
smessecar55's Letters

Finally Alive

What I love about myself in this chapter of my life is that I am finally learning how to let go. Let go of the past, not entirely but mostly, let go of things I cannot control, and let the pieces fall as they may. I have always cared too much and too deeply and tried too hard to make sure everyone was happy losing myself along the way. I will…read more

Stephanie Messecar

"If I Miss a Star then I Grab a handful of Clouds."

15 and pregnant to a monster all because I was trying to escape the pain of my horrific childhood of emotional, mental, and sexual abuse. I allowed myself to get manipulated and trapped time and time again. Even though I was the last person everyone thought would get pregnant including myself, it happened and everyone told me I was messing up my…read more

The Struggle is Real but You're Not Alone

Dear Unsealers, my childhood, through to my 20s, has been one of the most horrifying experiences that no child or person should ever have to go through. By the hands of evil, I was abused mentally, emotionally, and sexually with no one to protect me. Even growing up to this day can be a struggle but I have to win this battle. In some stages of my…read more

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