

  • @kanani are those both pictures of Michelle? The smaller once looks EXACTLY like George. They are identical. George’s daughter also looks just like Georige. I have his daughter’s mother’s contact information somewhere. I am sure she’d love to have this one day.

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    • Hi, Yes, those are two pictures of Shelley (Michelle). One is when she’s probably around 12, which is when we met. The other was taken when she was around 15 or 16, and she was living in Los Angeles. I’d love to send these to her grand daughter. What a terribly painful loss this all was for her.

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      • FYI, I will see about making copies. I’d like to find out the status of her first born son, and see if I can get copies to him. I haven’t been successful reaching her mother yet. I know she had sisters, but I can’t remember their names. Anyway, I just wanted them all to know, I remember Shelley when she was full of the promise of life.

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      • I reached out to George’s daughter’s mom and told her about you. I will keep you posted. I don’t know her well but I had sent her my interview with George so she has it for her daughter whenever he is ready to listen. George and Josh loved their mom. From my understanding, the loss of their mom was the catalyst to Josh’s struggles in the latter…read more

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