath of fresh air. We need a break from the places we always see to places we’ve never seen. I hope you get to develop this year meet new people and be happy. Enjoy every last bit of it. Enjoy your travels.

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      • Thank you Kayjah I appreciate the love and am definitely taking your advice to enjoy every last bit! <3 I'm sending you good energy as well, may we all get to experience peace and celebration 😁

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  • reivenjianna submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new yearWrite a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new year 1 years, 2 months ago

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    Like Him

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  • carmelbythesea submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new yearWrite a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new year 1 years, 2 months ago

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  • I Will Be Free Soon

    Dear Chaos,

    I am no longer an anxious, cooped-up vessel,
    Trapped inside the mind of my own —
    Rather inside the mind of what resembles a stranger’s.

    Heal, don’t hustle.
    Flow, don’t force.
    Ground, don’t grind.

    Seasons have passed;
    My body is safe now.

    Breaking free of my once worst thoughts,
    Setting me loose to feel and not fight.
    I am receiving all of what makes me, me.

    I am no longer doing, I am being.
    I am no longer chasing, I am attracting.
    I am no longer anxious, I am secure.

    I am safe in this body and in this brain.



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    • Nicole this is so good. I love how you wrote from Chaos to Calm. I could relate so much to this poem – as I too am often trying to find the calm when I feel the chaos. This is so well done and I truly hope you do feel free and relaxed and let go of any angst. Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem and for being a part of our family. <3 Lauren

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    • Nicole, in glad you were able to free yourself from chaos and become calm in your own body and feel comfortable. I’m sure it was hard to face those challenges of feeling anxious all the time and overthinking. I also had those feelings too. But you’ve made it out and found a way to feel comfortable again. Proud of you!

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  • spikeyda submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new yearWrite a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new year 1 years, 2 months ago

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    I need $15,000 to get through 2023..

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  • marysaesthetic submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new yearWrite a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new year 1 years, 2 months ago

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    My Goals for 2023: Atomic Habits

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  • d444fne submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new yearWrite a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new year 1 years, 2 months ago

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    Right Here, Right Now

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  • jazmynjanet submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new yearWrite a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new year 1 years, 2 months ago

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