  • nyshacamilo submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At PeaceWrite A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At Peace 1 weeks, 5 days ago

    Mi Abuelita

    The beach is my favorite place
    I walk to the farthest end
    You know, where all the jagged rocks meet
    All pointy and eroding from the storms the sky sends
    I climb those rocks until I find the perfect bench
    I sit down to look at my view

    My grandmother’s favorite beach is called Coco Beach
    It’s in Florida, her favorite state

    I imagine there’s coconuts everywhere
    You have to keep your head held high so you can keep watch


    That same line can be used for life

    My Lela and I sit on those rocks together
    We watch the sunset
    It goes from pretty blues and whites to a beautiful cotton candy sunset
    The wind is the perfect temperature, the perfect strength

    We take deep breaths together
    So deep we taste the salt from the ocean

    We name things we see in the stars
    I update her on every detail of my life since she left
    We laugh
    We cry
    We curse
    We yell at the sky

    I tell her my new memories, the ones she knew I didn’t remember
    I tell her my new perspectives of the world, of my life
    I show her all my wounds in my back from everyone who swore to me they loved me

    She gives me a massage
    I feel the familiar feel of her gentle hands
    I feel all the love through them
    My eyes tear because I missed that feeling so much

    The sky is turning orange now, light slowly rising up
    The winds start picking up
    Lela grabs my face so firmly but still so gentle
    She squeezes and says to me, into me

    “I am so beyond proud of you. Your wounds are nothing but warrior scars now. Symbols of battles you won. Reminders of all you can withstand. Now go fight some more, you may fall or slip, but you have proven to always to get back up.”

    After the warmest, tightest hug she disappears into the big rush of wind
    7 seconds I stand there
    Embracing the last bits of her presence

    Now I’m awake, my eyes crusty from tears
    But my heart is so full and warm with hope and love for life
    So heavy
    But also so so full
    And my soul is at peace

    Nysha Lee

    Voting starts August 1, 2024 12:00am

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