  • darleenc5 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about what you are grateful for in your lifeWrite a poem about what you are grateful for in your life 5 months, 1 weeks ago

    Grateful for mi Familia

    Grateful for the lucha, the battle belonging to
    the dreamers,
    the underdogs,
    And those looking for something better.

    My parents,
    One reclaiming his roots
    The other for love and a better life for their children.
    Not giving up
    Welcomed or not,
    Established a home
    with compassion and love.

    Grateful for my upbringing,
    Raised Catholic but
    given the support and freedom to explore.
    Because life is but so much more.

    To discover myself and become
    The best person I can be.
    One that would make my parents proud
    Just as I am of them.

    For the long-forgotten stories
    Rising among the ashes.
    My family’s struggles, their roots, their everlasting existence.

    Humble, loving, and kind,
    Stubborn, independent
    And one of a kind.
    Work ethic reflecting those famous, ringing words
    Si se puede,
    All is possible.

    But our first lesson,
    The importance of familia,
    An unbreakable bond.
    Stronger and better together,
    My family is what I’m grateful for.

    Darlene Cervantes

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    • Awww Darlene, This is beautiful. I am sure your parents are super proud of you. I hope you showed your family this poem. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

      Write me back 

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