

  • Letter to Tammy of the Past

    Hello Tammy of the past
    You use to ask me to write to you all the time. I wanted you to know one thing. You Matter! I know people act like they are better than you or say mean things to you they should keep to themselves. Just know those people don’t have a clue of what they are doing in there life. Rest assure it will come back to haunt them one day. People should say thank you and you made a difference to me but they don’t because life is a hard thing to get through. Just remember to be proud of what you done in your life but not to proud. Let them see you Shine. I have attached a photo of you after you fell. Because the show must go on and that what people will remember.
    Thank you for your hard work
    Future Tammy Finally

    Tammy Rachal

    Voting starts July 24, 2024 12:00am

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  • The New Improved Tammy

    Dear Tammy,

    I know this is a crazy time right now. I can’t believe I had the courage to quit my job without having another one lined up. That something I never did in my life. I literally don’t have much to live on right now and can’t even afford to pay my own bills, but I been down this road before.

    I felt unappreciated at my last job even though I did my best to succeed. Sometimes you just must take a stand and say enough is enough. Funny thing is my Employer took it well and so did my coworker’s. Except for one coworker who felt it was her mission in life to put me down. I told her I give up and I am quitting. I don’t know if she did not believe me or what but for 3 weeks, I had to Endure her emotional trauma of insults, sudden niceness, nosiness etc. Again, why is it my fault for other people’s issues. Have you ever heard of grieving the dead? I never seen grieving the living. Oh well not my concern.

    I applied to at least 30 jobs each one turning me down for some lame excuse which at this point has become laugh able. I always said it better to laugh in the face of fear then let people believe they got the best of you. I have generated this AI photo of myself and thought I want to be this person. My mom tells me it fake. It not really you. Why would I want to look like the person I don’t want to be? I do not believe what my mom tells me. Who is she to tell me what to become? Sometimes people forget you are NOT them. You are your own unique person and need to develop into a greater person too. Sometimes, I wonder who am I?

    I posted the image on LinkedIn; it pretty much looks like me. I got a message from a previous employer wanted me to come back. I thought might as well. The company has grown, and they do have a lot of success and he is never wrong. I did an interview, and I was told I would get another. Yet to hear back yet. To keep myself busy, I decided to inquire about going back to college. Do Hybrid so I can learn better. I learn better on my own then in a class.
    I remember one time paying money for an English class only to have one student crying about her life and her troubles. I though why am I paying for an education to listen to someone else’s story. It did not seem right to me, and I drop out never to return. I have many times in the past tried to return only to be told that my financial aid did not go through or that I did not past a test and would not be accepted. After a while you give up hope until somebody in life reminds you about how smart they believe you are. Who know I thought maybe things changed since then and it much easier than before? Maybe?

    It all started off as a simple inquiry and next thing I knew I am enrolled in a class for Fall. Even got a guidance Counselor to help me on what I need. I did all this online in just two days. Insane I know. It is expensive but I was able to set up a payment plan and file for financial aid. If that does not work maybe a job will offer Tuition Reimbursement. I decided to change my Major to Human Services, why? Because I had an interview for a job and one company was interesting, and I had no idea that career path even existed. Wow I thought that so me. I had the credits that I needed to get my associates. My only worry is the Math class. Biology I can get through. Math not so much. I must take a placement test on Saturday. I needed a student ID. I just learned that you could get one online just send your own photo. It was way to easy to do and I still not idea what Hybrid learning is, even though I took a class on that and got an award for passing.

    Anyways, I got this email about a contest, and I thought to myself the money could really assist me on paying for my class and might help someone else in the process. On one of my many failed interviews someone said to me you should write something new to publish and I said to him. I just need a little inspiration.

    Hopefully, Yours

    Tammy Rachal

    Tammy Rachal

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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