  • Letter to Tammy of the Past

    Hello Tammy of the past
    You use to ask me to write to you all the time. I wanted you to know one thing. You Matter! I know people act like they are better than you or say mean things to you they should keep to themselves. Just know those people don’t have a clue of what they are doing in there life. Rest assure it will come back to haunt them one day. People should say thank you and you made a difference to me but they don’t because life is a hard thing to get through. Just remember to be proud of what you done in your life but not to proud. Let them see you Shine. I have attached a photo of you after you fell. Because the show must go on and that what people will remember.
    Thank you for your hard work
    Future Tammy Finally

    Tammy Rachal

    Voting starts July 24, 2024 12:00am

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