  • vickitrusselliart submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months, 2 weeks ago


    Dear Unsealed,

    Why do i love myself begins with why do I need to accept myself as the first step in why we are all here as human beings on Earth.

    Growing up in a patriarchal society there were many times I hated myself. I grew up fast and looked like a woman at 11 years old. So, let us see that it was then 1961.

    Now I am 74 years old and not sure if I would go so far to say I love myself, but I do like myself. So, I will engage in why I am my own best friend. I am learning to love myself.

    The spirit of learning to accept oneself as themselves is tricky. As human beings we are always comparing ourselves to other people. We want their body shape, or their wardrobe or face and body characteristics. The first process in learning to accept oneself is to not compare oneself to another human. We are all unique in body form, speech, clothes style, food tastes and how our brains reflect upon everyday activities and our personality styles.

    I like myself because I like my DNA of worldly all over the globe style. I like myself because I do not live in a boxy world of thinking. I live outside the box. I like myself because I love to wear boho flower child clothes as well as my décor must be boho. I like myself because I have a well-rounded education in different professions. I am a multi-tasker. I love music, art, writing, movies, computers, photography, and life.

    I have learned to accept my empathic abilities. This was not an overnight decision, due to being an empath with high sensitivity is seen as a weakness by bullies and other controlling personalities. I love my vivid dreams that I have nightly. I dream of faraway places, new people, and environments. That is strange to many people. It is a gift from my ancestors. I love that gift that was passed down from ancestors and the Universe. I sometimes see spirits and I also have learned to relish this gift.

    I love my crazy curly long hair. I just love to try new color gels on my hair. To some people it is a crazy thing to do. To me it has been normal since I was a teenager. To others it is a shame I do not act my age. Since I was told that as a young teenager, I figured out what they meant to say is do not do anything that irritates them. If we as one human being listened to every negative comment mentioned to us, we would sit in a corner just staring at nothing because that is where the haters and narcissists want everyone to be that does not think like them. However, I focus on positive critique not negative opinions. I like myself because of faith and concentration on healing and light.

    I love to talk about healing, love, and light to everyone. I was told by a person who scolded me for loving the light and healing, “Oh you always want to love everyone. You will soon learn not to do that.” I did not listen to that remark. I remember that remark but considered it to be nothing.

    I love myself now as I think about my resilience to bounce out of depression and illness. At 74 years old I survived long Covid and major surgery and almost dying. My philosophy of love, light, healing, and peace was expanded after the illness into another realm of living with empathic gifts.

    If we as human beings learn to have a good relationship with each other instead of forcing others to walk and talk like the hater, then humanity would be at peace not war. However, that is a fairytale of sorts that we as empaths and healers must take with a grain of salt.

    I have also learned that the more one listens to haters the more one will hate themselves just as much as the haters hate themselves. So, now I love myself as I complete this letter to explain why I love myself. I cannot be anyone else nor can anyone else be me.

    I believe learning to love oneself can be difficult especially if one is depressed. I have a wonderful therapist who gets me.

    May we as a human being species learn to love one another as we are unique, eccentric individuals who were created by the Universe to live and breathe on Earth.

    I remember a song I used to sing to myself in the 70s as I marched for equal rights, “I am Woman, Watch me Roar.”


    Vicki Lawana Trusselli

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • I love how you expressed that the joy you bring yourself did not come overnight; it took a lot of time to grow these seeds and get to where you are and I love how you took us on a journey with this piece! I also love the way you dissected our social systems and analyzed how our love gets lost in the beliefs others set up for us. We should get to love ourselves for exactly who we are and this poem is a lovely reminder of that 🙂 thank you for sharing!

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    • There are so many important messages in this piece!! I love this line, “I have also learned that the more one listens to haters the more one will hate themselves just as much as the haters hate themselves. ”

      It is so true. I always, “Haters gonna hate.” I am grateful your kind, sweet empathetic soul, and I am so glad you are too. Keep giving love and light to the world. You are wonderful. <3 Lauren

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