
nyshacamilo's Letters

Mi Abuelita

The beach is my favorite place
I walk to the farthest end
You know, where all the jagged rocks meet
All pointy and eroding from the storms the sky sends
I climb those rocks until I find the perfect bench
I sit down to look at my view

My grandmother’s favorite beach is called Coco Beach
It’s in Florida, her favorite state

I imagine there’s cocon…read more

Just Keep Swimming

Dear Young Ones,
Let me start off by saying I see you. You are not lazy. You are not stupid. You are not incapable. You are not too young to feel the way you do at times. Your feelings are valid. Your mental state is real. You are real. I could sit here and write to you telling you what to do, but instead I’ll write to you telling you what I d…read more

Best Love

Self love (smacks tongue)
I love me (smacks tongue)
That tastes… bittersweet
I’m proud of me but this is weird
When I was younger and feeling myself I’d be shut down
Chill out, you’re not all that and a bag of chips
But I meannnn
Look at these hips
I am indeed, all that and a bag of chips, the dip, plus more
I’ve learned that self love is the b…read more

Voting ends on May 16, 2024 12:00am

My Best Me

And like that 2023 is over, this year flew by
But isn’t that what we say every year when the end is near?
Still though time does seem to speed up annually
Does that come with age?
I’m only 23, a 2000’s baby is what I be
Last year I finally learned to love me
That along with a lot of other things
Habits are hard to change especially when taught y…read more

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