


    The maze of life, we wander, we strive,
    Through twists and turns, where paths collide,
    Each step a dance of pain and joy,
    As we chase dreams that hope employ.
    Through valleys deep and mountains high,
    We journey on, beneath the sky,
    With hearts that ache and souls that yearn,
    For the lessons learned at every turn.
    In the darkest of times,
    We stumble, we fall,
    Sometimes we even lose our sight,
    But from the shadows, once more we emerge,
    With newfound strength,
    After every storm, comes a surge.
    For in the depths of despair we find, The resilience of humankind.
    We rise from ashes, refusing to fold,
    A testament to faith and resilience—cheers to the courageous and bold
    For growth is not a straight-lined path,
    It’s up and downs, twists, and turns
    But we find our way, becoming free at last
    So let us cherish the journey we choose,
    For they remind us who we are and what happens if you refuse to lose,
    A testament to our strength and grace
    Yes, we rise and fall, yet rise again and again…
    Knowing that trouble won’t last always and if you don’t give up, you will win.
    So ride life’s wave, in God’s embrace.
    Trust your path—you’ve got what it takes.

    Dr. Cortnie S. Baity, LMFT

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    • Greetings, your poem beautifully captures the ups and downs of life’s journey, offering encouragement and hope to readers. Your use of vivid imagery and a rhythmic flow convey themes of perseverance and resilience, bravo! Overall, it’s an inspiring ode to the human spirit.

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