

  • Well, it was a lot longer, but I hope that if someone else with this disease find it, they’ll relate to what I’ve written. It’s been a real honor to be able to help craft the messaging that’s on out on ListenToYourEyes on FB, as well as on their site. Thanks for your support.

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  • Hi Lauren, I love this site! It’s great to see long form writing in a time when writing has grown more condensed. I’m excited to read everyone’s thoughts, as we all get back to wordsmithing.

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    • Aww thank you so much. I spoke to both Shelley’s sister and George’s wife. What is the best way to pass along their contact info? Shelley’s sister is very much looking forward to hearing from you. <33 Lauren

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  • FYI, I will see about making copies. I’d like to find out the status of her first born son, and see if I can get copies to him. I haven’t been successful reaching her mother yet. I know she had sisters, but I can’t remember their names. Anyway, I just wanted them all to know, I remember Shelley when she was full of the promise of life.

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  • And sorry for all the typos! I should probably write it elsewhere, run it through a wordcheck and then copy and paste it! Anyway, many thanks for your support and kind words!

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  • Hi Lauren, I was glad to find his letter here. I found it via a website that mentioned him and his mother. It’s been a gutwrenching week for me, finding out what happened to Shelley, and then the unfolding tragedy of her sons. I understand that their father is living with CTE, so the tragedy really was all-encompassing.
    George III sounded like a beautiful man. Everyone did their best to write a beautiful obituary for their mother. She was as the obituary says, she was a gentle soul, a poet, a very creative person. I’m gutted that she was attacked, and went through that brutality and violence. That she developed paranoid schizophrenia, and lived an impoverished life, coupled with substance abuse is overwhelming to know. Their lives -George, Josh, and Shelley’s were uncommonly hard.
    I’m very sorry for your loss of a supportive friend. I think this community is great, and I hope that I can be of support of your efforts and everyone here.

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    • And sorry for all the typos! I should probably write it elsewhere, run it through a wordcheck and then copy and paste it! Anyway, many thanks for your support and kind words!

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  • Hi, Yes, those are two pictures of Shelley (Michelle). One is when she’s probably around 12, which is when we met. The other was taken when she was around 15 or 16, and she was living in Los Angeles. I’d love to send these to her grand daughter. What a terribly painful loss this all was for her.

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    • FYI, I will see about making copies. I’d like to find out the status of her first born son, and see if I can get copies to him. I haven’t been successful reaching her mother yet. I know she had sisters, but I can’t remember their names. Anyway, I just wanted them all to know, I remember Shelley when she was full of the promise of life.

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    • I reached out to George’s daughter’s mom and told her about you. I will keep you posted. I don’t know her well but I had sent her my interview with George so she has it for her daughter whenever he is ready to listen. George and Josh loved their mom. From my understanding, the loss of their mom was the catalyst to Josh’s struggles in the latter…read more

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  • What a loving remembrance. What a great gift of empathy she left for you. Talking to others when they are down, an innate sense of when someone just needs a kind word. Such a gift. It’s your way of honoring her everyday.

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  • Dear Jamie, I’m so sorry for your loss, but grateful that you remember that through her battle with cancer, she was not only courageous, but had a wonderful smile, sense of humor and a positive attitude. I am glad that you celebrate her life with this in mind. Going forward, it’s what we all should do. Thank you so much for sharing.

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    • Kanani, Thank you for taking time to read my letter and respond. I appreciate your kind words. All life events have value and for me it was important to share this with our community because if my story helps even one person by making them think then it’s totally worthy. Perspective is such a great tool to have. Thank you again!

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  • Condolences on the loss of your sister. Lupus is a terrible chronic disease, and I too have seen it both limit, then take the lives of those who have it. I wish you all the best as you remember her, and also with managing your own health concerns as well.

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  • So sorry for your loss. What a beautiful letter. I’m glad you all have that necklace to wear and feel closer. Best wishes in the days and months ahead.

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  • Kanani shared a letter in the Group logo of Health, Wellness and Chronic ConditionsHealth, Wellness and Chronic Conditions group 1 years, 5 months ago

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    Living with Thyroid Eye Disease: Becoming an advocate

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  • Dear Hannah,
    Hello. I’m new here too.
    I just wanted to say how nice it is that you have this loving relationship with your sister. It sounds like the two of you support one another, and it must be nice to have a reliable touchstone like her. Also, congratulations on finishing your Master’s degree and getting the job of your dreams!

    Your story of bullying really touched me. I understand what it feels like to be singled out. My tendency is to self isolate, even though I am very sociable. Depression does that to me, to the point where often I feel like I’m standing on the periphery of a circle looking in. It is tiring to feel that way, and I hope you find writing eases that feeling of separation, and leads you to connecting to others.
    Give a pat on the tummy from for George and Riggs.
    Best, Kanani

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  • Kanani shared a letter in the Group logo of Introductions, Icebreakers and PromptsIntroductions, Icebreakers and Prompts group 1 years, 5 months ago

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    It's nice to meet you

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  • Kanani shared a letter in the Group logo of Remembering those we lost/GriefRemembering those we lost/Grief group 1 years, 5 months ago

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    I called her Shelley

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