

  • Family Mold

    Daddy taught me about greed and lust
    Mommy taught me about broken trust
    Sister taught me about angry hearts
    Brother taught me about leaving marks
    Friends taught me no one stays
    Exes taught me to learn my place
    Society taught me to waste the years
    The world taught me about doubts and fears
    How do we learn to grow and live
    When we havent learned how to forgive
    Don’t let the world turn you cold
    We have to learn to break the mold

    Nichole Gokie

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    • WOW! BEAUTIFUL. ❤️ This touched my heart. Thank you for sharing such beautiful words. Keep on writing you are amazing. These words will bring about a beautiful change for many. Thank you

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    • WOW! This is incredibly powerful. You make your points so succinctly and yet so poetically. Breaking the mold takes so much courage and strength but it sounds like you are well on your way. You are so aware of your surroundings and your desire to be different is very inspiring. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed…read more

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  • Dear 30th Birthday

    In thirty more years you will be telling stories about your thirties
    In thirty more years you will be life’s muse; an inspiration to others
    In thirty more years you will be so full of life that death won’t scare you
    Get the tattoos and move to the places you’ve dreamed of
    Fall in love and be a mess
    You don’t have to have it all together
    Don’t be fretting about the thirties while in your thirties
    Live in the present
    That’s this years gift

    Nichole Gokie

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    • Nichole this piece is short but so sweet. I love the idea of letting yourself live life in a way that’s messy and free. Enjoying the moment can we so hard but it is really so important. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being a part of our family! <3 Lauren

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