

  • maintain4life shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 months, 1 weeks ago


    Dear Unsealers,
    Time- can have a frame
    Within it, many things can be contained
    Time- can never be restrained
    It runs within seconds of its domain
    Every minute is within it
    It stops or its infinite
    There are clocks of all kinds
    Catch up or get left behind
    But beware of father time
    Some things remain some things never last
    But what do you think about these little grains of sand
    Flowing In the hourglass
    Time- will be a part of your future, present, and past
    You can have so little
    You can have too much
    I have never seen time on my hands
    Because it is something I can’t touch
    Time- can have an effect In many different ways
    24 hours In a day
    It can be a part of your healing, grief, or pain
    Should I go or should I stay
    There’s a Time for everything
    But never a wrong time to pray
    Over Time there’s nurturing and growth
    Destruction or decay
    Sun up or sundown
    The only thing that matters
    Is that the world keeps turning to circle back around
    This makes It worth my while
    Another way to tell Time is by looking at a sundial
    Time can be used wisely or wasted
    Once it’s gone you can never replace It
    Maybe Time doesn’t even exist
    And life just is what it is
    Now this got me thinking
    That the present is the gift
    This thing ticks and it toks
    It’s a tower or a wristwatch
    Time-is needed to evolve
    The cicada to do its mating call
    Someone else’s Time is not parallel to mine
    But we make connections
    To see who’s on the other line
    One thing is for certain either you do
    Or you don’t have the Time
    Better late than never
    Watch the moon and stars appear
    Time- is of the essence in our atmosphere
    This could be your last ticket
    Or your last shot
    Either way sometimes
    Time- is all we got.

    James Morsching

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    • James this is soooo good. I have thought a lot about time and how it changes us – some ways good and some ways not as good. But at the end of the day, I think, as you wrote, we just have to be grateful for the moment. Thank you for this wise and thought ful piece. <3 Lauren

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    • James this is such a creative piece! Time is so valuable. We all need to be grateful for the time we get to spend with others, the time we get to spend having fun, and just in general the time we have! Life is a privilege and we should never take it for granted. Love this!!

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  • Lost Dreams Awaken.

    Dear Unsealers,
    The best dream I ever had
    Was getting clean and being a dad
    An inside job that started in rehab
    Having a better life does not seem that bad
    But when things start to come true
    Like being the real me and not feeling hurt
    From the things I used to do
    I remain true and hold myself accountable
    To certain principles
    I work the program first
    Or everything else will have no worth
    The moment I Pick up to use, I lose it all
    Life gets worse and that is how I fall
    But let’s get back to freedom
    Old people , places, and things I don’t need them
    Its a pure gem
    Diamonds are forever I choose to be a friend
    And keep it in the day
    My story is building a trend
    Because I followed others
    Who made recovery possible to the bitter ends
    A new way where everything else falls into place
    This is a journey not a race
    When doors open I see space and opportunity
    Starring at me directly in the face
    The work that I put in is not a waste of time
    I gained a piece of mind
    Being done with a life of crime
    Lost dreams awaken now I’m wide awoke
    I do what it takes to keep my boat afloat
    So you should take note I deal hope
    When Its hard to cope
    Knowledge will take it further
    Act wise how many times can a man die
    before he saves lives
    How many times can a man lie
    before the next tide
    I had a priest at my bedside for obvious reasons
    It was a sign that I needed to be here breathing
    So with the next chain of events
    Getting high through all seasons
    More trials and tribulations among heathens
    It got worse before it got better
    Tread lightly here comes the stormy weather
    Prayed nightly before I started putting It together
    Like pieces of a jigsaw, birds of a feather
    I cant but we can
    The odds are stacked against me
    If I try to do this without a helping hand
    Bigger picture to bigger plans
    jacobs ladder to secret sands
    An open mind to promised lands
    A grand approach scaling life’s obstacle’s
    Seeing with clearer opticals now I can chose
    To be down with the devil
    Or hear the good news
    Grab me a shovel or find some new tools
    My life expectancy can change
    If I can stop putting alcohol in my blood
    crack in my lungs and dope in my veins
    Life can hurt suffering from growing pains
    From a fast growth spurt
    The effort has no limitations If you know your worth
    Went into meditation Is how I left earth
    The biggest gift Is life and how I set foot on its turf
    A goal to get clean and the dream of being present for
    My daughters birth .

    James Morsching

    Voting starts October 18, 2024 12:00am

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    • James, WOW. This is a big accomplishment; you should be proud of yourself. Congratulations on your first child! The sacrifices that you made for your child will never go unnoticed. You are so strong and that child is so lucky to have a father that cares about her as much as you do. Great work. ♥

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  • maintain4life shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 months, 2 weeks ago

    Inside Job

    Dear Unsealers,
    My rhymes are about addiction
    and how it inflicted pain and infliction
    now I can no longer tell the difference
    between fact or fiction
    a whole world of indifference
    I just lost interest
    couldn’t be sufficient
    But I can go out and get high
    and die in a instant
    or nothing to show
    I lost my glow i had as a infant
    for instance a stronger inner self
    Is what I’m missing
    steady building better intuition
    My daughter needs daddy to be more sufficient
    I can hold more significance
    you seen me up close
    and you seen me from a distance
    you can do the most
    and have a toast to my existence .

    James Morsching

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  • Therapeutic Values .

    Dear Unsealers,
    To all those still stuck in addiction, when you stop there’s a big hole missing there are keys to the ignition to higher consciousness to open a closed mind’s vision. Time to cook up some new food for thought when lost dreams awaken I sought it out through prayer and meditation Things will get clearer I’m a witness to trial and error with full dedication. I walked by the side of the Paul Bearer until I had a full revelation. Dropping the ego that was full of frustrations, not mine but thy will be done gives me constant elevation. There’s more to life than just numbing the pain, deeply engraved my scar tissue is being mended and saved. Working through my issues the feeling is brave. Not running from my emotions gives me even better days. Life still happens but freedom from an obsession with things I used to crave is a blessing that I got it before I lay in my grave. I can be better than my past one day at a time at a steady pace. If I keep taking out the trash to create new neural pathways. A simple program for a complicated person if it works it’s working at being a better version. I’m going on an excursion inside of myself throwing out a burden and cleaning house. I know the drill thanks to a higher power and turning over my will is a daily reprieve ‘ a coping skill’. there’s hope to build in the recovery field trying to hold on to old ideas the results were nil. The snake seizes the heel when things seem to have a pleasing appeal. Grab your chest plate, armor, and shield to avoid the triggers, schemes, and treacherous ordeals. We let go absolutely, so I’m here giving freely to fulfill my duties to be a productive member of all communities. The universe is where my immunity lies must stay plugged into the source or my recovery dies .differences of opinions, internal controversy God supplies a higher power to all diversities. Mines, or your understanding of one could set you free from tragedies evil deeds, the planting of a seed. Where excessive greed and compulsion of wants and needs will no longer succeed. I will not Leave the past behind nor wish to shut the doors on our memories. Trust and believe there are therapeutic recipes farther than the eye can see. Research and study a disease that’s been slowly killing me. I take a fearless searching moral inventory so I can process the change slowly surfacing within my story. I found something here that I thought I would never find a gift of gratitude an inner sunshine where love is no longer blind. There was a downhill spiral now it’s an uphill climb but supported at the same time. The journey is being recorded along the way I see the signs. My prayers are being answered as long as I keep reading between the lines. This ain’t a race I see progress through blind faith in a divine. We must not let our fallen die in vain. Recovery is possible when there’s nothing more to lose but everything to gain. We break the chain of insanity and dance in the rain. I feel their pain, I pray they get off the street and find peace. We find strength where we are weak and love once the hate is deceased. This is where it gets twice as deep. I take the cotton out of my ears and put it in my mouth when the speaker speaks. This is where I admit defeat and the newcomer is saved a seat because their life is never obsolete. Have faith to take the leap. The goal is to learn how to stand on our own two feet. Instead of roaming aimlessly, like lost sheep the broader the foundation the higher the peak, and become like that rose that grew from concrete. A true inheritance for the meek, a flood to a leak. We critique the patchwork that is sown into a new lifestyle that flows gently down the creek.

    James Morsching

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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