  • cherthing submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter about leaving your comfort zoneWrite a letter about leaving your comfort zone 7 months ago

    I Had to Be Uncomfortable In Order To Set Myself Free

    Hello there,

    I’ve always been painfully shy. I swore that I’d never approach anyone, and that I’d never let anyone know how I feel because being mysterious was my safety blanket. It was my safety blanket for many years, but soon I began to realize that it was also my shackle; a personal prison.

    In order to set myself free, I had to allow myself to be uncomfortable.

    But one day I did it.

    I missed him. I thought about him daily. I worried about him. I needed to let him know how I feel.

    The moment the words left my heart and mind and made their way to him, I felt overcome with anxiety and relief.

    We grow when we leave our comfort zone, but we also battle thoughts from the enemy. Sometimes we are the enemy. But those thoughts in your head are just words. Words have power. They can either build you or break you. You have the power to choose what they will do to you.

    He told me I made his day, but little did he know that he made mine even more.

    Never underestimate the power of words, the power of a simple action.

    It was that moment that constantly reminded me how important it is to let people know how much you care about them. The feeling of regret is much worse than my fears of the unknown. Never again will I cower from opportunities to share what’s in my heart.

    And please friend, don’t let your fears shackle you as well. The greatest opportunities started out with a simple action. May that simple action of yours take place today.

    Love, Cherie.


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    • Cherie – I love love how you ended this piece, “the greatest opportunities started out with a simple action. May that simple action of yours take place today” It is so true. And I am glad you let out your feelings and shared your heart with whoever him maybe. He sounds nice. Your heart is pure and kind and every time you step out of your comfort zone you share that purity and kindness with others. Keep going. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed. <3 Lauren

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