

  • kellybeanz87 shared a letter in the Group logo of ParentingParenting group 1 days, 4 hours ago

    Joey's Poem

    If you had any shred of decency left in you
    You’d stay away from my boo
    To that little boy
    I’m the only one that’s true
    If I could flip it all back
    Spin it all around and let you see
    Literally the little me…..
    Nurturing, loving, carrying him through
    When not everyone else was always onboard too
    I’m the only thing and woman he’s ever really known

    Now he’s sitting here looking at me full grown
    What you tried to protect your whole life, sits there looking at you like you’ve just ripped out a knife
    What I tried to avoid his whole little life
    Will he ever understand that all mommy every wanted was to make a good man?
    Can’t he please just understand?
    This precious seed turns around and now questions me, how dare he?
    I can’t explain it all, I don’t know how I could
    If I could lay it all out right here, right now trust me I would
    Let it all go for good
    Let you see all my choices weren’t always the smartest
    But always out of love and always for good

    I guess protection is a strange thing
    You want to take them under your wing
    You don’t realize how much you cling
    Well, here we are young man, here I stand
    This is all of me, still standing, still fighting
    Always will
    At least I will try
    I hope one day you understand

    Love Always,
    Your “Teen” Mom

    Kelly M.B

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  • S.K shared a letter in the Group logo of Women's EmpowermentWomen's Empowerment group 6 days, 4 hours ago

    Birthday Story

    “The two important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why”-Mark Twain.
    Life’s numerical milestones have changed .
    I view 46 as 30+ 16 rather than 50-4 Mathematically and philosophically.
    46 was a nameless nobody . Turning 46 just meant a step closer to the golden years and nothing more than that.
    But now , this previously insignificant number has a whole glamour quotient of its own. A modern day new kinda big deal .
    Feeling “ 45+1” or “almost 46” does sorta have a grounding undertone to it. A settling sense of self assuredness.
    Chances are at this juncture, you are where you shall be for the rest of your life..atleast in most aspects of your life.
    So it’s best to acknowledge all of it , embrace it, celebrate the done-its and get over the have-nots.
    My so-called big birthday beckons me in a few days. And I feel fine. In reality, I feel more than just fine.I feel feisty and fine. Each day bringing with it an epiphany of sorts. The realization that aging gracefully means learning to detach and step back . Ironically, learning the art of detachment is not a lesson in learning to let go.
    It actually involves quite the opposite. It involves recognizing and holding on to all that is relevant and enriching. And no , age is not just a number. How we wish it was! It is way more layered than that.
    Physically, the 45 year old body is not and organically should not be what it used to be . Aging naturally is the sign of a life well lived. Trying to reverse age, is trying to relive a life that wasn’t done right the first time.
    Mentally, growing older is freeing. With my absolute abandon and unapologetic arrogance , I sense and honestly quite like the new me emerging-subtle silver streaks, sagginess, striations , self love et all! I feel old enough to recognize my mistakes but young enough to make some more!
    So bring on my birthday baby, let the wisdom grow and show! On my face, on my cake!
    My dear age-Add those candles with each passing year as you wish, but you can never blow out the fire that gets fiercer every minute within me!


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    • Sarita, I love this so much! Your sense of humor is amazing and made me laugh out loud. As I continue to age, I hope to have such a confident outlook about the changes I experience. Just like you said, they are evidence of a life well-lived. Thank you for sharing!

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  • Tiffany Williams shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 weeks, 3 days ago

    Change the Narrative

    Releasing the urge to ruminate on things I need to control, fix or acquire
    Focused on redefining my values and recovering my power to inspire
    Harboring guilt, shame and fear are no longer on the table
    This season is about letting them think, because I know I’m capable
    Watching the feelings and old beliefs dissipate
    Letting go of subconscious excuses to procrastinate
    Taking action on these dreams, no time to hesitate!
    Inviting love and compassion as filters to make decisions
    Acknowledging that every experience teaches me how to move with precision
    And knowing no matter how big the mistake, I’m never outside of divine provision
    My trauma’s not an incision or justification for division

    So I’m prioritizing clarity and harmony to activate my dreams and vision

    Tiffany Narvise

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  • Alex Grey shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 2 weeks, 3 days ago

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    The Suitcase

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  • Paige Walden shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 2 weeks, 4 days ago

    Midnight Solace

    In the darkness, I’m alone, floating on a cloud of dreams,
    where reality blurs and paints a picture of my mind dancing freely,
    taking solace in the emptiness,
    escaping the inevitable
    to a void where struggles on all fronts

    To a single adult like me,
    name any struggle you’re facing
    and I can likely tell you
    that I was there before coming here.
    Still gonna be waiting for me
    for when I get back though.

    God, it was serene, the feeling,
    like being wrapped in a cozy blanket
    on a cool night in your bed;
    while your worries melted like butter
    into a fleeting absence.

    And when there’s night,
    there’s day,
    and like the sun in the world,
    yours will rise again in your mind,
    which reminds me of
    the one thing I always loved about
    the darkness,
    because in it there’s nothing there,
    no light to illuminate
    any harsh reality
    or truth
    waiting to cause havoc in
    your heart and mind.

    And if it were up to me,
    I’d manifest my thoughts into a person,
    and kill it
    so my mind can finally have peace.

    I’d stay in the darkness forever,
    if that meant being free.

    Paige Walden

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  • Shay Vogler shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 2 weeks, 5 days ago

    Just One More Chapter

    (I was inspired to write this just now at 11:34pm 8/27/24)
    In the past, society has deemed mental health as a crisis or a “stigma” and if women showed any form of mental health issues, we were sanctioned to an asylum to live out the rest of our days. Some men as well. But, in 2024, mental health is still frowned upon. “Oh, what, in your life is so bad?” “No one will believe you.” “Your depression is just you being lazy.” etc…I have had the immense pleasure of working in the mental health field off and on for a very long time and I fall in love more every time I go back. It is not wrong to ask for help with your mental health. Forget about what your friends and family will say. Forget about what social media and film and television say about it. Just do not think for one moment that you do not deserve to be here. And every time you think you will end it all, remember, I am here for you, as are hundreds of others and think to yourself: “just one more chapter.”

    Shay Vogler

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    • Aww, don’t worry about what anyone else thinks. There is so much power in doing what is best for you, period. You should always pursue your peace and your happiness. Thank you for sharing, and thank you for being part of the Unsealed family.

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  • Moxx shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 3 weeks, 1 days ago


    Loneliness slithers in
    Like an unsuspecting snake
    Coiled around my neck
    Struggling to breathe
    With nobody around
    To save me
    In a crowded room
    I feel so alone
    Everyone has someone
    But no one has got me
    Each night I come closer
    To a planned death
    Because loneliness kills
    I don’t belong anywhere
    I’m not needed nor wanted
    So why even bother
    I’ll drift away peacefully
    Forgotten easily
    And never remembered

    Kristen Moxley

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    • Kristen, I am so sad that you have ever felt this way. When you do, there are resources. I believe calling or texting 988 will connect you with a professional. You are an incredible human. And you are not alone. Sending you the biggest hug. <3 Lauren

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      • Hi Lauren – Thank you so much for your kind words! I know I’m not REALLY alone, but my brain likes to lie to me and tell me untrue stories. I was having a really hard time the night that I wrote that poem. Thank you for your kindness. You are an inspiration to me! ❤️

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    • Beautifully written. I think this piece of ART expresses a feeling that many of us are too afraid to admit. I’ve requested to be a pen pal with you. So that you never have to feel this way again.

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      • Awww, you are wonderful! I accepted your request and would love to be pen pals with you! I also think a lot of people feel this way. And hopefully, I’ve helped them to not feel so alone as well. Sending hugs and love! ❤️

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  • Benjamin Fuller shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 3 weeks, 4 days ago

    Oh Raven

    Oh raven you foul omen
    Singing your song again and again
    Your wretched melody
    Humming through the wind
    Beating against my eardrum
    Slowly shredding against the red thread of fate
    Perched on my shoulder as you patiently wait
    Watching as the thread is continually thinned
    Sitting there, just singing your perish song
    Wishing to drag us both to a place where I do not belong
    Oh how long shall you beckon?
    Oh how long shall your song peck away at the worms crawling under my flesh?
    Your damnable whisper, so gentle and somber,
    Yet with every verse I feel the air growing crisper
    Every score eats away at my sanity
    Unraveling the very fabric of who I am, as you continue singing note after note
    Never satisfied until the day I drag a knife across my throat
    But raven, do you not see?
    Oh raven, surely you must know that I shall not allow your symphony to be the death of me?
    For now I beseech you to harken unto the joyous song which I sing
    Praise unto the Resurrected King
    The Divine Dove, who flew down from heaven above
    Simply to grace me with His merciful love
    Now the hope of salvation is within my reach
    So away with your song of deprivation, oh raven
    For now is the time for you to suffer my hymn
    As I relentlessly give all glory and honor unto Him
    May this sound be a torment, may your face be made grim
    By the chords of a man now restored by righteousness’ blood
    Because He has taken me by hand and risen me from dust to make me a king,
    He has placed His Spirit within me, like placing on my finger, a ring
    I am the beloved of Christ
    Therefore I refuse to let you deceive me into thinking I am anything less
    Oh, let this song be my shield as I sing it again and again
    Now away with you raven, for you are nothing more than a foul omen.

    Donald M. Clyde

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  • Lauran Hirschi shared a letter in the Group logo of Chasing Your DreamsChasing Your Dreams group 1 months ago


    Dear little me,

    This is not even a dream that you know you have yet, but oh how I wish I could tell you how brave you are going to be one day! How you will burst out of the role you think you are meant to play. A lot has changed since we were small, but the goodness inside you was a part of it all.

    In your twenties, on a seemingly random day and not in any way planned, you will get to come out to mom and dad. Notice I said, “get to,” because for awhile you will think that no one needs to know. Being honest with ourselves about it was such a fight in the first place. Then gradually we told a few safe people, dear friends and allies who embrace us fully as we were. And we feel so lucky. But there is still some fear in expressing it to others, including some family, so we steer clear.

    But then, on a day that did not start of grand and then continued to feel like it was getting more out of hand.. when mom tries to ask you what is going on inside, you start to open up about some questions and doubts you’ve been hiding. Then all of the sudden, without any warning, you blurt out, “Oh and by the way, I’m not straight!” It was probably a bit jarring.

    You wait for the questions and badgering to start, but instead they let you talk and they listen with fairly open hearts. After that, I’ll be frank, it is not sunshine and roses. Along the way to understanding there have been plenty of bumpy roads.

    And I know what you are thinking, because I think it a lot: why did we get lucky when so many do not? I wish I had an answer to that query, but the truth is that sometimes the answers can be very elusive and maybe some answers do not exist. There is a lot we still do not know, but let me scratch something from the list.

    I know I am not a mistake, and that I deserve acceptance and kindness. I believe that is universal, no matter what some may say in their blindness. And while I am still growing and changing and discovering myself, I am learning not to hide away on a dark, shaded shelf.

    Hugs to you, little one.

    Lauran Hirschi

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    • Lauran, I am so proud of you!! Even if you just randomly came out, you expressed your feelings in ways you didn’t think you would have been able to in the past! You are so incredibly strong and your younger self would be so excited to hear that she grew up to be an amazing person!!

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      • Thank you again, Harper!! I do think that she would smile about how it all went down. I have never been much for planning, so the fact that it happened almost spontaneously feels pretty fitting. And I think if I had tried to orchestrate it, I would have put it off time and time again. I sometimes get so caught up in saying the “right thing” that I…read more

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        • Yes! Love this!! Spontaneous things are often what we remember best so keep doing what you’re doing ❤️ So proud of you

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  • Miracle Dixon shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 months, 1 weeks ago

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  • Melinda Stone shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 months, 2 weeks ago

    This morning, I woke up, and we were out of juice.

    This morning, I woke up and we were out of juice. Juice that was meant for my kids. Juice that I had to get from the Christian help center because I had no money and no other way to get my kids juice myself. I got it yesterday and this morning, it was gone. And my boys didn’t even get a glass. It’s been a daily struggle to ensure the kids stay fed and hydrated, and my pops drank all their juice without a shred of concern for them, his grandkids. I woke up and there was no juice. And this same day I yelled in my 5-year-old autistic nonverbal son’s face that I wanted to die. It’s the day I cry all day, randomly, and I can’t stop them. I don’t even remember the last time I cried, and cried like THIS.. Something has changed in me. I’m not sure what triggered it, where it came from, or why it happened, but all day I’ve felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest. Making it harder to take breaths and it was so heavy that it was just squeezing out everything in my life that contributed to traumatizing me or hurting me to my core. And as I talked to Jehovah off and on, I kept having epiphanies for my life. I told Him I could handle it, I just wanted to be able to heal but how do I heal if I don’t face it? How do I face it if I can’t see it clearly?

    I like to think I’m strong but I’m not. I’m just unfeeling. Empty. A void so deep I can’t see my way through it.

    Yesterday I wanted to die. Today I’m thinking about life with me gone.

    All my life I’ve been raised and conditioned to avoid emotion. And I was the golden child because I did it so well.

    Maybe if I’m gone, they’ll start having a conversation. Maybe they’ll realize I was a person who was never really strong; just somebody who needed someone to stay. Someone who showed up for ME.

    I feel like I don’t have a real place in THIS world. What am I passing to my kids but more of the same? A quiet, passive emotionless, existence all because I don’t know better how to teach them any different.

    Don’t they deserve better than that?

    I mean every person I have ever loved has turned away from me to something better, someone else. They must know I’m empty and have nothing to offer. I guess it’s caught up to me because now that’s all I see.

    I can barely feed my kids, or buy a pack of diapers for my son. I yelled in his face that I wanted to die. He doesn’t know any better. He is the purest, most innocent being and I am ashamed of myself. He deserves so much more. So much better than me. They all do.

    Ever wonder how different your life would be if just one person in your life wasn’t scared to love you; if just one person didn’t walk out?

    Ever wonder why you couldn’t just be like everyone else who’s blind to the truth and didn’t have to walk around with your head hung in shame?

    Ever wonder what really makes you special as a human being?

    Who am I when I’m not a mother, a daughter, or a friend; what if when you answer that question you realize there’s nothing that defines you?

    (I just want you all to know that I am not suicidal, and I am in therapy. These are just thoughts that I believe many people have but do not voice in fear of other’s judgments.)

    I write this so others know you are not alone and I love you!

    Melinda Stone

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    • Melinda, you ARE strong. Enduring all of that is not for the weak! You are capable of so much and even though life may seem to be moving slower that you want it to, that doesn’t take away from the value in your life and your kids lives. You will get through this, I believe in you!!

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  • Chris Riddle shared a letter in the Group logo of ParentingParenting group 1 months, 3 weeks ago

    That one phone call...

    The phone rings.
    “Hi Mom. Guess where I am?!?”
    “I don’t know,” I said. “Where?”
    I hear my daughter catch her breath with anticipation and excitement. I’m sitting on my couch in suburban Minneapolis home. It’s cold outside and I’m under a blanket, it’s late, I have to be at work early. I couldn’t sleep.
    “I’m in Canada! I got here! Oh Mom, I’m so excited!”
    I hear her fumbling around.
    “Mom, just listen…”
    I hear the beep of a key card being accepted in a lock.
    “That was me, I’m in my hotel room!”
    I gasp, catching a little hitch in my throat as a tear escapes my eye. I am picturing my 5-year-old daughter standing on tippy toes. She is grinning as she opens the door, turning to see if I am looking.
    “I’m so glad you got there safely, how was the flight?” I don’t want her to hear the emotion in my voice. She is my child, and she is a capable woman.
    “It was great, no problems, and here I am. I wish you were here. I want you to hear me give my paper.”
    “You will do great,” I say, wishing I could be there. I don’t want to make this about me. It’s not, it’s all her. My sweet and spicy first born.
    So, this is parenting. I did not raise my kids so that they would need me. I raised them so that they would be capable, reasonable and compassionate. I don’t mean to speak of them as a group or a possession, singular or plural. The babies that I grew in my womb, that I gave birth to, that I suckled and nurtured do not belong to me. They belong with me. I belong with them.
    In the beginning there were three, a daughter and two sons. My little crew. My daughter became a big sister at 17 months. My oldest son became a big brother at 28 months. It was crazy, I was struggling in an abusive marriage, with a mother who had struggles of her own. Precarious describes the first years perfectly. It is good that my precious posse was more important to me than life itself. We had adventures, we ate at McDonalds, we had guns that you could only shoot at charging pink Rhinoceros in the house on Tuesdays that started with J.
    `I did the best I could to give them a good education, a good work ethic and the understanding that in many statements the word can’t actually means won’t. You should be honest and clear about what you mean. I gave them religious education in the hope that it would springboard them into a spiritual awareness. The ability to discover the importance of a faith walk, and dedication to their individual vibration. I encouraged sports and music. Joining a group and taking part for the duration of the commitment. You don’t need to sign up again. You do need to honor your commitment.
    I could have taken them away from their father. I chose to share custody, legal and physical. I chose to love them more than the disdain I held for him. I knew him as my abuser. They knew him as daddy, they adored him, and they were of him. They had every right to know him on more than just the weekends. Warts and all, he was theirs. Warts and all, so am I.
    I gave them as much space for self-discovery and development as I could. I grew up with suppressive rules. My mom was fighting the demon of anxiety and depression. Her safety was conditional on my compliance. I held loose reigns, and there could have been more slack.
    Parenting is a dance of generations. You will always be influenced by your past, not controlled by it. My parents were donors of many loving hours with my children. They enriched the lives of these children as they grew into the adults that they are. My parents gave them deep roots, and heritage. There are many teachers, coaches and friends that took on roles of immeasurable value. The influence of adults outside our family group are the buds of branches in the young lives. Branches that will reach for the sky, nourished by the deep roots and supported by the strength of these remarkable young lives.
    My daughter is standing inside her hotel room. In a different county. Alone. Capable, proud, and she is sharing the moment with me. I am crying. I am not proud of her; I am proud for her. Yes, I guided, and she accepted. Yes, I taught, and she chose to learn. Yes, she failed. Her failure is not my lesson. It is hers. Yes, she succeeded. The success is not mine. It is hers.
    Three people. One momma. I love them all, better yet I really like them.

    Chris Riddle

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  • S.K shared a letter in the Group logo of ParentingParenting group 1 months, 3 weeks ago


    Clear the road- I am 16!!
    Happy birthday, my sweet boy.
    This is when I legally run out of excuses to get you that driver’s permit. This is when I nervously let go of your last little finger , only to grasp and firmly shake your hand in friendship🤝 This is when many transitions happen. This is when some of it makes sense to you but a lot more does not. This is when the world suddenly looks weirder, scarier, cooler, exciting, fun,crazy and different for you, all at the same time. Then is when we may agree to disagree on a lot. Remember, nobody has it all figured out entirely, neither have I, neither will you.
    But I promise to try and understand..I promise to stay onboard, face the tides and ride the unending high and low waves of life side by side with you forever and ever and ever.

    Sarita (Amma to D)

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    • 16 is such an exciting time – a very transitional age where you become so much more independent. May he enjoy it to the absolute fullest. <3 Lauren

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  • Sarel Hines shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 months, 3 weeks ago

    Silent Pleas

    Behind the mask, no face to find,
    A trick of mind, ‘neath sun that’s kind,
    Yet rain pours down within the soul,
    Where hidden truths take their toll.

    “Get up, get on, you’ll be alright,”
    The lies they tell ease the plight.
    A crown once worn, now tipped and slanted.
    Society’s stigma, harsh and untrue.

    “Go out, be free,” they say, unaware,
    That solitude’s chosen over despair.
    In sorrow’s depth, alone you wallow,
    While unseen, in code, for help you call.

    Attention sought? Not even a hand to hold,
    A listening ear, as your story’s told.
    Over and over, being told “You’ll be okay,”
    But will they listen, or just turn away?

    Until the end, when all is read,
    And in the paper, your name is led.
    Will they see then, what they missed before,
    Or just a picture, nothing more?

    S.B. Hines

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    • This is so well-written and powerful. I am sorry you have felt both unheard and dismissed. Your feelings are valid. If you are ever feeling sad, check out our resources page, theunsealed.com/resources. There are free resources for help. Sending hugs. <3 Lauren

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  • Rachel Milligan shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 months, 4 weeks ago

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    Healing side of Mental Health

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  • Rachel Milligan shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 2 months ago


    Healing can feel 2 paths
    The one with all the rocks
    And the one with the steps to the mountain
    The flowers that bloom for every little accomplishment
    Finding the things that work for me
    The constant therapy appointments
    The constant doing things alone
    Finding the peace with the sun
    The peace with the birds and the breeze
    The walking up on another chance
    Another day
    Closer to where I want to be
    Closer to the northern lights
    Closer to the place where nature is the most beautiful
    Where the leaves stop falling
    Where your so at peace
    That nothing or nobody takes that away from you again

    Rachel Milligan

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    • I think it takes a lot to find what in life helps you cope and makes you feel better. It is a constant journey on how to keep ourselves as balanced as possible. But the journey is worth it. It takes a lot of courage and self-awareness, so be proud of yourself. Thank you for sharing and for being part of The Unsealed. <3 Lauren

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  • Shay Vogler shared a letter in the Group logo of Chasing Your DreamsChasing Your Dreams group 2 months ago

    Live Your Dreams and Never Give Up!

    Dear readers,
    Living your dreams is something we are told to do as children but, the second we realize what our dreams are, they seem impossible to achieve. Nursing school is hard, 4 years of medical school, 4 years of residency, you graduate to be a teacher only to realize teaching is not all it’s cracked up to be. But, with the right support of your friends and family, your dreams are possible! You will become the neurosurgeon you’ve always wanted to be. You will be that special education teacher you’ve always dreamed about. My only advice I have is to Live Your Dreams and Never Give Up!!

    Shay Vogler

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    • The dream is always easier than the reality. I always say though, just follow your heart. Follow your heart, and you may not end up where you planned to go, but you will land exactly where you are supposed to be. Sending hugs. <3 Lauren

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  • Katie Sharbaugh shared a letter in the Group logo of Women's EmpowermentWomen's Empowerment group 2 months ago

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    "i think you guys might be thinking about yourselves too much." - jemima kirke

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  • Jennifer West shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 2 months ago

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    Sick and Twisted

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  • Amanda Henderson shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 2 months ago

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    Breaking me

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