

  • briellesgarden submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about the change you want to see in the worldWrite a poem about the change you want to see in the world 12 months ago

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    They Don’t Want Us to Heal Ourselves

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  • Toxic Masculinity

    I felt unsafe the other day as I was getting to know someone new
    He demanded to know my body count and said the number determined my value

    In the same breath he stated that he his intentions were to sleep with me… but hadn’t he just made it clear that me doing so would lessen me?

    The definition of audacity.
    I chuckled internally at the absurdity…
    I think he really thought things were going his way
    That is to say, he was blinded by his conceit
    His lack of self-awareness was elite.

    He never even asked if the attraction was mutual
    as if I didn’t have a choice, or as if hearing no was unusual.

    If that wasn’t shocking enough, he added insult to injury
    When I asked if he ever hit a woman and he said I only slapped her a bit you see
    I believe he had some excuse for it, but to be honest, I was in disbelief

    When did being woman begin to mean that we are simply objects, tools, or things.
    My Spidey senses were tingling, and I knew I had to disengage
    my survival senses were on overdrive as I attempted to get away

    And As he was spewing his hateful rhetoric aggressively, I had already shut down mentally.
    I smiled politely and said okay
    I guess he thought I’d have more to say

    His disappointment with my lack of quarrel was evident.
    But I’m not the type to get dragged into squabbles with an irrelevant regurgitating unintelligence.

    No sudden movements back away slowly and remember if cornered scream.
    But All those precautions followed to a T
    still can’t always protect a woman from toxic masculinity.

    Women around the world face this daily
    Some get a chance to survive but a lot aren’t so lucky.
    I wish for a place where my sex is valued as much as any mans
    and a I don’t have to feel afraid because of an appendage I lack

    I just want my daughter to know
    That I helped create a world safe for her to grow
    That she won’t be attacked because she’s a she
    Or expected to fill a role
    that she doesn’t want to be

    I wish for her to grow up in a world without toxic masculinity


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    • Wow. This speaks volumes. Your poem is so powerful with meaning. I wish for a world where women are valued like men and respected. Thank you so much for sharing.

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    • Char!!!! This is so good. I am so sorry you encountered such a jerk. He is also clearly a moron. But this is so well written, and you make so many valid points. I am glad you disengaged and stood your ground. Your strength and reaction hopefully encourage him to reevaluate himself. But a world without toxic masculinity would be so much safer and…read more

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  • Where Darkness is No More

    In shadows deep where darkness danced,
    A world embroiled, entranced,
    A tapestry woven with crimson threads,
    Of crimes committed and fears widespread.

    But winds of change now sweep the land,
    A shifting tide, a humble demand,
    For crimes and violence to be no more,
    A longing for peace at the heart’s core.

    Once rampant streets, now touched by light,
    A dawn breaking, banishing the night,
    The echoes fade of sirens’ wail,
    As hope emerges, a mighty sail.

    Gone are the days of reckless feud,
    Where anger and hatred tightly brewed,
    In its place, compassion blooms anew,
    Love’s gentle touch, a vibrant hue.

    The ripples of change, a gentle cascade,
    Across every city and peaceful glade,
    A chorus rising, voices entwined,
    Declaring unity, leaving none behind.

    Communities united, hand in hand,
    Building bridges, a harmonious band,
    Empathy reigns, healing the soul,
    As empathy’s power takes its toll.

    No longer confined by walls of fear,
    Where shadows whispered, danger near,
    A future bright, where children play,
    With dreams unburdened, each passing day.

    Oh, let this poem be a testament,
    To the strength within us, resolute and bent,
    To shape a world where crimes decrease,
    And violence transforms, finds its release.

    May compassion guide our every stride,
    As we rewrite the story, side by side,
    For in our hearts, the power lies,
    To herald change, where love defies.

    So let us join, hearts intertwined,
    A tapestry stitched, beautifully designed,
    Where crimes and violence cease to be,
    And a world of peace becomes reality.

    Ravien Burns

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    • To live in a world fearlessly and freely. Without having to worry about anything. That sounds like a dream. Thank you so much for sharing such a lovely poem. <3

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    • Ravien! This is so good. Peace and nonviolence sound so nice. This is so well written. And makes so many wonderful points. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being a part of our fam! <3 Lauren

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  • downtownswingin submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about the change you want to see in the worldWrite a poem about the change you want to see in the world 12 months ago

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    Paging empathy…

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  • Be The Change.

    Kindness has been hidden, everyone is so guilt ridden and full of fear. Believe in your neighbors. Reach out to someone that is struggling.Check on your friends daily. Be the example of love. In my bubble, I feel that judgement is far too common, jealousy is a curse and that negativity is contagious. Greed and power are handed out to those who abuse their privileges loudly. I would love to see a world where you are safe to speak out about your insecurity and weakness instead of the movie and make believe kind of violence and drama each day. Encourage those who are confused and help them find their way back to their truth. Help the less fortunate, but do not make it a dependable process. TEACH instead of preach. Understand that success is not measured by wealth, but by soul. The change starts with our hearts. I would love to see more education and encourage self sufficiency in learning, not just brain skills. It is true, most of us with a college education have spent thousands only to feel lost at the very end. Partner violence is huge, yet there are not enough resources to help those post abuse. I am trying to change that. Beautiful hearts are overwhelmed and overlooked often. A good deed is taken wrong or mistaken for greed. It is run by fear. The news, is never good news anymore. It only focuses on the darker parts of life. Let’s tell the world of the heros and the dreamers. The good deeds and the pure hearts. Instead of selling the darkness that feeds the depressed. I dream of communication and community instead of corruption and conspiracy.
    Reach out a hand to another need. Support and listen to another’s dream. If you can help encourage anyone do that. Be a stepping stone to build another up. Not step on their heart. Believe that change is possible. Believe that we can all be the change. I’d love to see no more wars or fighting. No crime or hate. Maybe just maybe if we took a step back and opened our inner hearts we could understand better.
    Fundraise to make a change for what you believe in. Speak your truth proudly without shame or blame. Believe that each of us are capable to bring about a better world in our own special ways. We can all be the change.

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    • Aww what I love so much about this is everything you say you want to see, you actually do. YOU are an example of Love. YOU encourage others. YOU help the less fortunate. YOU teach instead of preach. You truly are the change you want to see in the world, and for that, you should be so proud. I admire you so very much. Thank you for sharing. <3Lauren

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  • A Kind Heart

    Day in and day out our world seems to fall darker.
    Visible thunderstorms of animosity, hatred, division and war.
    They brew quickly, blow rapidly, covering the surfaces of hope I became so accustomed to.
    While the loudness of anger rumbles through the wind, we point fingers and scoff declarations of who is in the wrong.
    Who deserves just punishment and isolation for past sins and moments of weakness.
    Our fears and anxieties shoot up from the ground like poison roots attempting to choke out the seed of light embedded in us.
    Afraid to show a true glimpse of ourselves, to display our authentic ways or more simply even, kindness.
    Yet somehow we all dream that a random act from a stranger or friend might spur our hope .
    Comforting us, a reminder that gentle compassion still exists.
    When in fact, each and every day we have that ability within ourselves, to be there for someone else the way we hope they can be for us.
    One small act, one show of support, one day spent serving another, acting out of a mindset that bears no judgment.
    A change in reality within our own reach.
    How can something so simple spur a ripple?
    I’ve heard the way myself.
    “You are rare, there is something different in you, when you are in your element you are magnetic.”
    While these words are not the change themselves, where they stem from is.
    Kindness and compassion have blossomed in my heart in a way I continue to cultivate.
    To fight against the desire our world has to segregate.
    For when the storm calms and the gray clouds dissipate, the light of truth cuts straight through you and I.
    Our humanness reveals itself and it is magnified that we all bleed the same.
    We have all cried tears of joy at the announcement of good news, felt bitter anger towards someone who wronged us.
    Laughed until our sides ached and breath left our lungs.
    We have all loved and hurt as humans do, so why should we expect perfection from equally imperfect people?
    Yes, it is genuine connection, kindness and an open mind that I will use to change the world.
    Truly, what else could drown out the poison roots than an overflow, a flood of hope bringing tall trees that offer a newfound shade of comfort and safety.

    Ashley Fisher

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    • Ashley, I so agree with you kindness and compassion are so powerful, and you sound like a beautiful person, giving love and light to the world. Thank you for being you, and thank you for sharing your story. I know just by being you, you are changing the world and creating that ripple effect. <3 Lauren

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  • Grow in kindness, heal with compassion

    To whoever may read this,

    Have you ever given much thought about plants and how they grow? I have. When I was younger I would sit myself in front of our houseplants captivated by them, observing every minuscule change that had occurred since the last time I’d sat with them. Noticing a plant that looked sickly, dotted with many brown specks and withering away I called it to my grandma’s attention. “Breathe on it,” my grandma told me. “But why” I asked. It’s good for the plants, she responded. So I sat there breathing on that plant trying to revive it with the magic power of my warm breath. I didn’t know the science behind it at the time just naively believed my breath could heal this dying plant which had once provided a pop of color in our home and had created a sense of joy in my heart.

    Another time I sat in front of a sickly plant and exclaimed “Mom this plant isn’t doing well.”

    “Pick the brown dry pieces off,” my mom told me.

    “What is that going to do mom,” I questioned.

    My mom explained to me how when a plant is not doing well the strong, healthy plants concentrate the water towards the part of the plant that is not healthy to help restore it. I though that was so beautiful. Over the years I have thought about this intricacy of how plants are designed and I’ve thought deeply about our society. During the height of the pandemic I would think about how our society was responding to the collective trauma. Divisiveness ensued and different camps were formed. Meanwhile people were hurting and afraid. I think about how I write this in the month of May which is Mental Health Awareness month and also how I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety in that very month. There are a lot of hurting people out there and they need our help. See we may not be able to serve everyone. But we can each concentrate our efforts, our kindness, our love, and our prayers on those we encounter frequently. I believe that healed people can heal people. We must be like plants reaching out to hurting people and breathing life into them. In the Catholic Church there is a saint that said “Christ has no body now but yours. No hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes with which He looks compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which He walks to do good. Yours are the hands through which He blesses all the world (St. Teresa of Availa).” We can all make a difference. And I think all of us making a difference where we have been planted, lending a helping hand to those we encounter everyday can create a chain reaction. And that chain reaction can change the world.

    As my closing remarks I want to share an anecdote that has struck me many times. The author G.K. Chesterton once entered a writing contest which asked the participants to answer the question “what’s wrong with the world today?” G.K. Chesterton wrote “I am,” and sent it in. While there is some truth in that, I know that we also can be the change that we want to see. Each moment that we live is a grace—as it’s a moment where we can grow in kindness. Each person we meet has dignity, worth, value, and their own unique story—we can come to know them intimately. Each breath we breathe is a gift and we can use it to breathe life into others. Each word on our lips should seek to heal with compassion–because with our words we can reawaken someones weary soul.

    We can learn something from the very design of plants. Through them we learn what is necessary to grow, and what is needed to heal.

    Hannah G.

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    • Hannah, I love this line and analogy: “We must be like plants reaching out to hurting people and breathing life into them.” This piece is so sweet and so beautiful, and you are right we need to reach out to help heal the parts of people in our society that are hurting. Your heart is so sweet, and I think this piece really portrays your…read more

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  • nickinance submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about the change you want to see in the worldWrite a poem about the change you want to see in the world 1 years ago

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    Insidious Shame's Retreat

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  • lizardthewizard777 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your lifeWrite a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your life 1 years ago

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    I Fundraise for Kids

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  • lizardthewizard777 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about the change you want to see in the worldWrite a poem about the change you want to see in the world 1 years ago

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    Playing the Game

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  • teewilley submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about the change you want to see in the worldWrite a poem about the change you want to see in the world 1 years ago

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  • cttw93gmail-com submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about the change you want to see in the worldWrite a poem about the change you want to see in the world 1 years ago

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    What change do you want to see in the world?

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  • To The Stranger At Target Who Saw Me

    Dear stranger,

    To the kind lady at Target who bent down to tie my shoe because you understood too, how hard Motherhood is. You saw me balancing a baby on one hip, all while trying to checkout and make sure my autistic two year old didn’t take off in the opposite direction ( as he so often does.)

    You didn’t watch me struggle and pass me by, you didn’t ask if I needed help, you just gave it. Humbling yourself enough in front of all those people to reach down and tie my shoe. What’s ironic though, is that it humbled me. It sent me to the car in tears reminded that there are kind and authentic and genuine people in this world still.

    What you saw was an exhausted and struggling Mother trying her best.
    But what you didn’t see was how alone and isolated I feel most days. You didn’t see how forgotten about I so often feel in this journey of Motherhood. You couldn’t see that I was healing from childhood trauma and picking up the pieces of a little girl that never had an example of what a nurturing, protective and kind Mother looks like; and yet is trying desperately to be one herself.

    You didn’t see any of those things, and yet you didn’t have to. When you bent down to tie my shoe you saw ME. You reached the part of me that has felt so dang invisible, misunderstood and forgotten about. In that small moment you SAW me, you understood and you just knew that was what I needed.

    Maybe it was because you yourself were a mother and you had been there yourself before, or maybe you heard the still, small voice from God Himself whisper in your heart. Who knows, but in that moment, on the cold Target floors, under the fluorescent lights and many confused,judgmental stares, You did way more than tie my shoe, you validated me as a person, as a woman, as a mother. You made me feel seen and worth noticing and that my efforts aren’t in vain. You saw the struggle and weren’t another face in the crowd to just walk by.

    So if you ever read this, please know you did so much more than tie my shoe that day.

    Thank you.

    Mikaela Patterson

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    • 🥹 Woah. How I can relate. Your words describe such a beautiful interaction. They bring a silent heartwarming acknowledgement among all young mothers just trying to raise their beautiful babies the best way that they know how. Thank you for this letter ❤️

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    • Mikaela, This line is so powerful. “You couldn’t see that I was healing from childhood trauma and picking up the pieces of a little girl that never had an example of what a nurturing, protective and kind Mother looks like; and yet is trying desperately to be one herself.”

      I am sure you are doing an incredible job as a mother, and your kids are s…read more

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  • Family Mold

    Daddy taught me about greed and lust
    Mommy taught me about broken trust
    Sister taught me about angry hearts
    Brother taught me about leaving marks
    Friends taught me no one stays
    Exes taught me to learn my place
    Society taught me to waste the years
    The world taught me about doubts and fears
    How do we learn to grow and live
    When we havent learned how to forgive
    Don’t let the world turn you cold
    We have to learn to break the mold

    Nichole Gokie

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    • WOW! BEAUTIFUL. ❤️ This touched my heart. Thank you for sharing such beautiful words. Keep on writing you are amazing. These words will bring about a beautiful change for many. Thank you

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    • WOW! This is incredibly powerful. You make your points so succinctly and yet so poetically. Breaking the mold takes so much courage and strength but it sounds like you are well on your way. You are so aware of your surroundings and your desire to be different is very inspiring. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed…read more

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  • daniellas-empress submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your lifeWrite a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your life 1 years ago

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    Mi Amor

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  • daniellas-empress submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about the change you want to see in the worldWrite a poem about the change you want to see in the world 1 years ago

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  • punctiliouspiper submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about the change you want to see in the worldWrite a poem about the change you want to see in the world 1 years ago

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    Orange, Yellow, Green, & Purple

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  • th_mbz submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about the change you want to see in the worldWrite a poem about the change you want to see in the world 1 years ago

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    Don’t Rush It

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  • mrthrowd43 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about the change you want to see in the worldWrite a poem about the change you want to see in the world 1 years ago

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    The Village

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  • Part of My Story

    Dear Stranger,

    While I never knew your name, I always felt I knew you. I always felt like there was something you had to teach me. I think of our encounters fondly and often. You see when I moved into my apartment I wanted a sense of community. I wanted to know my neighbors, in typical New York fashion they didn’t seem to want to know me. That is until I ran into you.

    I would see you in the courtyard and quickly walk past, having been jaded and used to this as a routine with other passing by neighbors. Yet you were different. You would smile and I would smile back.

    I would often see you in the early morning when I was leaving for work, it was always just us in the courtyard. I had begun to think you were a figment of my imagination, a spirit of some sort that only I could see. Sometimes my imagination goes a little wild. I pictured that you were someone here to guide me, teach me, tell me something. Maybe you had lived in the apartment and tended to this garden years before and now in your afterlife continue to do so. Or was this farmland at some point where you raised horses and chickens? That was until I saw you conversing with another neighbor of ours. One who gave me a tip on parallel parking that at the time I was very insulted by him giving me. Now I must admit I use it and think of him nearly every time I parallel park. So either we were collectively experiencing your ghost or you were real. Wait, was he a ghost too?

    One of the first times we actually spoke was a beautiful spring morning. I saw you looking up at the sky. I was curious but said nothing. You stopped me; “I just love looking up through the trees, the way the sun moves through the branches is just beautiful.” I stopped and looked up with you, briefly, and moved about my day.

    We had a few interactions after this one. You would comment on the beautiful weather or the way the moon lights up the sky. You would hold the door for me as I walked in from work. I once helped carry some cases of water. You, me and, parking guy would stand on the stoop and talk about how packages were being taken again. Neighborly things.

    From you I learned to stop, to slow down. To look around at nature. There is so much beauty surrounding us and in so many different ways. I often stop and look up through the trees. You really do get a different perspective. The moon does light the sky so beautifully, and in a different way in each phase. This spring I noticed the first flowers peeking up from the grass, long before I ever would have years ago. I saw them grow over the weeks, something I never have seen but has always been in front of me.

    From you I learned that what you’re looking for will find you if you just remain open. The community I wanted and relationships I was seeking was there all along. I had closed myself off and missed opportunities to interact with you because I had been rejected by others. I imagine you have been rejected so many times before, even by me. You taught me to be the person you want to meet.
    We never even exchanged names yet you’ve impacted my life so profoundly. It makes me think about every interaction I have. How you are a part of stories you don’t even realize you are. Over the years of living there we may have exchanged 100 words. Yet in those interactions and 100 words I have learned so much. You have completely changed the way in which I view the world around me.

    This morning I stopped and looked up through the tree. The cherry blossoms are starting to fall, the branches some bare and some donned with the prettiest pink flowers, illuminated by the sunlight. I stood there thinking there’s some type of metaphor here about the balance between death and life or quality vs quantity. Or maybe that’s just my imagination trying to work again. Either way it made me smile. As the sunlight came through the branches and warmed my face the thought of you and our interactions warmed my heart.

    Sincerely and warmly,

    A Grateful Former Neighbor

    Crystal Mulligan

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    • Crystal, as a former/native New Yorker I believe you are one of the few who have learned to slow down in New York instead of speed up. But you are right, it is so important. I used to rollerblade to Central park and go to that area that looks over the central park boathouse and nearby fountain. For 20 minutes or so, I would stand there on my…read more

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