
cmitmamomono's Letters

Driving and diving

Miles and miles.
Footwork and footwork.
Hello and hello.
You stop where you can to hang a missing person’s poster.
You notice the berries are a brighter red.
You hear spiritually.
You know sacredness is not seen but felt.
She was found dead. Stabbed over and over again, slowly bleeding out her last breath-her last body movement o…read more

Black holes

These days,
black holes of dark are in my face
but somehow the sunlight still flickers through to remind me
that there is life and purpose here still.
The geese fly north instead of south because spring is whispering:
the celebration of blossoms and babies to be birthed.
And while I want to fall into all the black holes in front of my face…read more

Christina Mitma Momono

Shimmer and Shine

Pure determination and new promises packed along with
her black t-shirt that boldly said, “Laugh More, Bitch Less.”
She was grit, she was fierce.
She wasn’t afraid to travel in an RV with her new boyfriend,
landing in Montana mountains as a young black beautiful woman -hiking on flat trails where chokecherries partied near creeks , deali…read more


a little toddler dabbles her toes in the Oregon coast waters, giggling and running from near her mamas.
her Portland cousins play near here with Auntie creating castles, jungles and rivers that flow the waves of the ocean waves and ecovillages below – the land, the sand interconnected to the depths of deepness below.
the sunbursts softly touch…read more

For Our Souls are bigger than the temporary

Fumbling teaches you a life lesson, two, or six hundred thousand times.
Sometimes life is a lab puppy who stays a puppy for life tearing up or peeing on your shoes.
We must laugh sometimes at how we strive to be perfect when we are so far away from that term, far away like clear transparent turquoise water hidden in the northern Idaho…read more

Voting ends on July 31, 2024 12:00am

Pathways in Generosity

We live in the present through connection and pathways of our bodies.
The sustainability it seeks and provides simultaneously equal magical miracles: us, and me.
Our bodies as an earth, the roots spreading below the ground, growing into strong Sequoias listening.
Our bodies are water flowing, splashing love over walls and edges created without…read more

Queen, Bring Your Wand. Make Wonders.

Dear Queen,

I know now you are struggling. Life has been kind but also it there have been furious storms recently. I know even as I use the word Queen you are unsure that you should accept this word yet your head bobs up like a kid swimming in the summer lake with full life jacket regalia on- you are not giving up, you are floating and trying to…read more

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