  • cmorris96 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about what you are grateful for in your lifeWrite a poem about what you are grateful for in your life 5 months ago


    Dear anxious thoughts,

    I finally found it
    halfway through a cup of earl grey
    against the porcelain of a just used dish
    in the far echoes of birds’ quaint chirping
    while strolling through the park
    The hush of a mind settling into serenity.

    Some people don’t think
    their minds are not incessant
    forced to endure a constant monologue
    seeking at every moment to be heard
    Thought is intentional
    a conscious effort.

    My mind has always had a habit of running ahead of me
    chasing fragments of ideas
    pieces of abstraction that will never be whole
    Body follows quick
    heart racing
    breath quickening
    muscles tight
    painful tension
    Forced into incessant suffering
    mentally, physically, emotionally
    normal meant nothing more
    than the desperate need to be free.

    Then exhaustion
    overwhelm finally winning me over
    my body made stillness where it refused to be found
    a clear rejection to so much stimuli
    and laying in the quiet
    created by a body truly weary
    I found relief.

    Now knowing this peace
    I build mindfulness into my everyday
    times of quiet
    of tranquility
    of the beauty in internal


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    • Hi there, Cam. Aiša here. Thank you for the brief moment of silence you’ve imparted upon me, with these here words.

      I can’t help but wonder if you and Tasha would get along as well as I suspect I’d get along with each of you :’)

      I’m interested to hear your thoughts on this, as well as her poem. Do let me know if you get around to it <3

      Happy New Year, Cam.

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    • Cam, I relate to this so much. I am such an anxious person as well. I know the feeling of racing thoughts and like your mind won’t let up. I love how you ended this piece, cause I too have found a lot of peace with simply just being still and taking very deep breaths over and over and over again. My bf is trying to get me into meditation, but it’s hard for me sit still the way he does, but I am working on it. I am glad you can tap into stillness and tranquility and that gave you a clear view of all the beauty in your life. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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