
darleenc5's Letters

The Greatest Lesson of All

-Who do you love?

-My partner, my family, my friends.

The list goes on, and even mere strangers make the cut.
And sadly enough, you forget the greatest love of all:

If only they taught it to us in school.
Just as important as Math and Science,
Language Arts and yes, Health 101.

“When I get married…”
Those words echo…read more

Voting ends on May 16, 2024 12:00am


Witness to our Love

I look back to that photo,
The one that’s framed above my desk.

It’s not because we ventured out,
Or because we loved the art.

Could it be the night-lit sky,
Musicians, the star-lit vibe?
Or perhaps it was blatantly
our anniversary.

Looking back I know
it was just that moment.
The passerby, the photographer,
became a witness to that ins…read more

Voting ends on December 4, 2024 12:00am

Grateful for mi Familia

Grateful for the lucha, the battle belonging to
the dreamers,
the underdogs,
And those looking for something better.

My parents,
One reclaiming his roots
The other for love and a better life for their children.
Not giving up
Welcomed or not,
Established a home
with compassion and love.

Grateful for my upbringing,
Raised Catholic but
given…read more

Woman in Smile

The women he paints
In pastels but mostly blue
Reveling in intimacy
Bathing just standing
Bending without a care
At first glance
not models
But women, they are.
Muffin tops
and never toned
Humans, Women, Tender creatures.

Curves and love handles like vines
No start or finish line
All intertwining,
A beautiful mystery,…read more

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