  • aquarianmelo submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why Are You Worthy of the Utmost Respect?Why Are You Worthy of the Utmost Respect? 7 months ago

    No Matter What Happens, Keep Going

    My writing journey started at age 13,
    I never knew my poetry would take me far.
    I’d spend years writing various things,
    Life, love, struggles, anything I can think of.
    Then my 30s hit and it was time for a change,
    Writing became my change of pace in life.
    When I get asked why should be given the utmost respect,
    The best answer I can give is, I’m writing books on social issues.
    I’m trying to change the world one book at a time,
    I’ve been on this journey for over 7 years.
    From almost losing my mother,
    To being hit by a car the day before my mom’s birthday.
    Then battling depression and anxiety,
    And getting the help that I needed through therapy.
    See, I have to be transparent in my journey,
    Because my story can give people hope to keep going.
    No matter what happened, the writing continued,
    Even when I moved across the country to a new city.
    Scared out of my mind with no one to fall back on,
    And now I’m settled into a place for the foreseeable future.
    I’m over 50 books into my journey,
    I’ll hit my goal of 60 and still keep pushing on.
    I continually try to motivate and inspire others,
    To strive for greatness, don’t settle and know what your end goal is.
    I may not have the most resilient story in my life,
    But I can truthfully say that whatever you’re going through, keep going.
    I’m not one to give up on something and it’s why I write the books,
    It’s why I write blogs, record podcasts.
    In the end, it’ll all be worth it, I don’t care for fame,
    I care most about starting conversations through my stories.
    So never give up, find your moniker and go after it,
    The journey won’t be easy but remember, life is a marathon…

    Jamell Crouthers

    Jamell Crouthers

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends September 1, 2024 12:00pm

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    • Hello Jamell,
      m You have so much wisdom to offer the world. It is wonderful that you push yourself to share that wisdom and inspire others the your books. Good luck in your healing journey!


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    • Aww Jamell! You have so many reasons to be proud. Your heart, your books, and your advocacy are a gift to the world! Thank You for being you. I am so glad you are part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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      • Thanks so much Lauren, your encouraging words always keep me inspired and motivated to write more! I’m thankful I get to share my thoughts on a great platform!

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    • Your piece is truly exceptional, thank you for sharing it!

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      • Thanks so much Rebecca, I truly appreciate it! I love sharing my thoughts, feelings and hopefully inspiring others with my writing. The thoughts are always flowing.

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    • Life for sure is a marathon! Thank you for sharing a bit of your story!! And 50 books in is TOTES AMAZING!! I pray you continue to socially insprire the weak, prep the kindhearted and soar well above your wildest dreams!! Writing is like that for Me also. I have suffered greatly. Some things I couldn’t believe happened to Me. Like why…. but like you through it all I never fully stopped writing. I put my pen down to rest a while back but Im so thankful that I kept going fully. Thank you for sharing Jamell!!

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      • Thanks for your words Gie, I appreciate it so much! Writers are always going to be inspired to write no matter what happens in our lives. The world is our oysters to learn, observe and pen what we are feeling in the moment. Keep going, stay motivated and know that your journey is worth going through to keep others going.

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    • Hi, Jamell. Aiša here. Thank you for sharing your story and all the encouragement that comes with it. I found your comparison of writing to a change of pace in life to be beautiful and I couldn’t agree more. It certainly deserves all the credit for having helped me. We’ve all heard the saying, ‘we can’t make time, but we can take time’. Yet, there’s so much more we can do with it…if we just…wrote. Stop time? Freeze time! Long enough to rewrite the past? Travel back in time, forward. Create the ‘where’ and ‘how’ our stories end. Truthfully, the present can be quite the scary place to be. But for those of us seeking refuge, it’s nice knowing that writing will always be there—insistently and indiscriminately. Thank you for your commitment to the work that you do. May it continue to aid in your healing and that of the world <3

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      • Thanks for your great words, all of what you said is so true. Yes the present can be scary but only because we sometimes focus on rewriting the past or reliving moments over again to make tweaks and changes. For me, it’s about leaving a legacy when I’m done with my writing journey and that’s what matters the most on this journey of life.

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