  • karissahowden submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about what you are grateful for in your lifeWrite a poem about what you are grateful for in your life 6 months, 2 weeks ago

    simple gratitude

    It’s being home for bedtime⁣
    And adequate sleep too.⁣
    Slow down activities-⁣
    long walks, sipping coffee, stretching, ⁣
    just to name a few.⁣
    Fresh baked bread more often than not⁣
    Me? Who would’ve ever thought. ⁣
    Every day I change,⁣
    Old me would think it’s so strange.⁣
    We’re not chasing the money or the beers⁣
    Just staying aligned despite any fears.⁣
    Success to me looks different now-⁣
    I’m grateful for those long, difficult, learning years.

    Karissa Howden

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    • Aww Karissa, this is beautiful. I can feel the peace in your life and in your soul through this poem (along with the gratitude you feel for that peace). You’ve clearly come a long way, and not only do you have a lot to be grateful for but you have so many reasons to be proud of yourself. I love your poetry. I am so glad you are part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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