

  • Daisy: A letter on Miscarriage

    Dear Daisy,

    I anticipate your stems sprouting from the ground every spring, and I can feel you again. When summer approaches, your petals will showcase their beauty in the sunlight. I will close my eyes and take a deep breath, and for a moment, you are here in my arms. I imagine your bright blue eyes mirroring mine. Your smile is the brightest star in the sky. Your laugh roars, filling the earth with glee as you play with the other neighbor kids in nature. It is easy to get lost in the daydream.

    Before you, I was giving my body away to men who didn’t deserve it. Drowning underneath insecurities and self-loathing, allowing myself to be treated as a piece of property that could be used and abused by men. Convincing myself that I wasn’t worth love, I kept telling myself that this was how I wanted to feel: worthless and nothing.

    My period did not come. I kept telling myself, no, it isn’t possible. I was in denial. Adults have a superpower of lying to themselves, so incredibly powerful that they believe it until they can no longer outrun it. The truth will always rear its head, and it’s heartbreaking.

    That morning in June, I awoke with intense cramps. I convinced my twenty-six-year-old self that my period was coming… three months late. Treating it as a typical day, I went to work. As I was Chatting with my coworkers, one of them being your father, about planning a fun night out, I felt a cramp, and a gush of blood erupted flowing outside of me. I ran to the third stall in the bathroom, and I saw it. I could no longer deny what was happening. I was losing you, Daisy.

    Turning back into a childhood state of mind, I called my mother, and she rushed me to the hospital. Blood was seeping me through like a waterfall. When they came to tell me I was losing you, my heart tore in such a way that I am still unable to put into direct words. I hadn’t even developed the courage to tell your father you were coming; now I would have to say to him you were gone just as quickly as I accepted you were alive.

    He was kind enough, but wasn’t the emotional support I needed then. He didn’t understand why I changed and didn’t want to be a “coworker with benefits anymore.” He got upset with me when I wouldn’t fulfill his desires, even though the doctors told me it wasn’t safe for me to do until I stopped bleeding. I did not want to be an object of his desire anymore.

    I bled from June to August. Part of me didn’t want to stop bleeding because that would mean you were truly gone. I wanted even those parts of you to stay. The day the blood stopped, I put my hand on my empty womb and wept. It was two days past my twenty-seventh birthday.

    I had spent most of my life avoiding any feelings of vulnerability. Losing you was the first time I felt every emotion in my body: sadness, anger, regret, and eventually relief. The truth is, Daisy, I wasn’t ready for you, and I will never know if that could’ve changed in time for your arrival. Granting myself to succumb to my emotions took me from a shell, and I embraced the complete existence of myself as a person and a woman.

    After hours of self-reflection, I realized I was not stuck with anyone. Cutting the ties, I focused on building myself as a strong and confident woman. I promised myself never to give my body away until I could say to myself, “I love you.” Somehow, I got there. I felt the wind hit my face, and you said, “You got this, Mommy.”

    Experiencing a miscarriage has given me unwavering strength to tackle obstacles that dare come my way. I am intelligent, I am kind, I am important. I am grateful for every ounce of pain and emptiness I felt in my body. Never again will I throw my feelings into a drawer and pretend they aren’t there. I can articulate when I am hurting and ask for support from people around me. The experience made me a whole person, not the robot society deems the most acceptable. My strengths and weaknesses make me whole, just the way I am. And Daisy, that is the most freeing feeling anyone can be. Through you, I discovered how to love myself.

    You are the world, Daisy. I never gave you a name. I planted the prettiest seed to remember you, and will continue to bloom for you and me.

    I Love You Always,

    Your Mom

    Kathryn Wilkinson

    Voting starts June 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • My Feet Hitting The Ground

    The year was 1996. Even though the weather was beautiful and there was a certain peace in the air; my nerves were on overload. My heart began racing the minute I decided to try out for my high school Cross Country team.This is the real kicker; I have never ran in my life. I had just transferred to St. Vincent Pallotti High School from Laurel High School. I wanted to be part of a team. More than that I wanted to meet new friends. My dad ran cross country in High School and was good at it. Secretly, I also had a mission to follow in my dads footsteps. The voices in my head were playing devils advocate saying, ” You can’t do this.” ” You have never ran long distances; your going to pass out.” Every negative thought was going through my head as my feet hit the ground!My heart began racing faster as soon as we lined up to start our five mile run. I begin to run; trying to zone every negative thought out. As team members passed me I began to ask my self why am I putting myself through this embarrassment. At this point my stomach is cramping, my legs are sore and I feel like my body is going to limp any minute. Next, I begin to dry heave. Oh no, I hope no one saw that. At this point I just want to quit but then something comes over me. My internal high says, ” You got this.” I came to this challenging course to prove something. Running is more mental than physical! First, I am going to make this team. Next, I am going to win at least one medal for the season and last I am going to gain self confidence where doubting my own ability is not the first thing that comes to my mind. Even though I wanted to give up more than once that day I didn’t. I went on that season to win multiple ribbons, medals and even coaches award. This all came out of a teenage young lady that never ran more than a mile before making the team. Running has stayed part of my family and my life. I am excited to be a Girls on the Run coach for 3rd-5th graders for three years now. My coaching style is a lot like my coach was back in High School. I coach to build up the girls self esteem, to strengthen their endurance, to prepare them for a 5K and above all to teach them a team is like a family. Teams succeed together! I love to inspire my own daughter to believe in her self as well. She is on her second year as a cross country runner. These core beliefs of teamwork, confidence building, hard work ethics and unity would of never came if I gave up back on that sunny day in 1996.

    Lyndsey Collison

    Voting starts May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • Lyndsey, I love this. I am so glad your younger self had the courage to try something new and it turned into a lifelong passion. This is such a sweet and inspiring story, and I love that you are now paying it forward Thank you for sharing, and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • My Aura is Black

    My aura is black.
    Black because they tried to singe me with deeds,
    Black like the sooty soil that nurtures her seeds.
    Black because before they knew who I was,
    When I was given no choice or even some gauze
    Black like the bird that sings to be free
    Black because my memories haunt me

    Black like the sheep who’s breaking chains.
    Black like the hole that’s swallowing pain.
    Black like the smoke twirling up through the sky
    Black like the panther and her silent battle cry
    Black like the ash that softens the earth
    Black because now she knows her worth

    Black like THAT little dress, brilliant;
    the one that makes every woman feel resilient.
    Black like the lace of her wings
    Black in the sky that midnight brings
    Black like the velvet in her gentle coos
    Black like silk skin that into she grew

    So now instead of green, red, or indigo
    My aura is black
    Black like obsidian
    Black like pearls
    Black like geodes
    Black because my shadows healed it so.

    K. Hartsell

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • K, embrace the beauty of your black aura, forged by resilience and growth. It holds the strength of obsidian, the elegance of pearls, and the mystery of geodes. Your shadows have healed you, making your aura a testament to your journey. Embrace it with pride.

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    • I love how you brought that black back to your shadow. This is so honest and so creative. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3Lauren

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      • Thank you! I thoroughly enjoy being a part of such a safe and uplifting community. I find inspiration from so many people. I feel honored to be included with them. Thank you for putting this together. And thank you for your compliment on my poem. I worked really hard on it.

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  • K. Hartsell shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 years ago

    Where have the Honeys Gone?

    Dear whomever;

    I became a teacher to shift the paradigm and break the chains of toxic tradition. My childhood education experience paralleled that of Matilda. Most all my teachers were more Trunchbull and less Honey with the exception of 2 up through high school graduation and gaining another 4 up through my masters program. When I decided to become a teacher, I wanted to be a Ms. Honey, I wanted to be what I so desperately needed as a child—And I did. My biggest flex is that I became the adult I needed, the teacher, the mom, the neighbor. But here’s what they don’t tell you: the cost of becoming a chain breaker, a paradigm shifter, a warrior, a Ms. Honey is expensive. Its loneliness, its heartbreak, its rage, frustration, anxiety, and despair.

    As an educator, you often hear: “Know your why”, “remember your why”, “it’s for the kids.” And while this is absolutely the truth and it does help keep focus; it does nothing to shield the abuse hurled from those satisfied, or even winning, with the mediocrity of tradition. My fellow educators are overwhelmed, defeated, and burnt out. This leaves no energy for change because change is hard work and dedication. I have found that very few admin appreciate growth as well. The worse abuse I have ever faced in education, is from principals and assistant principals. Those in power, when there is perceived threat of losing control or power become the most dangerous. It takes an unusual strength to stand in an abusive environment and feel unscathed. I don’t think I have this strength.

    I feel guilty because I think about leaving the education career. Yes I have thought about changing districts and schools- unfortunately, in my experience toxicity is everywhere and the unknown of new administration is scary. I don’t have much self or energy to give left. I never know when entering a new school environment if when they say things like they are “student centered” or “wanting student advocates” if they actually mean it. My experience has shown that more often these are tokens administration throws out to entice teachers with little to no intention of follow through.

    I look at the other Honey’s scattered throughout the US knowing they face similar treatment and I think of how brave and strong they are. I have my master’s degree, I am trauma informed, I’ve completed my national board certification- for absolutely nothing. I don’t have the skin to be unaffected by ill-treatment. I’m not a Trunchbull. But I’m not a Ms. Honey either. I don’t know what I am; I think I’m just finished.

    Kelsey Hartsell

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    • There is a famous quote that says “the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” When you are trying to do something different, or better, or if someone feels their power is threatened there are people who will hold you back and hurt you in effort to stop you Naysayers are almost a sign that you’re doing something right. The world needs…read more

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      • Thank you Lauren, it’s good to know I’m not the only one. You’re right the quote is the perfect image for what I need to think about. I’ve got some meditating and energy work to do. I’m not sure what’s for me at this point, I need to clear out the fog so I can think.

        Thank you <3

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        • My mother used to tell me where there is a will, there is a way. If you want to help and educate children, there is a way for you to do that that is safe and joyful, and non-toxic. Don’t give up. <3 Lauren

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    • Change is a slow process but it is important to know that you are an essential part of the process. Your efforts and dedication are contributing to a gradual transformation. You are the hope and inspiration for your students and so you should keep up the good work and always push yourself to do more good.

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      • Thank you for taking the time to post this! You’re absolutely correct and it’s a much needed reminder. I’ve also had a few reminders given to me from random strangers I have encountered the last few days. It seems the universe is sending you to remind me of my why and push me to keep going. Thank you 🫶🏻

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  • K. Hartsell shared a letter in the Group logo of To the people we loveTo the people we love group 1 years ago

    Dear Ralph

    Dear Ralph,

    You don’t know me, but I hope that you will get some comfort and love from a stranger with these kind words. Too often we ask children to carry too much, things that they shouldn’t have to carry. Then we facetiously shove the badge of “resilient” onto their lapel. While you most definitely are resilient, you shouldn’t have to be, and your strength came from responding to a stolen innocence at a heavy cost. I see the news stating that you are a wonderful child, an exceptional musician, and a caring brother. And while these qualities are very important to who you are- they don’t speak to you as a human being that didn’t deserve this. What happened to you was wrong on every level and our community should not be making excuses but should be comforting and holding you with our love and sitting with you through your journey to healing.

    My heart cries out for you and your family and I hope you understand that you are not at all responsible for any of this. I hope you continue on with your passions and goals. I hope you don’t allow the evil of others to poison your soul with jadedness. And above all else, I hope you live fearless.

    With Love,

    Kelsey H.

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    • Aww Kelsey! This is beautiful and so sweet. This line is incredibly powerful, “Your strength came from responding to a stolen innocence at a heavy cost.” As society, we failed Ralph like we are and have with so many others. No child deserves this. No person deserves this, and yet it keeps happening. Thank you for writing such a beautiful letter.…read more

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      • Thank you Lauren. I hope that they bring her a form of a hug; at least maybe she will know she isn’t alone and people care. That was a very thoughtful plan.

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    • So sorry about what you’ve gone through but if you never remember anything else, Please, Please remember the bad thing that happened to you then and in the future is never your fault. You didn’t cause it in anyway, form or fashion. That evil entered your life without your permission, like a thief in the night. No one knows when a thief will…read more

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    • Your words are so kind, caring, and wise. No child deserves to go through this. I’m so grateful that you and many others have written letters to this young man.

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      • I hope when he reads them he feels everyone wrapped around him! I’m very curious how he is doing. I wish we could just reach out to him. Either way, I hope he is healing

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    • I’m not sure what happened but I do agree with you about the innocence of a child and the right to preserving that innocence. Instead of ripping the innocence away and dumping stress and unneeded trauma on a child they should be loved and nurtured and their innocence should be encouraged.

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      • Thank you! What had happened was this young person went to pick up his brothers from a friends house and accidentally knocked on the wrong door. The home owner shot him and then no one would help him. It is shocking what people expect children to have to carry and recover from.

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        • Wow. This grinds my gears. Shooting an innocent child because they knocked on your door. This stuff just make me lose hope in humanity. This is sad and I hope that person gets what they deserve.

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