

  • For Inspiration

    To the songs that soothe our souls—
    Birds, who give voice to the dust on butterfly wings,
    that set flight to hearts that weigh more, in life,
    than this human body can bring

    To the women, who hold me in their arms—
    Mothers whose love gives birth to all others,
    their lips, dripping with truths we crave to read
    in the lies of men that can’t, who weren’t made to, bleed.

    To the love rising from the ashes within me,
    turning dust to nectar, nourishing
    petals that sprout, even through fallen leaves.

    To the mind, that relentless dynamo,
    that wonders, even as I slumber.

    To these hips I haven’t mastered
    how to shake, that I call home.

    To these hardy bones
    I fear to break, that I know one day
    will wither away.

    To these eyes, I know
    take me deeper

    To the true me, myself, and I,
    I’ve always known.

    To the one who reads these words,
    a reflection, a shadow

    That, beneath a fruit tree
    already lived and died
    longer than

    You, or me,
    an extension of interconnection,
    sparks that lead us back to one eternal flame
    from which we all light, and delight,
    in one another.

    To the hands that type, these words
    into a device that may one day enslave me

    To pen and paper that cramps my hand,
    an addictive catharsis that gives semblance to

    This life, this foreign concept,
    a system my brain can’t think itself free from,
    a headache, a heartache, all at once
    felt and embraced,
    yet unbound.

    For all of this,
    I am grateful.


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    • Hi there, Kaileia. Aiša here. Thank you for sharing your gratitude-inspired stream of consciousness with us all.

      “To the mind, that relentless dynamo,
      that wonders, even as I slumber […]”—‘thank you’ is not so easy to utter.

      Needless to say, I am humbled by your presence <3

      Happy New Year, Kaileia 🙂

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    • Kaileia, your writing always takes me on a journey — one that is peaceful and thoughtful. This is so creative and so real at the same time. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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    • Dear Kaileia,
      Your words show a strength of character that is very admirable! I wish you all the best!


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  • The Bridge Between (My Inner Child & Me)

    Dear inner teenager—writer of break-up letters, potbelly pig cuddler, improv star, belter of Disney princess songs, and mermaid princess,

    Would you believe it? At age 23, it is your well of resilience, courage, and drive that ignites a fire within me.

    I look at old photographs and see our big, brown, otherworldly eyes. Over the years, the light in them has flickered, but never dimmed, despite my fear of that happening.

    I flip through your journals and never fail to find reflections and insights you couldn’t have known then, that I would need now. You are wiser than I remember feeling at that time.

    Rather than a sweet sixteen party, you adventure to Mexico with Mom. And when prom arrives, you bring your younger sister as your date, even though you have a boyfriend. You stand up and speak up for yourself when your “friends” ignore you at lunch. You wear the same dress from elementary and middle school graduations to your high school one. You are a pagan witch in a Catholic household, and the same altar you owned then, I still use now.

    I can always count on you to serve as a bridge between my inner child and me, preserving her wisdom and reminding me to honor her needs. Altogether, we are an old soul moving from forgetfulness to remembrance—and that is no easy feat. Mischievous, but not malevolent, you show up as your whole self even when it comes at a cost, but you still feel the weight of grief that comes with each loss.

    So often, you find yourself in scenarios where you need to make the same choice—repress or express. While neither option is free from consequence, each time you choose the latter, you’re happier than when you don’t. Every time you express your truth in the moment, you do so for you, but you also do it for the parts of us who, in our past moments, didn’t know how to.

    You, wild and whimsical one, are the uncensored embodiment of our imagination. It’s no wonder Theatre and English are your favorite subjects.

    But somewhere inside, you still believe the lie that you’re only loved when you’re not you. You’re deeply hurt by words spoken by those who don’t hold themselves to the same level of integrity as you.

    I want you to know that a soul family awaits you in Florida, including a father who sees and cherishes every part of us, a sister who walks a spiritual path parallel to ours, and of course, goat kids. Family will come to mean something much different from what it does now, and though feelings of guilt and grief may come with the best of it, I need you to know that you are deserving and capable of being met and loved at the same depths that you exist in.

    But know this too, you cannot change someone to be what they are not, no matter how much they or you may want it.

    Look at us, for instance. Over the years, we have changed, yet at our core, we remain the same.

    I still love everything you love—and more.

    I know why you are afraid of losing all of the colors of you. But I promise to preserve them. You can revel in excitement at the many new shades you have yet to meet, that make up all that I am.

    The light at the end of the tunnel is actually a reflection in the mirror at the far end of the cave. When you walk through the darkness, it is your light that guides you through. The light at the end of the tunnel is you.

    So if you make your way into something, know you can always find a way out.

    Only those who fear the responsibility that comes with wielding their power will attempt to dissuade you from accessing yours. It is only you who can choose to give your power away. No one else can take it from you.

    What happens in life will happen. What you let it mean in the big picture of things and within your own heart is up to you. And if you do happen to give away your power, it’s up to you to take it back. No one is going to give it to you.

    You—the underdog who rises, the quiet one who transforms on stage—are never defined by your best step, nor your worst misstep on the path of stepping stones into the unknown. Your imagination is complementary to your intellect, and you’ll need both to help you create something truly magical. So hold onto your belief in magic, even as others outgrow your make-believe games, and you will see when you do, our world never ceases to sparkle.

    Your wise, yet carefree existence tends to trigger people who perceive this world as black or white, versus multi-color and multi-shade. Despite your best efforts, some people are just not ready to leave their disempowered states.

    When you focus on empowering yourself, people will want to start recruiting you to fight their wars. But you must remember—you are a manifestor. You are here to initiate, inspire, and impact—just by being and doing you.

    You help me remember that we are big and that we are here to do big things, which means we need to learn how to take up space for ourselves, in addition to holding space for others. Promise to help me master this dance time and time again, so we can always feel free to write, speak, and sing to our heart’s content.

    Developing discernment will help us combat our tendency toward confusion. Differentiating our intrinsic worth from cross-contaminated opinions that surround us is a lesson to be learned, and ever-relearned. Through it all, your light reflects truth in all directions—a rainbow of authenticity that shines in the face of adversity.

    Every ounce of resonance, love, and empowerment I feel now is a testament to you. Your wide range and depth of emotions contain messages that are essential to our development. Thank you for letting me know what we need, what we’ll refuse to accept, and what is (or isn’t) worth fighting for.

    Most of all, thank you for reminding me to not take life so seriously, to be willing to step out of my comfort zone, and to always make fun a priority.

    Your memory is a reminder that my greatest gifts have always been a part of me.

    With unconditional love and gratitude,
    Your older self

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    • You are so creative and such a good writer. This piece is so empowering and inspiring. You are so right, you are here to do big things. I love love love this while paragraph,”When you focus on empowering yourself, people will want to start recruiting you to fight their wars. But you must remember—you are a manifestor. You are here to initiate, i…read more

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  • Kaileia responded to a letter in topic To the people we love 1 years, 6 months ago

    Alice, my heart breaks for you as I read your letter to William. To lose a child young has to be the hardest, most unfathomable tragedy to experience as a parent and I honestly don’t know how you navigated through it, and I’m sure you still are to this day. I am relieved that for the brief time he was here on earth, that he had the gift of knowing you for his mother. It is so clear how well you loved him, and how well your family loved him in addition to being there for one another despite everything you guys went through. These kinds of struggles can tear families apart and the fact that you all survived as a unit is a testament to the strength and will of the love you’ve grown, nurtured, and share. I give you so much credit for that. When we have it, it is easy to take our health for granted but once without it, we are reminded that nothing else truly matters. It seems like William was a constant reminder of the most important lessons in life. Life really is too short and love is all that really matters. Sharing quality moments with the ones we love for as long as we have them is what matters most. I will carry your story in my heart forever. That little boy of yours lives on through your love in every unique expression. I send your entire family warm hugs in each moment you may need them. Thank you for sharing William’s impact on your life and how he managed to completely transform your world.

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  • This is how I am overcoming my fear of being a mother

    To my unborn child,

    The first love I ever knew, and first pain I was introduced to, was my mother’s. And if you ever get the chance to come through me into this world, I’ll be yours too.

    Because you’ll have grown inside my womb, where you’ll have eaten what I ate and felt all that I feel. And all of my patterns, whether I want them or not, will become somatically inscribed into your genetic coding. So that even after the umbilical cord is cut, we’ll still be connected.

    Even now, strangely, I feel we are connected in spirit.

    Because even now, my body carries the egg that might one day become you.

    Stranger still, my mom once carried us in her womb. She carried the egg that became me while she was still inside of her mother.

    Though you aren’t born or even conceived, when and if you were to be, I’ll want you to know that mother is a spirit. And sometimes, a mother in her human form, for whatever reason, can’t or doesn’t always know how to embody the mother spirit. So we may, at different times in our lives, find a mother in another — person, place, or even within our own selves. Know too, that Mother Earth is all around you.

    I want to be the best mother I can be, but I am scared, so I write to you in my journal.

    Because one day, I might be gone, and I’ll want you to know that even then, you can always find a mother inside and step into her when you need to. You can never be without me because I am her, and she is in you.

    I understand that it isn’t my responsibility to shield you from the wears and tears of life, but I do feel like it is my duty to prepare you for them as best as I can. So if any C-PTSD or abandonment wounds show up for you, here’s what you need to know.

    My mom, who is your grandmother, was abandoned from the time she was a baby until she was six years old. She was raised by her aunts in a rural village in Thailand, and was breastfed by her grandmother. For the longest time, she referred to herself as “the girl with no mother.”

    Upon returning to her homeland with her in 2015, I watched as those aunts that once fed and bathed her, remembered and embraced her with open arms and tear-stained cheeks. And then I knew, for the first time in my life, that she had been loved after all. Maybe not very well by the one woman who should have loved her most, nor by the man she chose to marry, but at least, well enough by those women. Enough, anyway, that she was able to love me well enough to want to gift that same love to you (with my own spin on it, of course).

    But my mom, for a long time, had been disconnected from her roots, and that disconnectedness manifested physically in 2020 as colorectal cancer. Located at her root chakra, her emotions, past traumas, and hurts that were never addressed or processed rose to the surface, demanding her attention. Because the body remembers, even when the mind forgets. All this, I want you to know too.

    For the last few years, I’ve been rewriting my mother’s narrative from “the girl with no mother” to “the girl with many mothers.” And I’ve noticed that as one of us heals, so does the other, and I’m hoping that it continues down the line.

    In rewriting the stories she had always told herself, my siblings, and I while we were growing up, I realized that I too, could rewrite my own stories at any point in time. I didn’t need or want to abandon myself in order to be loved anymore, nor do I choose to surround myself with people who self-abandon or that emotionally abandon me.

    And this lesson I’m re-learning every single day, in every relationship, including the one with myself.

    If I could tell you one thing, it’d be this — I want you to choose you.

    Choose you, when given the choice to wrestle someone out of their own karmic entrapment. Set yourself free and potentially inspire them to do the same.

    Choose you, when faced with the dilemma of making sacrifices. Distinguish between the two by observing that offerings are given freely while sacrifices tend to be bargains in disguise, that in time, lead to resentment if the return on investment fails to arrive.

    Choose you, when this world or any force within it tries to silence your voice. Your voice is powerful and each time you roar, you do so for you, for me, for your grandmother, and all others who came before.

    Choose you, when your intuition guides you to your calling. If you don’t answer, it will keep ringing until you do. Any good karma I’ve been generating, I hope will be passed onto you.

    Because everytime you choose to honor your truth, you become empowered. And the love that ripples from the changes you consciously make within your being, slowly but surely heals the fabric of our collective humanity’s consciousness. When you come into this world, you will have inherited ancestral gifts too, not only traumas. And if you let them, those gifts can become a reservoir of innate strength.

    Choose you — because it is your life to live, and no one else can die for you.

    As I write these words, I’m writing them to me too.

    That might be the strangest thing about becoming an adult, let alone a parent. As soon as you think you’re ready to teach, you realize that you never stop learning.

    Most of all, know that I love you always. And one day, if I’m ever ready, when the time is right, I’ll be honored to meet you.



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  • Kaileia shared a letter in the Group logo of To the people we loveTo the people we love group 1 years, 6 months ago

    This is how I'm overcoming my fear of being a mother

    To my unborn child,

    The first love I ever knew, and first pain I was introduced to, was my mother’s. And if you ever get the chance to come through me into this world, I’ll be yours too.

    Because you’ll have grown inside my womb, where you’ll have eaten what I ate and felt all that I feel. And all of my patterns, whether I want them or not, will become somatically inscribed into your genetic coding. So that even after the umbilical cord is cut, we’ll still be connected.

    Even now, strangely, I feel we are connected in spirit.

    Because even now, my body carries the egg that might one day become you.

    Stranger still, my mom once carried us in her womb. She carried the egg that became me while she was still inside of her mother.

    Though you aren’t born or even conceived, when and if you were to be, I’ll want you to know that mother is a spirit. And sometimes, a mother in her human form, for whatever reason, can’t or doesn’t always know how to embody the mother spirit. So we may, at different times in our lives, find a mother in another — person, place, or even within our own selves. Know too, that Mother Earth is all around you.

    I want to be the best mother I can be, but I am scared, so I write to you in my journal.

    Because one day, I might be gone, and I’ll want you to know that even then, you can always find a mother inside and step into her when you need to. You can never be without me because I am her, and she is in you.

    I understand that it isn’t my responsibility to shield you from the wears and tears of life, but I do feel like it is my duty to prepare you for them as best as I can. So if any C-PTSD or abandonment wounds show up for you, here’s what you need to know.

    My mom, who is your grandmother, was abandoned from the time she was a baby until she was six years old. She was raised by her aunts in a rural village in Thailand, and was breastfed by her grandmother. For the longest time, she referred to herself as “the girl with no mother.”

    Upon returning to her homeland with her in 2015, I watched as those aunts that once fed and bathed her, remembered and embraced her with open arms and tear-stained cheeks. And then I knew, for the first time in my life, that she had been loved after all. Maybe not very well by the one woman who should have loved her most, nor by the man she chose to marry, but at least, well enough by those women. Enough, anyway, that she was able to love me well enough to want to gift that same love to you (with my own spin on it, of course).

    But my mom, for a long time, had been disconnected from her roots, and that disconnectedness manifested physically in 2020 as colorectal cancer. Located at her root chakra, her emotions, past traumas, and hurts that were never addressed or processed rose to the surface, demanding her attention. Because the body remembers, even when the mind forgets. All this, I want you to know too.

    For the last few years, I’ve been rewriting my mother’s narrative from “the girl with no mother” to “the girl with many mothers.” And I’ve noticed that as one of us heals, so does the other, and I’m hoping that it continues down the line.

    In rewriting the stories she had always told herself, my siblings, and I while we were growing up, I realized that I too, could rewrite my own stories at any point in time. I didn’t need or want to abandon myself in order to be loved anymore, nor do I choose to surround myself with people who self-abandon or that emotionally abandon me.

    And this lesson I’m re-learning every single day, in every relationship, including the one with myself.

    If I could tell you one thing, it’d be this — I want you to choose you.

    Choose you, when given the choice to wrestle someone out of their own karmic entrapment. Set yourself free and potentially inspire them to do the same.

    Choose you, when faced with the dilemma of making sacrifices. Distinguish between the two by observing that offerings are given freely while sacrifices tend to be bargains in disguise, that in time, lead to resentment if the return on investment fails to arrive.

    Choose you, when this world or any force within it tries to silence your voice. Your voice is powerful and each time you roar, you do so for you, for me, for your grandmother, and all others who came before.

    Choose you, when your intuition guides you to your calling. If you don’t answer, it will keep ringing until you do. Any good karma I’ve been generating, I hope will be passed onto you.

    Because everytime you choose to honor your truth, you become empowered. And the love that ripples from the changes you consciously make within your being, slowly but surely heals the fabric of our collective humanity’s consciousness. When you come into this world, you will have inherited ancestral gifts too, not only traumas. And if you let them, those gifts can become a reservoir of innate strength.

    Choose you — because it is your life to live, and no one else can die for you.

    As I write these words, I’m writing them to me too.

    That might be the strangest thing about becoming an adult, let alone a parent. As soon as you think you’re ready to teach, you realize that you never stop learning.

    Most of all, know that I love you always. And one day, if I’m ever ready, when the time is right, I’ll be honored to meet you.



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    • @kaithepocketbuddha Kai! OMG I have been saying “the body remembers, even when the mind forgets.” for years!!!! It is so true. This piece is very well written and has so much wisdom in it. I hope your mother is doing well. And I love that you re-writing her story as the “the girl with many mothers.” Mothers can come in so many different packages.…read more

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    • You are such a great mom and your child is going to be such a great child especially, from the experiences, that you face and how you overcame the fear of being a mom because of your past trauma with your actual mom. Your child is going to be very strong and courageous, because of the mindset that you have today, you’re empowering them to speak o…read more

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    • Dear Laileia,
      What a beautiful letter you have written to your future child. Your mother sounds like a strong woman and so do you. I thank you for opening up your heart and sharing your powerful story. I wish you much happiness in the future!


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