

  • April 24th

    How fitting, on the day of my birth.

    Honoring my 29th year around the sun and celebrating this chapter in my life. Every year since I’ve entered my twenties, I write myself a letter to mark the progress of my life. It’s a moment of reflection, reconciliation, and raw honesty with myself. The letters pose questions only I can answer and reach back in time to a version of me that remain unresolved. Each year I propose lofty aspirations that are unattainable in the limits of 365 days and close with the promise to do more.

    Always more.

    Every past version of me left wanting with no clear avenue of where to go. A deep craving I’ve yet to discover how to quell. Contentment has been a terrifying thing for me because of the parallel I’ve always created to stagnancy.

    I don’t want to find myself in the same space twice.

    But in this chapter of my life, I reject dissatisfaction. Life is nothing but cycles so it is in the approach where we find fulfillment. I’ve been faced with so many of the same situations in my life but the decisions are different and I’m recognizing how much of an impact this has. To be able to easily trace the evolution of myself across time and situation.

    I am different.

    I am closer to the person who I’ve always wanted to be.

    I am the culmination of everything my past has worked toward, and that is more than enough.

    No change of setting or connections or circumstances can compete with or can be facilitated without this growth.

    This is the thriving I need to see.


    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • Thank you for creating such an inspiring, safe space!

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  • Imperfect Beauty

    I used to dream of flawlessness.
    An unmarred expanse of skin.
    Flat, unblemished perfection.

    Like the skinny, pale peers marking my adolescence
    all beauty
    and boys chasing the hems of their skirts.

    Mirrors were my enemy.
    For months on end, I’d avoid them
    unwilling to perceive myself –
    the unquantifiable failures of an imperfect body.

    When I did get trapped by my reflection there was nothing but disdain.
    Minutes spent poking at fat and bemoaning the many blemishes sprouting from my face.

    All I saw was ugly
    for years.

    I don’t know when it changed –
    slowly or all at once.
    But one day I looked in my mirror and saw something different.
    A budding of appreciation
    for every fold
    all the hidden parts of my body:
    curves creating shadow
    flaws fashioning fervency.
    A different kind of beauty
    worth admiring.

    I always believed learning to love myself would be an impossibility.
    Unattainable in the body I have with a mind that often acts more like a battlefield.
    I didn’t know it was a thousand little things, moments absent of self-hatred where I perceive myself outside the many negative narratives that have haunted.

    The simplicity of a fact without judgment.
    I am a body existing despite every doubt
    every insecurity
    every voice both internal and external telling me I do not belong.

    And that is a powerful act of love.


    Voting is open!

    Voting ends May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • Wow Camille, I am so sorry for all the years that you avoided the mirror, but I am so glad you see your beauty and wonder now. You are amazing in every sense, and I am so glad you now see that. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • I appreciate your thoughts, I’ll definitely check Tasha’s poem out 🙂

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  • Silence

    Dear anxious thoughts,

    I finally found it
    halfway through a cup of earl grey
    against the porcelain of a just used dish
    in the far echoes of birds’ quaint chirping
    while strolling through the park
    The hush of a mind settling into serenity.

    Some people don’t think
    their minds are not incessant
    forced to endure a constant monologue
    seeking at every moment to be heard
    Thought is intentional
    a conscious effort.

    My mind has always had a habit of running ahead of me
    chasing fragments of ideas
    pieces of abstraction that will never be whole
    Body follows quick
    heart racing
    breath quickening
    muscles tight
    painful tension
    Forced into incessant suffering
    mentally, physically, emotionally
    normal meant nothing more
    than the desperate need to be free.

    Then exhaustion
    overwhelm finally winning me over
    my body made stillness where it refused to be found
    a clear rejection to so much stimuli
    and laying in the quiet
    created by a body truly weary
    I found relief.

    Now knowing this peace
    I build mindfulness into my everyday
    times of quiet
    of tranquility
    of the beauty in internal


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    • Hi there, Cam. Aiša here. Thank you for the brief moment of silence you’ve imparted upon me, with these here words.

      I can’t help but wonder if you and Tasha would get along as well as I suspect I’d get along with each of you :’)

      I’m interested to hear your thoughts on this, as well as her poem. Do let me know if you get around to it <3

      Hap…read more

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    • Cam, I relate to this so much. I am such an anxious person as well. I know the feeling of racing thoughts and like your mind won’t let up. I love how you ended this piece, cause I too have found a lot of peace with simply just being still and taking very deep breaths over and over and over again. My bf is trying to get me into meditation, but it’s…read more

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  • About Love

    Tell me about love.

    A battleground I’ve made of myself since we experienced the first vague notions of attraction at a young age. Our first love was our best (and for a long time only) friend, the second a relentless bully who made a game out of our infatuation, the third not much more than an idea shrouding a girl who rarely ever looked my way. And this pattern has chased us across two decades and through every relationship. My perception of my value and worth has become the biggest blockade in my attempts at actualizing my deepest goals.

    So, tell me about love.

    Right now, in this stage of healing, every day incites a new challenge making me question the value of change. I’m left wondering way too often if bringing the person I have always dreamt of being into fruition is worth it when I’ve been faced with more inadequacy, frustration, and disappointment than anything. Right now, the closest thing to love I know is the delusions I’ve gotten comfortable sitting in, fanciful stories of starstruck romance and the easy integration into a community of my own. Fairytales made lie by the promise that they might one day come true. Limerence has become my single salve to reality even when I recognize it is poison I’m massaging into my soul. Daydreams turning everything bland sending me into an asocial cycle that sends me farther away from what I really want.
    So, tell me about love.

    Tell me all its truths. All the pain and ache and effort required to make it real. Next time I need to do it right, bring fantasy to life in a way that is healthy and freeing. So much of what I thought was love so far has been heartache and disappointment. But I believe, in the deepest part of my soul knows that one day the trying will mean everything.

    So, tell me about love.

    Because all I can hope for you that it is in abundance. And the closest I think I’ve come to love is all I’ve tried to give to you.


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    • This line really hit me, “So much of what I thought was love so far has been heartache and disappointment. ” I have definitely felt that at different points of my life. But don’t ever give up on love, and never settle. When you find the right person you will be glad you didn’t give up and you will feel so much peace. In the meantime, just keep…read more

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