

  • Thank you for your kind words. Writing has been one of passions for many years and it feels like a “full circle” if you will as of late. I am finally coming into my own and my confidence with writing has become aligned as well. I appreciate your reading and especially for your kind observations.

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  • When those two lines changed my life

    Not all changes in your life will seem like a good thing until you gain some clarity. Some life changes will alter you in unexpected ways where you feel that you will never recover and that its life shattering revelations seem to define you in unexpected ways. You can’t see the future into the unknowns where you confidently know the events unraveling would actually change your life for the better. At the time you feel like you will never recover. Your so deep into trying to process the unfolding series of revelations you can’t see how these moments and challenges are setting you up for success! The challenges with accepting or embracing the changing moments coming at you can seem life shattering! They simply don’t seem as a necessary purging of old habits or crutches you counted on in order to make you feel comfortable in your circumstances. You should grieve the loss of what could have been. You should I process and embrace the waves or tsunamis of feelings that catch you fully by surprise!

    For me, the day I found out I was pregnant with my daughter at the age of 21 was one of those moments where life changed me for the better! I had this preconceived theory that I would I never be a mom. In fact, I had already aligned myself into believing that being a mom, for me would be toxic for any child. I didn’t have a healthy role model in my own mother that made me want to be a mom. Some events that happen to us are seared into our brains where after many years, you still remember exactly where you were, what you were wearing, and weird details that you just cannot shake off! February 2nd, 2002, I was having a heated argument with a family member who was eating in front of me and I felt a wave of nausea that hit me in a way I had never experienced before. I was also late. I was in denial that the first test was accurate and after buying so many pregnancy tests to confirm that I was indeed pregnant, I still didn’t tell anyone. Those two lines on each test confines my worst fear, I was pregnant! I had been on the pill and we actively used condoms. I knew the father wouldn’t be a good partner or father, but I felt stuck. I felt so stuck to abide by the status quo of our families that I shut down and the flood of events that would follow for the next few months hit me like waves crashing into the jetty and I was the rocks trying to brace for impact. I just went through the motions. When I really started to tell people what was happening they all seemed to know I had been carrying a baby and yet said nothing. Later, I would discover that they knew because I was puking all of the time and looked different. I felt different but did not realize anyone else could see that about me. At the time, I thought I had truly kept my secret hidden. Now, that seems laughable to me. It’s funny how time and distance changes your perspectives. At the time I simply couldn’t see past my uncertainties and insecurities of becoming a mom. The following events from the discovery of my pregnancy to feeling forced to marry a man who spent our wedding to get drunk and party rather than start a new chapter as man and wife, I was so utterly enmeshed into denial that things wouldn’t work. The intertwining of emotions were so confusing to me. Rather than continue to be the kind of mom who made the world revolve around me, I decide to go on a different path. Instead of wallowing in my insecurities at the impending lifelong responsibilites, I focused on breaking generational curses within my family’s construct to being the best mom a little girl never asked for. I felt this increasing anxiety that my daughter would hate me and would discover I was a mother fraud. That she would instantly know I was never meant to be a mom. Fortunately, that didn’t happen. Instead, we grew up together. I learned how to be a mom and she was the best teacher I have ever had the honor of learning from. The day my beautiful daughter was born I instantly fell in love with this tiny human who I haven’t been able to stop staring at for the last 21 years of my life. I remember staring at her nonstop for the first few weeks. That was when being in awe of her began. Her being 21 has been a full circle moment where I see that I was absolutely over time was meant to be her mom. I still stare at this beautiful young woman who is still teaching me how to be a better mom all the time! She is the best of me. She is the best of herself. Though my marriage to her father ended that only made our bond as mother and daughter even stronger. She is most marvelous thing I have ever had the honor to create with the exception of her brother Who is also amazing! I am honored that she chose me to nurture her from a baby to an adult. I am so honored that I was chosen to be her mom!

    We have the opportunity to face challenges and events that change us into something that can majorly transform our lives for the better if only at times we get out of our own way. Although becoming pregnant when I was just a baby adult that time in my life seemed overwhelmingly daunting at the time! Time, distance, and perspective have led me to embrace that I wouldn’t change the events that brought me to being a part of her life! Having my daughter is the best time thing with the exception of her baby brother that completely changed my life for the better! I am an absolutely better person for becoming a mom to these two loves of my life!

    S. Ludlum

    Voting starts June 17, 2024 12:00am

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    • You did a great job of clearly communicating your story and walking me through your journey. It seems simple, but it takes a great writer to be able to tell a clear story without getting lost on tangents! (I lose my point constantly) I love how you took a super overwhelming time and life and found an even greater amount of beauty in it, congratulations 🙂

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      • sorry, typo; time in life*

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      • Thank you for your kind words. Writing has been one of passions for many years and it feels like a “full circle” if you will as of late. I am finally coming into my own and my confidence with writing has become aligned as well. I appreciate your reading and especially for your kind observations.

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  • Thank you for your inspiration and support! This year is so far taking off to be one of meaningful connections and unfathomable opportunities! I am looking forward to being apart of a community that is part of uplifting one another! 2024 is a year for progress of self discovery as well as growth into the future!

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  • You have greatness within you no matter how scary those moments of uncertainty can present. You are She as well and I am excited for you on your journey! I am in awe of your response and I am encouraged by you to keep writing and exploring more in order for others to be able to relate to this human experience we are all experiencing at this time. One step in front of the other is the most important part of any journey.

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  • 2024 is the year I choose me

    For years, I have chosen everyone else first
    I allowed myself to not even be on my own list of priorities
    I did not think I deserved to recognize on my own time with deserving the merits of love for myself
    I had everyone categorized in my mind as more important than me
    I was determined to not be a nuisance or cause anyone discomfort

    2020 changed me as it did others

    2020 made me aware of the importance of self stillness
    2021 taught me that I do not need to live up to others timelines, my own is important
    2022 woke up my internal clock of no longer delaying my own growth
    2023 broke me of any self doubt that was leftover of 2022 and set my path on fire
    2024 is the year I choose Me

    I choose to make myself a top priority on my own list
    I choose to make sure I know my worth and my value even when others question me
    I choose to be uncomfortable with not taking care of everyone else, first
    I choose making sure I know I am allowed to love myself honestly and fully
    I choose living up to my own expectations and I am looking forward to how this adventure unwinds over this year

    2024 is the year I choose me

    S. Ludlum

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    • Yes! Yes! Yes! Giving you the loudest standing ovation!

      I love this line, “I choose making sure I know I am allowed to love myself honestly and fully”

      I can’t wait to see where your life takes you as you follow your happiness!

      Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. This year is the beginning of so many…read more

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      • Thank you for your inspiration and support! This year is so far taking off to be one of meaningful connections and unfathomable opportunities! I am looking forward to being apart of a community that is part of uplifting one another! 2024 is a year for progress of self discovery as well as growth into the future!

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  • SHE


    She no longer respected herself
    She let others discard her
    She let others opinions matter more to her than her own
    She let the opinions of others chip away at her until she longer recognized herself
    She realized she had given away her respect over & over again
    She masked self-inflicted jokes against herself to deflect her own inner tension building
    She welcomed others to portray her in ways that were unauthentic to who she really was
    She lost her ability to fight for her own self respect

    She knew deep down inside of her something didn’t feel quite right
    She knew that deserved better from others
    She knew she needed to demand for better for herself
    She knew that it was time to strip away all of her insecurities and get to her inner most raw self

    She knew what she had to do, but she was scared
    She was ready, but she made excuses because her fear was intensifying!
    She requested at first that her self respect be a priority
    She was denied, again & again
    She then demanded she be heard
    She again was denied & this time with a threat thrown down at her!
    She felt she had been muted by others & the pain she felt became unexpected

    She felt a burning sensation start to grow within herself
    She could no longer be quiet about her needs & her desires
    She felt her whole world explode in one moment
    She set fire to the accelerant that was her own broken self
    She then put out the fire and knew it was time to rebuild

    She knew she had lessons she had to learned here, or she would be doomed to repeat them
    She decided to learn a new way to conduct herself
    She felt something different in the way she saw everyone and everything around her
    She started to change
    She started to sprout
    She started to grow & grow until her roots became strong
    She then bloomed into a new someone that the old someone would never recognize

    She demanded respect and in fact invited that respect and uninvited anything beneath that
    She only allowed respect for others to come from her
    She only invited respect from others to come to her
    She finally, understood what it meant to be deserving of the upmost respect
    She finally, felt settled into herself

    I am she.

    Sarah Ludlum

    Sarah Ludlum

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends September 1, 2024 12:00pm

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    • “She started to grow & grow until her roots became strong
      She then bloomed into a new someone that the old someone would never recognize.”

      I love that part. I am so glad that you planted that seed of confidence and grew into the strong and powerful woman you are today. Thank you for sharing! And thank you for being part of The Unsealed! <3 Lauren

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    • Hi there, Sarah. Aiša here. Thank you for sharing the story of your journey to self-respect. Oh, to finally feel settled into one’s self. I can’t imagine the relief you must’ve felt in that moment of realization. You knew what you had to do and it scared you, but you did it anyway! That’s courage! What if I told you “she,” is who I wanna be? :)…read more

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      • You have greatness within you no matter how scary those moments of uncertainty can present. You are She as well and I am excited for you on your journey! I am in awe of your response and I am encouraged by you to keep writing and exploring more in order for others to be able to relate to this human experience we are all experiencing at this time.…read more

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  • Dear Younger Self,

    Dear Younger Self,

    Just a little note from your future self who has become wise in some ways through time and experiences… When we stay in our comfort zones we make a little cozy space to cocoon ourselves which can cause for us to never move forward. Sometimes, we find ourselves pushing past that comfort zone that elevates us into a newfound mental and physical place. Other times stepping outside out comfort zones are just an illusion of the mind. The stepping outside of my own comfort zone comes with that first leap forward. Oftentimes, I get so wrapped up into my own headspace that I struggle to move. I become so paralyzed with that first step forward that at times I need to be shoved face first into a new phase of life! If only I just leaped more often rather than just mentally decipher the pro’s and con’s of the possible scenario before me, I would save myself so much mental turmoil! It is that first leap that is far more intimidating than staying in the unsteady place of not moving forward or just moving at all in general. Adapting to ones own comfort zones also leaves little the complex uncertainty of leaping forward that professionals argue is healthy for us. I am still not so sure about that.

    When I was 21 years old I had pre-determined that I would never be a mother. I had planned through birth control, safe sex, and at time abstinence to insure I would never become a mother. I was certain I would screw up any child that I could raise and that I would forever have regret about how much I would mess up my own child. I had just decided to never go there and that in no way would I ever become a mother. Life had a different set of plans and did not fill me in on the plan. This year the child I had pre-determined I would mess up turned 21 herself. She was meant to be here and if ever I could pinpoint an exact moment where I see how one action radically changed my life is the day I took 10 pregnancy tests that all turned positive! She is my birth control, condom miracle child! I just didn’t know I would be any good at raising her! Becoming a mom meant I would need to shed the pre-determined manner in which I would metamorphosis from being a single entity into becoming someone else’s mom! If I was going to do this job well it meant I would have to strip away the selfish layers I had decided when I was younger I was going to wear with pride. No more self agendas for my life anymore because as I was growing her I felt the connection I had never experienced with anyone else ever before! My daughter was meant to be here and looking back 21 years I can honestly express that I would not have changed the circumstances that forced me out of my cocoon of comfort into being a mom! In fact, I did not mess her up! I am proud to admit I was one-hundred percent wrong on that front! Becoming a mom changed me forever and while some moments where you step out of your comfort zone only have momentary alterations into our lives, for me, becoming her mom radically changed me inside and out for the last 21 years of my life. I am not the same person at all. I was no longer a “me” but a “we.” Even as she has become an adult, I am still tethered to an invisible line of connection between her and myself because I grew her and I grew up with her. I grew up because of her! I didn’t allow myself to even entertain the idea that I would stay the same while I was pregnant with her. I could feel the change happening as I made very choice to be a present mom. I allowed myself to become completely changed as a person, and even more so as a woman. Did I make some mistakes along the way of raising her? Of course I have! I have however, radically owned the mistakesI know I have made with her. I have taken those many mistakes as opportunities to grow and to learn more about myself! Sometimes, that first leap towards growth is the best one you will ever take and changes you in a way that you only see years after you have moved forward.

    Warmest Regards,

    Your Future Self

    S. Ludlum

    Sarah Ludlum

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    • Sarah, I love this. And a condom baby!!! That’s crazy! Such a meant-to-be miracle. Having a baby is something that’s really scary to me too. So I really related to this piece. From getting pregnant, to, as you said, removing the selfish layers, to fully dedicate yourself to another human, all of it scares me. But I loved that it all worked out for…read more

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