zaysmith1 shared a letter in the To my younger self group 2 years, 2 months ago
To my younger self
To my younger, I wish I could go back in time and live those childhood moments again. As I got older I realized that those moments cannot be done again, but at the end of the day I lived those moments and had a lot of fun and experienced a lot of things. If I could go back and name a time that I really enjoyed it would be going to the Browns training camps every summer with my uncle and cousins. Being able to watch the Browns practice in Berea was one of the best things that I have ever done when I was younger. As I got older, I started to cherish everything about my childhood and would never trade it for anything. Last but not least, to the younger me experience as much as you can and have fun.
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Sounds as if you have had a very good life. What do you do to help ensure your son will also have one? Have you thought about lengthening this and telling more specifics about those visits to the Browns? Do you make similar experiences happen for your son? What is your one regret in life and how are you moving forward to accept or change it?
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Love it, and you’re right, if only we can go back. The moment are like days, you can’t go back to that day, you wish you had done something else, or when a mishap happens, or an accident you may have been involved in, or a disease you were diagnosed with on said day. If you can only go back to that day and things were changed, those things never happened. When we go through mishaps we learn from them, and it changes our lives for the better, and sometimes for the worse. What you do going forward is what matters. If Only we can go back and change things.
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I’m so glad that you reminded your inner child to not grow up so fast. It’s so hard to not do that these days. Life just kinda smacks us in the face and we all just keep trucking. Thank you for sharing.
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