  • nyshacamilo submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    Best Love

    Self love (smacks tongue)
    I love me (smacks tongue)
    That tastes… bittersweet
    I’m proud of me but this is weird
    When I was younger and feeling myself I’d be shut down
    Chill out, you’re not all that and a bag of chips
    But I meannnn
    Look at these hips
    I am indeed, all that and a bag of chips, the dip, plus more
    I’ve learned that self love is the best love
    It took a while to learn that lesson
    I went looking everywhere for someone to express in
    I let anyone be that person
    Letting anything slide which just led the pain to worsen
    I didn’t know how to be alone
    Alone I felt I was in the dark drowning in my thoughts
    A pool of mean words which led to mean actions
    Mean towards myself
    God forbid I was mean to anyone else
    At 10, I began to hurt myself
    A razor became my best friend
    8 years later that friendship came to an end
    Drugs and alcohol took her place
    5 years later and I finally beat that case
    A long, hard fight filled with tears
    I had to rewire my brain to treat myself as good as I treat others
    I deserve that more than anyone
    I am all I got
    In pain I heal myself
    In sadness I pick myself up
    In anger I calm me down
    In poverty I work my ass off
    I am all I got
    In all things I know I am self taught
    The best lesson I taught myself is self love
    I no longer play about me
    Treat me right or get left
    Respect me or leave me be
    Words are powerful
    So now I speak life into me
    I am beautiful
    I am smart
    I am important
    I can do anything I put my mind to
    Actions speak louder than words
    So I take care of me
    I have a routine for day and night
    And that helps my light shine bright
    I can’t pour from an empty cup
    So I focus on me until I fill it up
    Everyday looks different
    Some things stay the same
    Each day I give me grace
    I give me forgiveness
    I give me love
    I give me patience
    Each day I exercise and eat right
    Health is wealth
    I deserve the love I give to me
    I deserve to be anything I want to be
    I focus my mind and attract
    I enact in stealth
    I move quietly and mindfully
    I’m making my own dynasty
    The strength inside of me shows up in everything I say and do
    Sometimes I surprise me, I realize I really had no clue
    Self love is the best love
    I now can finally say proudly and confidently
    I love me

    Nysha Lee

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • I really love the story aspect of this piece. I feel like you took me on a journey in your life from beating self harm to beating drug abuse to who you are now. I also used to let anyone be that person and constantly looked for love in other people; sometimes I still do. This poem was a nice reminder of the importance of self-love and I felt very connected to it.

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      • Thank you! I’m happy I can help you remember the importance of self love. But also, give yourself grace. Just like it didn’t happen overnight for these habits to be learned, it’s not going to happen overnight for them to be unlearned. The first step is acknowledging and you got that down! Now, just try to be mindful of noticing when you’re doing and make a plan on what to do when you do. We all go through similar things in different ways, people just like to mask it so thank you for being open to connecting. 💕

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    • Wow! Nysha! Look how far you have come! You are amazing and now an inspiration to not just yourself but so many others. I am so proud of you amazed my you! Keep rising up!I am cheering you on. <3 Lauren

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