

  • Ashley M Dowd shared a letter in the Group logo of ParentingParenting group 1 years ago

    Labor & Delivery

    Parenting reveals a love in you that you never knew exist. Thats the real definition of love at first sight sealed with a gentle kiss. You have this new human that soley belongs to you now you can finally put a face to them kickball kicks you felt in your womb. Everything changes in a instant and you are officially titled a mom, and the weight that comes with this title automatically mentally mentions that you are STRONG. But may I full warn you that you have a long road ahead and there are many things you will experience especially when you are not prepared. Its levels to this parenting process that you will surely go through, but every child is different so best wishes to you. No matter what you must keep the faith and don’t give up because abandonment is not a option no matter how many nerves they grow up and pluck. Its attending games, recitals and graduations and planning birthdays and sleepovers that make the life of parenting feel so rewarding. Not to mention if you are a respected example as a parent they may inquire for your advice and opinion and even share the issues of their heart and their deepest dark secrets. Parenting is trial and error but it’s a mandatory assignment to LOVE. Remember love is a action word and a valid license to serve. Parenting produces memories and is also designed to introduce good habits and sometimes the pointers that you may get from books and pamphlets don’t always make you a great parent. Its dedication mixed with prayer and bullet proof patience and a community of support that’s willing to listen in a conversation and not sit in the judgment seat like there mirrors are windex clean but remind you that you are not alone because we stand as a team. So parenting is a community full of experiences and advice so welcome aboard and buckle up for the ride.

    Ashley Dowd

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    • Aww this is so sweet. I am not a parents but I do agree with you that while so much is trial and error, the one thing all children need – without question – is love. That’s what all people need! Love heals and empowers. Love is always home. You sound like a wonderful and thoughtful mother. <3 Lauren

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      • Thanks Lauren I want my readers to know that parenting is beautiful and rewarding experience but it’s definitely not easy but it’s a reality that all parents will face and have their own experiences. So, make the best of it and don’t give up.

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    • I’m a mother of 3 under the age of 3 and this speaks volumes. Parenting is the toughest and most rewarding thing I’ve ever experienced. From long nights of a toddler that just won’t sleep to a newborn who’s always hungry. Being a parent is mentally and physically exhausting but it’s all worth it when you sit back and reflect on all of their ach…read more

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    • Love your story, and you’re right, buckle up for the ride, and a ride it will be, but in the long run, a ride well worth it. I wrote a poem once called, “I loved you from the moment I saw you”, and that’s exactly how it is and all the moments and times you don’t think you will handle it, you find a way. You really can’t help yourself, you’re…read more

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  • Ashley M Dowd shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 years ago

    Window Seat

    As I sat there at the window seal quietly daydreaming away
    Imagining that the tree I was staring at was aware of all my pain.
    Pain disappointment, loneliness and unappreciated was a few of many emotions that I currently felt
    Feeling a teardrop trickling down my cheek was I guess my cry for help
    Though the environment was dark I often wonder was it my own actions that put out the light
    Even though I felt like the victim was it actually me starting the fights
    This assumption was mind boggling I just couldn’t get it right
    Am I turning into the women that I watched as a child that I never wanted to be like
    While I pray and ask God for wisdom
    I know its on the way, But it seems like forever how long will it take
    Emotionally my engine light is on and my mechanic is off duty
    Seem like I cant get it together now I’m questioning my maturity

    Ashley Dowd

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    • Ashley! This is so good! I think this poem is so real, authentic and insightful. I can feel you working through your pain and trauma in real time, and you are getting stronger and more empowered just by writing this. You are so strong. You are so brilliant. Keep writing and keep heading toward the light. <3 Lauren

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    • Wow. I resonate with this so much. I too feared becoming like the woman I watched growing up and occasionally I felt like I already had turned into her. You are strong and wide already. Acknowledging these emotions is truly the first step to moving forward in an emotionally intelligent life. God will answer your prayers and I guarantee that he’s a…read more

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    • I feel you, I truly feel you, and I want to say, “Never Give Up”. At times you feel lonly, alone, frustrated because you feel as if nothing’s going right with you, or you question why what’s happening is happening? Why can’t you do or get better? Where’s your happiness? I’ve been there, and the answer to all of this is to, continue praying,…read more

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    • This is real and I understand you. Basically everything that’s in this poem happened to me. Everything you thought in this poem is what I thought because I blamed myself and was always seeking the help that would never come to me. Well that’s what I thought Until I met her. My special someone who pulled me from that dark environment.

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  • Ashley M Dowd shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 years ago

    Feelings with no name

    What’s the name of that feeling.
    When your heart echoes duplicating a mere image of a windowless room of flat paint
    What’s the name of that feeling.
    When your happily ever after converts into lonely nights and forfeited fights
    Finding yourself pillow talking with your shadow on how this can’t be life.
    What’s the name of that feeling.
    When your ego has drowned, and the lifeguard is off duty.
    Gasping for air while waiting for the waves to subdue you.
    What’s the name of the that feeling.
    When the stars no longer twinkle, and the birds no longer fly, and the clouds look weary providing an abstract flavor to the sky.

    Ashley Dowd

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    • That feeling is JUST a feeling. And feelings are fleeting. So keep fighting for your happiness and know your worth. And your feelings will begin to feel just how you want them too. Stay strong. Find your happiness. <3 Lauren

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    • Hopelessness. Such an overwhelming feeling of being so empty. Yet filled with the loud sound of silence. You will find your happiness again. You will find that spark that’ll turn into a blazing fire. Be patient and kind to yourself. Don’t give up.

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    • To me the name of that feeling is “I don’t know”, what’s the name of that feeling, and you’re entitled to those feelings. It will be a name that you personally will have to come up with. It can be loneliness, it can be sadness, it can be depressions, it can be a feeling of frustration, because you don’t really know, but it’s definitely a feeling.…read more

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    • To me that feeling is helplessness. And just like you said “Gasping for air while waiting for the waves to subdue you” to me is like when you’re in a powerless situation and all you can you is wait for it all to come crashing down just like the wave in your line. It’s like if Nasa came out and told the world that the moon is going to collide with…read more

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  • Ashley's Lullaby

    Hush teenage Ashley please don’t cry if only you knew what your future looked like. I understand you feel lonely and unloved too but trust and believe that God has big plans for you. The emotional trials and tribulations that has constantly let you down is a required prerequisite to prove you are worthy for the crown. Sleepless nights and uncontrolled tears were the evidence of your frustration when no one was near. Later you will find out you were never alone, and God heard your secret prayers when you thought no one was home. To whom much is given certainly much is required so accept your circumstances as a badge of honor. The pain that you endure is meant to push you to your purpose and the anointing that’s on your life is strong enough to make hell nervous. So, in spite of the opposition that you have to face the blessings that lies ahead is your game winning check mate. So trust the process and no longer ask WHY YOU but ask WHO ARE YOU that your childhood had to be misty blue.

    Ashley Dowd

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    • Ashley, I truly believe the difficult things we go through in the moment can feel overwhelming, but in the end that leads us to who we are meant to be and what we are meant to do. You are so strong and resilient. Never change. I admire you. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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