  • darleenc5 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your BodyWrite a letter or poem to your Body 9 months, 3 weeks ago

    Woman in Smile

    The women he paints
    In pastels but mostly blue
    Reveling in intimacy
    Bathing just standing
    Bending without a care
    At first glance
    not models
    But women, they are.
    Muffin tops
    and never toned
    Humans, Women, Tender creatures.

    Curves and love handles like vines
    No start or finish line
    All intertwining,
    A beautiful mystery, I see.

    I look at these paintings, mesmerized
    Go home and see,
    Steam from the shower confessing
    Beautiful body, that is she.
    Needs not look a certain way
    Neither his nor hers
    Only mine, how divine.

    Why do they care
    What I should wear?
    The clothes,
    Kissing and hugging my body
    Is nothing compared
    to the blissful smile I wear.

    Endangered smile
    Once again.
    After 50 years or so,
    They’re taking the reigns.
    You take my body,
    You take my everything,
    Especially that once luminous smile.

    Darlene Cervantes

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    • Darlene, This is so creative. I love this part, “Why do they care
      What I should wear?
      The clothes,
      Kissing and hugging my body
      Is nothing compared
      to the blissful smile I wear.”

      I love this idea of ignoring what others think and loving yourself. And even more importantly, living life with a blissful smile. No mater what changes, or how much time passes, never lose that smile or attitude. Thanks for sharing and thanks for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 lauren

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      • Thank you, Lauren! That’s exactly what I was going for! Self-love is essential. Looking on the bright side of things and wearing a smile can definitely change one’s perspective!

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