

  • aoking submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    Dear Self,

    It’s been hard,
    such is true and certainly
    nothing new.
    it all, we get complimented
    for being strong, resilient
    fighting the struggle
    and remaining resistant
    As a “Strong Black Woman”
    who’s had enough of it
    Well, I love you
    for your ferocious grip
    on peace and play
    Your insistence on
    Loving the tiniest things
    of the day like
    breakfast outside with
    S’mores and a chance to
    cosplay, everything whimsical
    Mermaids and mushroom
    circles. Rest. Feast. Taking
    time to cook, and eat
    For fighting to keep
    the inner child alive, intentional
    Happy and contentment
    that strives to seek out
    the pleasures
    Money can’t buy
    A joy well nourished and kempt
    cannot be made to die.
    I love your artistic
    spirit and inquisitive mind,
    Your thirst for knowledge
    and insatiable curiosity
    Determined to live and witness
    so much of what you studied
    and turn concepts into reality
    Your ability to make lush
    pieces out of simple moments
    and resistance to simpleness
    Shameless cringe,
    proudly extravagant
    (even though you
    need to overthink less)
    Realism and universal
    self acceptance
    And allowing yourself to love,
    be loved, believe in better
    and shed bitterness
    Casting a thorough, positive attentiveness
    on the people around you.
    Keep growing
    Keep doing
    Keep learning
    Keep living
    And I’ll reinvent
    my thank you

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    • Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, When I read this line I smiled: “proudly extravagant
      (even though you
      need to overthink less)

      I am the EXACT same way – proudly extravagant but need to not overthink things.

      It sounds like you know your power and beautiful and it’s not for anyone else to claim or demand… its for you to enjoy and flourish.…read more

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  • hgray624 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    Dear Self;

    You remind me of a rainbow, shining bright and beautiful after a storm. How light can be found in even the darkest of times. Storms may blow through, causing mass destruction, yet there you are colored with glee. Despite it all, you never fail to shine. Each stripe painted of your rainbow projects the creativity held deep within. Much like a chameleon, you never fail to embrace your surroundings. Casting a positive light in the midst of chaos. Such a simple, magical, being you are. Sunsets, starry nights, the smell of morning dew in the beginning of spring, they all remind me of you. However, you too remind me of a cold dark winter day. Somber skies with an overcast of gloom. Although melancholy lurks through the air, you bring a sense of comfort and home. A sense of safety. Almost as if you were an alternate reality, an escape room if you will. You’ve been battered and bruised but you are still here thriving. The beauty comes from being able to navigate this challenging maze of life, and always coming out with a better sense of self even when you wanted to give up. Inspirational resilience. Nonetheless, bright and beautiful, or cold and dark, you are always yourself, never giving up – and for that I love you.

    Hannah Gray

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    • “The beauty comes from being able to navigate this challenging maze of life, and always coming out with a better sense of self even when you wanted to give up. Inspirational resilience. Nonetheless, bright and beautiful, or cold and dark, you are always yourself, never giving up – and for that I love you. ”

      That is amazing and so strong and p…read more

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      • I throughly work on my self awareness daily trying to recognize the “good in the bad”, so I appreciate your kind words!!!

        Also — yes, I did paint the picture! Painting is actually a very big hobby of mine.

        Thank you!!! 🙂

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  • era submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    Journey Back Home

    I realize now, that I AM worth fighting for.
    Not others fighting for me, but I am worth it to fight for myself, and in doing that I refuse to go back to the things, and people that have broke me time and time again.

    I refuse to allow anything, or anyone, to mold me into who, or what, they want, or need, me to be, because I have now set boundaries.

    I love myself enough to quit certain habits, and in return understand who I am, and why I feel the need to run away from myself, to face myself, to find love in myself, and respect for myself.

    I’m still pretty new to this journey, and I’m not sure if there is one single ultimate outcome to this transition, but I do know that the more I love myself, to see myself, my body, my flaws, my scars with the same eyes that a mother has when her son has returned back home safe from the streets, and this time for good, I kind of just want to kick my dirty, sole worn shoes off and leave them outside of the door before coming back home to myself, because it is a dirty world out there.

    My heart is sacred.
    It has loved so many others without being loved back and in return, it has shattered time and time again, leaving me empty, but I show up for myself today to fill my cup back up, and take a good old sip of a tea I like to call self love.

    I kind of just want to take a hot bath, and cook myself a good meal, something that I like and enjoy to nourish my body, because I deserve that.

    I find myself now often times listening to songs and turn the volume all the way up, because the song makes my soul soar, and it allows inspiration to flow through me like nothing else can.

    It’s so nice no longer worrying if the song is too loud for others, it’s so nice not walking on broken glass when it comes to displeasing others wants, expectations, and needs from me.

    It has taken me 30 years to realize that I am enough, and then some.
    That I am beautiful, if it wasn’t for my darkest hours in life I wouldn’t shine as bright as I do today, and with that I am able to be a guiding light for those who are where I used to be.

    And sometimes I look back at that girl, who stood there alone just trying to seek validation from others, who wanted nothing more than to use up every fiber of her being, and I give her a hug.

    Going back and giving that lost soul a hug is what has taught me about self love more than anything, because I show up today as the same person she needed then, but didn’t have it in herself at the time to be that for herself.

    The day that I set boundaries and quit allowing people to use me I quit looking for validation from strangers, and I have in return built up the courage to tell the one looking back at me that she is worth it, that she is strong, that she is loved, because I love her.
    I look back at pieces of myself I have shed along the way, and each bit of what has made me the woman that I am today.

    I’m not afraid to say no.

    Not afraid to distance myself from anything that no longer serves me.
    I’m not afraid to speak my mind.
    I’m no longer bending myself out of shape just to be what someone else wants me to be, or needs me to be.

    Roxanne Barrett

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    • Roxanne! This is amazing! I am so happy for you that you are setting strict boundaries. I used to say I had a circle of peace and if you disrupt my peace – no matter who you are – you are out of the circle. It is interesting, the more you move away from the things and people that hurt you the easier it gets to take care of and love yourself – and…read more

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    • Because of your poem, I am going to try and write one about why I love myself. I don’t need the contest but I don’t know how else to stop crying. I am a very hurt man.
      But it’s good because I know that God is close to the broken hearted. He is able to deliver me and he is doing it through all you and all the beautiful people with beautiful hearts…read more

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  • mikaylalaleee submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

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    Dear teddy

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  • darleenc5 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    The Greatest Lesson of All

    -Who do you love?

    -My partner, my family, my friends.

    The list goes on, and even mere strangers make the cut.
    And sadly enough, you forget the greatest love of all:

    If only they taught it to us in school.
    Just as important as Math and Science,
    Language Arts and yes, Health 101.

    “When I get married…”
    Those words echo through the school’s halls.
    Young girls and women engraved to believe,
    That we are not complete on our own.
    To even the most romantic phrases like
    “mi media naranja,” or “haf-orange” if you know what I mean.

    Loving yourself is a life skill.
    In searching for another’s acceptance and so-called love,
    risk of losing your self-worth.
    Is it worth it?

    You deserve better.
    Just love yourself first.
    Sounds easy to me,
    Until I remember the hardships endured by the women in my family.
    Their sacrifice, my lessons.

    Loving myself took some years.
    I was single for a very long while.
    First kiss, I think I was 21.
    Some dates, complicated -ships, and even one night stands.
    Nothing serious
    because truth be told,
    I was always happy by myself.

    How did I do it?
    Not even I know, but I suspect I was forced to learn to love myself
    when my mom passed away.
    Patience with my healing, setting boundaries, surviving.
    Gradually wanting more for myself.
    A love of my own: Self-love.
    Then, a love of life.
    Everything else
    they say, falling into place.
    First relationship and love at 29.
    Shocking in this society.

    Was it perfect timing?
    What about fate?
    I will never know.
    I adore my love and even then he knows my code.

    Grief has shown me,
    Whispered in my ear,
    “Don’t base your life on another human being.”
    I lost my mom and for a second believing,
    I no longer wanted to live.
    Insisting it’s different from wanting to die,
    It IS different but still terrifying.
    The journey taught me to be content
    With just me.
    Solitude, my beautiful companion.
    Everything else,
    a huge blessing.

    My alone time,
    so dear to me.
    Just as important as family time, date nights, and work.
    It’s something that my soul so desperately needs.
    Practicing self-love,
    the most important lesson to be learned.

    I love myself.
    These words replace the others before.
    I love myself for believing in me.
    For choosing happiness despite the mishappenings.
    For ignoring the negativity, the people calling me naive.
    I love just that,
    the optimist in me.

    Darlene Cervantes

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    • Darlene, you are absolutely amazing. I am so sorry for the loss of your mom. But I know she is smiling down on you and is so proud of you. I love this part”

      “Patience with my healing, setting boundaries, surviving.
      Gradually wanting more for myself.
      A love of my own: Self-love.
      Then, a love of life.
      Everything else
      they say, falling into…read more

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      • Thank you, Lauren! Your words are always encouraging!
        I hope so..I learned about self-love through many of my experiences and I’m always happy to share them with others.

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  • mswoods submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

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    I am Me!

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  • sydneem submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    I could never hate her.

    When I’m asked why do I love myself, I felt my eyes start watering and my throat closing. I am a child that has been asked to stand up in front of the class and introduce myself on the first day of school and all of a sudden I don’t know my name or fun fact. I can’t decide which part of me I love the most, the detachment issues I developed at 16 or the anger issues I inherited from my bloodline. I’m supposed to be writing about all of the things I love about me and I came up with the list of what I learned to hate until I heard her.
    I hear a seven year old girl running home from the bus stop dodging the sticks and stones boys were throwing at her. She’s crying. They called her stupid, telling her she’s ugly and hitting her. I see her. Caramel skin, curls braided up into two pigtails with purple bobos, a heart of innocent gold. I kneel to her and tell her how beautiful she is and there is not a single thing I wouldn’t do for her. I wipe tears off of rosy cheeks and hold her, turning sniffles into soft smiles.
    I hold this girl so tight hoping if we mend into one person then she never has to feel alone or unwanted.. She never deserved to feel alone or unwanted. Sometimes I still have to hold that girl today. I have to sit and tell her she’s pretty when the world around her is throwing sticks and stones. I have to hold my little girl tight even when the stones are thrown from inside the house. I have to remind her she is smart, she is successful, she is loved by many …but especially by me.
    I may be a result of my trauma but I am the hug, love, and comfort that my little girl needed and how could I ever hate that.

    Sydnee Cabrera

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    • “I may be a result of my trauma but I am the hug, love, and comfort that my little girl needed and how could I ever hate that.”

      You are a beautiful human in every sense of the world. I think we all need to hug our younger selves sometimes, and you do so with such grace and kindness. That last line was so special. Thank you for sharing and thank…read more

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  • mwright submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

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    Dear Soul, I Inquire

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  • sosoangie submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

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    “I Woke Up New Year’s Day And Everything Was Different

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  • acosta7ana submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    Hope in Restless Wings

    Vibrant butterflies circled around my ancient family tree. Without permission, tired of their mission being belittled, they invaded my soul with wings of light on the day I was born, to warn that those of my past were ignorant and never listened to their message. With me, they are violent, for they would rather fade away than watch another generation pay in life for the traumas of their ancestors.

    In me, they find a new vessel. Butterflies, relentless and free guiding me through ancestry.

    In the sky around that tree, their beauty can’t hide. But in my gut, their wings disrupt. As they disturb my digestion I understand better how they are corrupt. With cunning masked, they seem so pure. They often test my naivety, making me believe I don’t need food.

    When they enter through the throat, they block the passage of my saliva. Resting on my cords, my voice they seize. Speechless, I’m left, at risk, unease. At night they keep me awake visiting heavy memories and unfulfilled dreams. They make me dream of soaring high, yet fail to warn before I fly. To touch the sky, I must first crawl, like caterpillar, dirt and all. Breaking the bubble, setting me free, only then can I truly be.

    Sometimes they manage to enter my being while I sleep, and their fluttering is the first thing I feel long before I hear the alarm ring. My heart, it races to their tune. A drumbeat in a quiet room.

    They migrate towards my legs and tickle me so much, that they push me into an abyss where they deprive me of the tranquility of the present. Thrown into nowhere, lost in the mist, alone with my thoughts, on a journey I twist. No maps can guide this path unseen.

    Scientists name it the future.

    These creatures gifted me a prize; the gift to feel beneath the skies. A potent weapon, oft unseen, the power to grasp what life may mean. Once seen as a curse, now I reveal; It’s true worth, my life’s appeal, the title of my story, and the salvation of my future generation. What I once interpreted as a wicked spell has turned into light, guiding me through the darkest nights.

    The butterflies only punish me when I resist and refuse to discover the reason for their visit.

    They are merciless when I confine them in a box and try to manipulate the direction of their route. I try to control, but lose the race. The universe yields when I let go and dance in their flow. The drum melody sung by the beats of my heart never allows me to waste a second on this earth, where what is bland to many is the root of a great story for me. Butterflies guide, with their flight, and only in their rhythm I find delight.

    My organs call it anxiety. I call them butterflies because they teach me how to fly in a world where one can only walk.

    Butterflies, hidden gems I’ll forever posses, the only thing I love about myself.

    Ana Raquel Romero Acosta

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    • Dear Ana, your poem beautifully captures the transformative power of butterflies, symbolizing the struggles and growth in your life. It’s an inspiring and introspective piece that resonates with the journey of self-discovery.

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    • This is. so creative. The butterflies sound like they represent your ambition. But my only question is the ending. You wrote that that’s the ONLY thing you love about yourself??? Sounds like you have a million reasons to love yourself. Thanks for sharing and thank you for being part of our family. <3 Lauren

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      • Thanks Lauren, confusing I know. The butterflies are representing my anxiety, which is the root of many emotions and behaviors. It’s a big part of me that I love because it makes me appreciate those other million reasons (and OMG! What did I do to deserve so much love Lauren? Thank you again!).

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    • Hi Ana
      Your Poem made me feel very inspired. I felt how important is to dig in our Akashic Records without no rush like Butterfly does in their metamorphosis process.
      Your Poem help me to understand that we need to take a step back to think about our life but always shedding light on our past to help our present and future and clean past…read more

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      • Im happy you read it and enjoyed it! We are one with nature, and learning about the past helps us enjoy the beauties of our present and also make better choices for the future. I love how everyone had a very different interpretation of the poem.

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  • allybeasley111 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

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  • Love Letter to my Love Handles

    I like the way
    You get gripped
    In the palms of a man
    Ravenous in his pursuit
    To hold everything
    From my neck
    To my hips.
    He takes his time
    With you
    Because he knows you
    To be special
    To be precious and beautiful

    I’m sorry
    I had to see your beauty
    Through someone else’s eyes.
    So now,
    I write this poem with pride
    Waving my pen like it’s
    A flag for my flawes.

    So let this serve
    As a love letter
    To my love handles
    A memento
    To my muffin top
    A song for my stretchmarks
    A poem for my pudge
    Feels for my fupa
    Cuz I ain’t missin no meals

    Let this serve
    As an apology
    To some of the best parts
    Of my body.
    I was told to shame you.
    Taught to be embarrassed
    By you.
    I’ve tried to chase you away
    Dance you away
    Bike you away
    But you’re persistence
    Perseveres –
    And inspires me.
    If you can hold on
    Where you’re told you don’t belong,
    Where might I learn to rise
    Despite resistance?

    So thank you.
    Thank you for
    Thank you for
    Thank you for
    Thank you for
    Making outfits
    Someone else said
    You would ruin.
    Thank you for
    Being there for lovers.
    Thank you for
    Being there for me.


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    • More than just a body, you are soul beautiful. I am sorry that you felt sorry for seeing love through another’s eyes, beautiful mind. We are all learning and not a single one of us done. That was precious. I like it. Love yourself, love.

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    • Poetry Picasso,Your beautiful poem celebrates and embraces every part of your body, including the parts society has taught you to be ashamed of. Thank you for the reminder to love and appreciate ourselves as we are. Your words inspire and empower.

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    • This piece is so beautiful, unique, and authentic! I love all of it. You are amazing. Every bit of you. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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    • I love the alliteration you use! It makes it flow so smooth just like the curves of a woman’s body.

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  • vom001 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    Self-Expression on a Tuesday Afternoon

    Finding faith, Feeling high,
    Figuring out Falling low,
    Falling asleep Finding flow,
    Having doubt (is this a haiku?) Making more room to grow.


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    • Perfectly simple, simply perfect. Creations quick, impeccable thought, just a few to make the mind trot.

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    • Victoria, Your letter captures the ups and downs of life beautifully. It’s a poetic journey of self-discovery and growth. Keep embracing both the challenges and the joys that come your way.

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  • mosaidi91 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

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    You are Love

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  • to the dreamers that wander

    I’ve started writing in my journal…it has become a bit of a poem book, someday I hope to publish all of it. This is my authors note to all of you, and a excerpt from my journal, during a time of healing myself.
    Be kind to yourself, we’re all trying to find ourselves in this big wide universe.
    I’m showing you my diary, please keep it a secret.

    This is for those who are on the journey of healing, and for those who are broken. All these feelings are real, and valid. Your feelings are real and valid. And part of why I chose to share is because I want others to know that they aren’t alone.

    I want others to know that the healing process is messy. It’s chaotic. It’s wonderful and horrible all at once.

    There’s going to be ups, and there’s going to be downs. And sometimes, the downs stay for a while. It’s a constant and grueling back and forth, but it is going to be okay.

    Every part of healing is necessary.

    You’ll get through it, we’ll get through it.



    I have to remember to love who I used to be.

    And fall in love with who I want to be.

    And love who I am now.


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    • KRB, Your words are powerful and resonate deeply. Your journal-turned-poem book is a testament to the journey of healing and self-discovery. Your bravery in sharing your experiences will undoubtedly inspire others to embrace their own healing process. Remember to cherish every part of your journey and continue to love and embrace your past,…read more

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    • This is very real and very authentic. Thank you for your honesty. Keep loving yourself. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • LovingMe by Divine

    Hello Love,
    I wanted to stop in and tell you why i love you..
    I love you because you’ve always believed in rainbows and unicorns even when the world proved that to be untrue. I love you because even when you did not want to keep going, even when you didn’t know how, what or when, you just kept going! I love you because of your fearless attitude and faith, you’ve never been afraid to dare the devil and walk away for better even when it took everything in you. I love you because even when the world made you believe you didn’t deserve love you still chose you and chose to love yourself anyway. I love you because you always chose kindness and love even though all the world has shown you is broken hearts and broken trust. I love you because you choose love, you choose to express love to the world by smiling at strangers and sharing affirming words. I love you because you remained grateful even when you had nothing but life to be grateful for but as your aunt would say “Once you have life, you have everything! What’s not dead, don’t throw it away!”.
    I love you because you dared to want and try to go after something different from what you grew up seeing around you.
    I love you because you said “It stops with me!’ you saw the patterns you didn’t want to be. I love you because even when you had your own storms to mop up you would still help those you love mop their puddles.
    I Love you because you always believed in luck, even the times when you were fed up and saw no such sign. I love you because you chose to “be the change you want to see” and even when you don’t get the claps and congratulations you keep going. I love you because you decide time and time again that you deserve the utmost best!
    I love everything about you even when your perfectionism gets in the way of things, but that’s exactly why i love you because you are perfectly imperfect regardless of what the world expects from you.


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    • S.C. Your letter touched my heart deeply. Your unwavering belief in love and resilience is inspiring. Your fearless attitude and kindness shine through. You deserve nothing but the best. Keep being the beautiful soul that you are.

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    • You sound so strong and positive! I can’t wait to see all the greatness that unfolds in your life. Thank you for sharing. <3 Lauren

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    • I really love this piece of writing so much. Your strength, integrity and passion shows through your words with such grace and beauty. Keep shining your light!

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  • gravila submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    To my body, my home

    To my body,

    Sometimes it is difficult to love you.

    Sometimes I feel ashamed by the way you look. Shoulders too broad, legs too thin, hips not wide enough to balance me out in the way that I wanted to look. Too buck-toothed, face too asymmetrical, skin too dark, a stomach pouch I want to lose.

    Sometimes you give me pain. It’s pain that I feel in my nerves—for example it can start in my sciatic nerve, but I feel it all the way down in my feet. Or sharp yet fleeting headaches that make me freeze because I become stricken with fear that it is something more. When you have a chronic illness, sometimes it is always “something more.”

    Sometimes you make me afraid. It seems like you are always working against me, and I feel like I can’t depend on you or that there is something wrong. You are supposed to fight for me, but this disease I have keeps taking from me, and I really want you to please stop taking from me. How can I call you my home when we are constantly at war?

    I have masses that grow in various shapes and sizes. They all cause problems in their own way—they itch, they cause pain, they’re ugly. Sometimes it’s difficult to look in the mirror because I don’t like what I see. But today? Today, my body, we had a connection, and I will never forget that.

    I don’t know what sparked my desire to take care of you today, to love you, to be at peace with you. I showered you with love today—literally. I sat in my bathtub and lathered soap onto my arms and legs until bubbles formed all around. My hands carefully ran up and down lumps and spots that shouldn’t be there and marveled at the way the water ran down my skin and over my scars.

    When I looked at myself in the mirror today, I paid attention to the way that my skin looked golden brown, and I felt luminous. When I rubbed lotion onto my arms and let it sink into my skin, I thought of how my skin color had been passed down to me from a line of strong Filipina women. I’m not connected to my culture as much as I would like to be, but thanks to a Marvel quote, I realize that I am the product of my ancestors who came before me. As I ran my fingers over the expanse of my back, I thought of how the masses and spots I have are like points on a map—or even constellations. They are little dots that connect to each other to make up the big picture: the big picture that is me. And I thought of the things that I love about myself: my nose and my smile and my laugh and my long hair and my compassion. Today I loved you where you were at instead of hating you for what I think you are or wishing you were more.

    You are my vessel and my home, and I will live in you until I die. I will learn to love you. I will fight to love you every day. Because you are the body that I was given. There is no me without you to make me whole. You are my vessel. You are my home.

    All of my scars and bumps and bruises tell different parts of my story. They are a part of who I am. This year, I’m ready to embrace these little parts of me. Because when I learn to love myself deeply, I can love others deeply too. And because of that, choosing to love you is the biggest, most radical act of love I can give.

    Yours forever,


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    • Grace, your letter touched me deeply. Your journey towards self-acceptance and love is inspiring. Embrace every part of yourself, for your scars and bumps tell a beautiful story. Loving yourself is a radical act that allows you to love others deeply. Keep fighting and embracing your vessel, your home.

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    • Grace! This is beautiful. I am so sorry you have pain and a chronic illness. But just like your name says, you have to give yourself and your body grace. Keep loving yourself. Keep enjoying bubbly baths! There is so much beauty in every piece of you. Embrace it. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • Team Tippy Toes

    genuine, whole hearted, full send 0-100.
    pinky promises with a side of sticky noted kind words–and those reminders I know you’ll forget about otherwise..
    the ‘who are you when no one’s watching?’ type of real, and the ‘don’t do something to someone that you wouldn’t want done to you’ type of deals.
    work hard, work harder, then play a little harder too.
    the little bit of ‘extras’ with a side of ‘I was just thinking of you.’
    values that hold a foundation, respect that demands the arrival,
    honesty to keep it all true, and humbleness to bring the pieces full circle.
    finding strength in the harder things, while staying grateful too–
    using the big girls’ voice, for the ones who get swept under the rug
    Team Tippy Toes for the ones told to ‘stay small’
    putting both feet back down to stand for the principles that matter
    and reminders of “one day at a time” for those forgetting who they are–
    stay humble, stay kind, stay genuine, stay true,
    stay weird, stay you.

    3 Tippy Toe steps forward, and 1 of em’ back,
    well hey, that’s still progress–
    and I love you for that.


    -xoxo, A

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    • Your letter is beautifully written, A. It captures the essence of being genuine, kind, and true to oneself. Your words inspire strength, resilience, and a commitment to stand up for what matters. Keep embracing your uniqueness and making progress, one step at a time.

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      • Thank you so much for the kind words. I have found it almost refreshing writing about myself, using my personal “disadvatages” to my strengths. Thank you so muh for your support! Keep doing what you do, and never change. The world needs more kind hearted and genuine humans like you. -xoxo A

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        • Keep standing tall.. on your tippy toes and fight for what you believe is right! That’s definitely more than enough reason to be so proud of yourself and to love yourself. Thank you for sharing. <3Lauren

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  • Dear Gabriela, not Gabby

    Your big brown eyes and dimple smile
    Is one that hasn’t been seen in a while
    But now that it’s out for the world to see
    You finally know who you were meant to be
    It took a while to get to this place
    All the hardships, all the pain, that you had to face
    Little Gabriela would stare in the mirror and think, why me?
    From my family, to my friends, she felt like none of them could see
    She felt like the little mermaid, trying to speak
    But nobody would listen, she felt so weak
    As time went on she hit rock bottom
    Unsure of why everyone thought she was the problem
    All she ever wanted was to love and be loved
    But this little girl felt as above, so below
    She knew her conscious was elevating higher
    As she became more aware of the cycle and generational trauma
    But being aware is a blessing and a curse
    At least that’s how she felt. At least at first
    But once she took back her power and her voice
    Everything faded, all of the noise
    She knew life could get better, she knew there was an end
    An end to all the pain, when life would truly begin
    That little girl grew up, as confident as can be
    Now she looks in the mirror and is glad she didn’t flee
    Her inner child is safe, she can finally be at rest.
    That little girl knows it wasn’t her fault, and she finally feels so blessed
    She feels this way because she knows she finally has the wisdom and strength
    To help others not feel the same pain that nobody else could ever take away
    She knew it was up to her to take out the trash
    She knew just because someone left it on her lawn, that it was still her job to manage and not make it last
    She knew it was time to feel her feelings and love herself as she deserved
    She knew no one else could do that for her, even those she observed
    Once she realized she had the power the entire time
    She gave herself a hug, she knew she was ready for the climb
    Now she looks in the mirror and opens her mouth wide
    Her voice finally comes out, she no longer has to hide
    The truth is this little girl always loved herself
    But her adult self had to teach her a few things, and tell her it was okay to finally put that first chapter back – away on the shelf

    Gabriela Nicotra

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    • Gabriela, your heartfelt letter beautifully captures the journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Your words inspire hope and resilience. Keep embracing your voice and sharing your story.

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    • Gabriela, this is amazing. I was screaming “Yes, Yes, Yes,” in my head when I got to this line, ‘That little girl grew up, as confident as can be
      Now she looks in the mirror and is glad she didn’t flee.” You are so strong and powerful. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • lashman6 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    Love Poem to myself

    In the dance of life, I find joy’s embrace, As adaptability paints my grace. Like a river, I bend, I sway, Navigating challenges, come what may. Resilience blooms within my soul, Turning adversity into a goal.
    From trials, I emerge, strong and bold, Every setback a tale of stories untold. Confidence is my guiding light, Illuminating paths through the night. With self-possession, I stand tall, embracing uncertainties, I conquer all.
    When darkness looms, and shadows grow, I pick myself up, ready to show, that within me lies a power untold, to rise again, resilient and bold.
    Flowing with life’s ever-changing stream, I embrace each moment like a dream. With every twist, turn, and ebb of the tide, I find solace in the journey, nowhere to hide.
    So, I love myself for who I am, A blend of strength, grace, and inner calm. With adaptability, resilience, and confidence, I journey through life, embracing the view.

    Lisa Ashman

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    • Lisa, your words beautifully express the strength and resilience within you. Your ability to navigate life’s challenges with grace is inspiring. Keep embracing the journey and loving yourself for who you are.

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    • Lisa, this is absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing. <3 Lauren

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