

  • Fumes

    Is my mind fueling my body,
    fumes to stay alive?

    A stadium is created,
    using the circumference of my skull,
    hosting the event is my mind.

    Body is weak,
    eyes are heavy,
    they fall shut right on time.

    The event has begun,
    front row seats,
    observing the race around my psyche.

    Lap after lap,
    neck to neck,
    light vs darkness,
    race to the death.

    Dwindling fumes,
    cause tires to screech,
    fragmented pieces,
    indicate defeat.

    Haunting words echo throughout,
    piercing my ears with a shrieking sound.
    “I won this race, I always will,
    haven’t you learned your lesson, my dear?”

    Checkered flag sways to signal the end,
    fire ignited from within,
    shadows appear out of darkness,
    self proclaimed eternal damnation.

    Much like a phoenix,
    I shall burn,
    before rising from the ashes.

    For I now understand,
    the race against darkness,
    is only a race against myself.

    I am the light,
    I am the shadows,
    I am everything in between.

    The power to defeat dark forces,
    begins with believing –
    in me.

    Hannah Gray

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    Voting ends June 17, 2024 11:59pm

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    • Hannah, I love how you ended this piece. This is a beautiful, inspiring, and well-written piece. I am truly grateful that you shared. As always, thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • sunshine psyche

    one day it’s dark,
    actually, it’s been dark, for months,
    so dark that one could not see in front of them.

    however now —
    now, there is light.

    at the flip of a switch what was once dark — is bright.

    the gloomy cloud has passed,
    the rain has stopped,
    beautiful rainbows begin to appear.

    sunlight glistens over the waterfront,
    sunlight that makes brown eyes turn to honey,
    warmth of light that gives you hope,
    fills you full of glee.

    the shadows hide away,
    the light is beaming,
    i can see again,
    i can slow down.

    i can feel positivity in all that surrounds me.

    beauty is in this life,
    beauty is all around.

    skies turn to cotton candy,
    lovers turn to home.

    no longer lost,
    everything i have longed for,
    lays before me.

    i see clearly again.

    this is who i am.

    i am the sunshine,
    the light,
    the gleeful warmth.

    the switch flipped,
    my light is now on,
    newfound growth shines from within,
    creating greater hope for tomorrow.

    Hannah Gray

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    • Salutations,
      Your poetic reflection on finding positivity amidst challenges is very encouraging. The transformation from darkness to light symbolizing hope and inner growth is very touching. Very happy for you! 😀

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      • thank you! having to learn to live with being mentally ill has made me realize all the beauty in the darkness and inspiration in everything “light” around us.

        to quote dumbledore: “happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light.” <3

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  • hgray624 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    Dear Self;

    You remind me of a rainbow, shining bright and beautiful after a storm. How light can be found in even the darkest of times. Storms may blow through, causing mass destruction, yet there you are colored with glee. Despite it all, you never fail to shine. Each stripe painted of your rainbow projects the creativity held deep within. Much like a chameleon, you never fail to embrace your surroundings. Casting a positive light in the midst of chaos. Such a simple, magical, being you are. Sunsets, starry nights, the smell of morning dew in the beginning of spring, they all remind me of you. However, you too remind me of a cold dark winter day. Somber skies with an overcast of gloom. Although melancholy lurks through the air, you bring a sense of comfort and home. A sense of safety. Almost as if you were an alternate reality, an escape room if you will. You’ve been battered and bruised but you are still here thriving. The beauty comes from being able to navigate this challenging maze of life, and always coming out with a better sense of self even when you wanted to give up. Inspirational resilience. Nonetheless, bright and beautiful, or cold and dark, you are always yourself, never giving up – and for that I love you.

    Hannah Gray

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    • “The beauty comes from being able to navigate this challenging maze of life, and always coming out with a better sense of self even when you wanted to give up. Inspirational resilience. Nonetheless, bright and beautiful, or cold and dark, you are always yourself, never giving up – and for that I love you. ”

      That is amazing and so strong and p…read more

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      • I throughly work on my self awareness daily trying to recognize the “good in the bad”, so I appreciate your kind words!!!

        Also — yes, I did paint the picture! Painting is actually a very big hobby of mine.

        Thank you!!! 🙂

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  • The Day My World Stopped Spinning

    December 2, 2012. I remember this day all too well, and December 3, 2012, which is strange because I don’t remember most of my life. These two days however, are clear, vivid, like watching a movie in IMAX. A movie that haunts me to this very day.

    Let’s start with December 2. Abby and I were at Granny’s. It was a Sunday afternoon, the phone rang. It was you. Mama was just arriving at Granny’s to pick us up and take us back home with her. I remember Granny asking if I wanted to talk to you, I did not. I was handed the phone, but I had nothing to say to you. I was hurt, angry, and sad. I told you I was mad at you. Mad because you left once again to go raise a child who wasn’t even your own. You left me. You left us. You said you’d be coming home for Christmas, I was happy about that, excited even. I have always been a Daddy’s girl, all I wanted was my Daddy home. Since I didn’t want to talk to you, you asked to talk to Mama. I walked the phone out to her and let y’all talk. I remember Mama smiling and laughing while speaking with you. I later found out you had asked her to marry you again. She loved you, and truthfully now looking back, she would have married you again in a heartbeat. After y’all got off the phone, Abby and I loaded up in the car with Mama and headed home. The entire ride home I was still mad, but also very excited because in a few short weeks I’d get to see you again. So I thought anyway.

    December 3, 2012. Monday morning, I was awoken with my phone being taken away. I had no idea what I had done wrong for my phone to be taken, I was very confused. Mama looked like she had been crying all night. Her eyes were swollen and red. She couldn’t tell me why she took my phone from me, so being the teenager that I was, of course I was irritated. I asked her what was wrong, she said she had a toothache all night and didn’t get any sleep. I got ready for school like it was a normal day. I remember I was wearing hot pink pants, a black shirt, and black boots. We left home, the same time as usual, like we were headed to school. I would have never guessed the horrors that awaited us. We stopped at Nana’s, this was unusual, especially since we were going to be late for school at this point. I remember being so agitated because not only do I not have my phone, now I’m going to be late for school. After Nana’s, we stopped at Granny’s. Immediately I knew something was wrong. Aunt Sam’s car was in the driveway, she lived in Kentucky at this time so why was she there? Granny was sitting on the porch in her pajamas, housecoat, and slippers. We got out of the car, and Granny’s face looked just like Mama’s. Eyes red and swollen like she’d been crying all night. Now I am aware this is not another toothache. It was never a toothache.

    Granny tells us to go in and sit on her bed. Abby and I do as were told, we sit on the end of her bed. Granny then proceeds to kneel down in front of us, touching the both of us with her hands, and says, “Your Daddy was in an accident, and he didn’t make it.” I finally understand why my phone was taken, why everyone’s eyes were red and swollen, why everything that morning was a bit off. My world just went black. My heart shattered. Everything inside me died that day. That is the first time I ever had thoughts of suicide. Fourteen years old, and my Daddy had died. I didn’t even get to tell him goodbye. He died thinking that I hated him. I did not get to tell him I loved him, I missed him, I just wanted him to come home. I refused to speak to him when I had the chance just hours before he departed from this world. He died not knowing how much he meant to me. After we were told of the tragedy that occurred, we had to go home and pack our bags. We were going to Illinois. The bags were packed and we headed back to Granny’s, but now Papa was home too. A sound that I will never forget, is the sound of a grown man I have never seen shed one single tear, screaming, sobbing, and wailing. The sound of him mourning his son was loud enough to hear from outside of the house. To this day I can still hear his cries.

    The week following your death is a blur. I remember key moments. I remember Aunt Sam nearly killing us trying to drive to the court house. You were actually going to court to see if the child you left Tennessee for was yours. I remember staying at Silly Willy’s and everyone went to view your body, but we were not allowed to go. I remember them talking about your body being “mangled”. I remember sitting at Silly Willy’s kitchen table trying to help pick songs to play at your funeral. I remember going to pick out your casket. I remember picking out your favorite cologne to spray on you. I remember when we had your visitation in Illinois and we were the first to view you. I remember not being able to walk down the aisle, nearly falling to my knees, sobbing my eyes out. That could not be MY Daddy laying in this casket. No. Not mine. But it was. Thankfully, Aunt Sam was there to pick me up and help me walk. I remember finally leaving, and Mama was the last person to say goodbye to you. We all gave her privacy. I remember going out to eat with everyone afterward and we all took a picture with the signature Billy Gray middle finger.

    We brought you back home to Tennessee, in the bed of Papa’s truck. I remember riding behind it and still not believing that you were in that casket, you were really gone. I remember burying you, six feet in the ground. You were home for Christmas that year, just not the way I had expected. I remember everything, and sometimes, I wish I didn’t.

    Since you’ve been gone, it does feel like the world has stopped spinning. I died that day and I don’t think I have ever come back to life yet. In fact, everyone died. A piece of every single one of us died on December 2, 2012. Some have handled your death better than others, but nonetheless, not one of us is okay. You do not expect to bury your father as a teenager. A parent does not expect to bury their child. Siblings do not expect to bury their sibling at such a young age. Especially, when you’re completely blindsided by it.

    I always sit and wonder about the “what if’s”. What if you were still alive? Would things be as bad as they are? Would I be the way that I am? Would our family be as dysfunctional as it is now? The “what if’s” and “why’s” will eat you alive if you’re not careful. I have had my fair share of being eaten alive by them. I have had to accept that I cannot change what has happened, I cannot go back in time. I just have to believe you’re still here with me, believe that you know I love you and I always have, believe that you are in a better place.

    You turned the last page of your book here on earth. I will cherish that book forever, hold it tightly in my soul. This December will mark 11 years, and I miss you more than I could ever put into words. I am still my Daddy’s little girl. I always will be. You were the first man I loved, and the first to break my heart. Unfortunately, grief never goes away, time does not fade the emotions and feelings. However, it is how you deal with the grief that is the key. Truth be told, I have not handled it very well. I have cursed God’s name, lost faith in everything, spiraled into destructive habits. Lots of times just HOPING it would in some sense bring me closer to you. I am now hoping one day my world will begin to spin again, maybe life will form in the parts of me that died. I will keep trying down here on earth, remember your legacy, for I am just as hard headed and stubborn as you. In the meantime, it is what it is. I will take it day by day until we meet again. When that day comes, be prepared for a fight because you left me down here without you, tears, laughter, and most of all an abundance of love. I will never let you go.

    Your little girl,

    Hannah Gray

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    • Hannah, your letter is filled with raw pain and heartache. I’m so sorry for the loss of your father and the profound impact it has had on you and your family. The memories you shared are both heartbreaking and powerful. May you relief and healing in cherishing his legacy and carrying his love with you always.

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  • in this moment, i am grounded

    imagine that you are a plant,
    tree, shrub, flower,
    whatever plant you desire to be,
    you are that plant.

    your feet are roots,
    grounded deep within the earth,
    you become one with nature,
    peacefully and gracefully growing.

    the sun rises casting a warm glow upon you,
    wind gently blows through your petals or leaves,
    bees and butterflies settle onto you,
    such small majestic beings.

    you stay grounded,
    in awe of the beauty found within nature,
    in awe of how the sunshine, grassy plains, mountains, and bodies of water,
    are the most magical of all.

    you are present in the moment,
    accepting that, you are in fact- a force of nature,
    filled with beauty and uniqueness,
    character found in each thorn, leaf, petal, or branch.

    storms come through from time to time,
    however; your roots are planted deeply into earth’s crust,
    thunder and lightning strike and rumble,
    just as the sun shall rise once more.

    i ask of you, to imagine yourself as a plant,
    to stay grounded, present, and most of all,
    embrace the fact that – you are a force of nature,
    even on the darkest, coldest, nights.

    i, myself, will do the same.

    i will grow in the sunshine,
    keep grounded during storms,
    be present in the moment,
    as each day passes on.

    Hannah Gray

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    • Hannah, This is so beautiful and a great mentality.
      I love this part:

      “i will grow in the sunshine,
      keep grounded during storms,
      be present in the moment,
      as each day passes on.”

      It is a great affirmation to read and say often. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and creativity with us and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you SO much! I try to actively remind myself of this everyday, especially on the hard days. With that being said, I greatly appreciate your kind feedback! 🙂

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  • Grateful

    Another day of being alive,
    searching for the meaning of life,
    trapped inside the cage of my mind,
    a lost soul breaking free.

    Darkness is a friend of mine,
    where lost souls go to hide,
    so much beauty to be found inside,
    open your eyes to see.

    Delighted by the somber skies,
    melancholy far and wide,
    moon peeking over clouds at night,
    stars begin to twinkle and shine.

    Oh what joy, darkness brings.

    Inspiration revealed in the light,
    as mother earth comes to life,
    cotton candy painted skies,
    reflecting off the waterfront.

    Brown eyes turn to pools of honey,
    golden and bright in the sun,
    breathing in the cool fall air,
    on a dewy Saturday morning.

    Music plays to soothe the soul,
    a song for every occasion,
    growing through both light and darkness,
    for that I am grateful.


    Hannah Gray

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    • Wow! Growing through the darker moments of our is not easy or comfortable. But to do so takes a lot of strength, and to be self-aware and grateful for that growth takes even more strength. I truly admire your ability to see the stars amidst a dark sky. Sunshine is ahead. Keep pushing forward. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of…read more

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