

  • Galaxy Brothers & Sisters

    The stars, my brothers & sisters,
    How much I miss all thee
    To see you, shiny, bright optimists –
    Such a deep positivity to guide.

    So many of you all, those stars –
    The houses, cities, industries, beings
    Dull you now, and so, so few
    of you shine as bright, barely gleaning.
    Now, not as many of you
    Illuminate and shining to inspire
    Amongst the rest of mankind.
    I miss seeing you as I did back there . . .

    I lay there in the vast school valley
    No major lights, here third world style.
    Cast myself away from the US, I fled,
    practically now an exile.
    I came to understand more of the world
    Wanting to see if I can do any good.
    Lying, wishing to be in the space purl,
    There in the dark of the African continent.
    I smile with peace and such ease
    While looking up at those grand stars,
    Milky Way, galaxies, while a scant breeze
    waves across my skirt and the tall grass.

    My Earthly Family, those stars
    mine, yours, our representative.
    This view, this experience,
    I rushed over, not so tentative/
    To learn so much, but the stars
    Illuminated the sky and world
    So much brightness and loveliness,
    and so much did unfurl.
    I’ll never feel like this again.

    Those days over in Tanzania
    will forever last in memory
    That life, those stars, now as unglistened
    In this sky so uncomplimentary

    Sharing now that life is short.
    I’ll enjoy it as best as I did under
    The Tanzania stars and sky

    Raheli Conde

    Voting starts June 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • Raheli Conde shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 months ago

    Galaxy Brothers & Sisters

    The stars, my brothers & sisters,
    How much I miss all thee
    To see you, shiny, bright optimists –
    Such a deep positivity to guide.

    So many of you all, those stars –
    The houses, cities, industries, beings
    Dull you now, and so, so few
    of you shine as bright, barely gleaning.
    Now, not as many of you
    Illuminate and shining to inspire
    Amongst the rest of mankind.
    I miss seeing you as I did back there . . .

    I lay there in the vast school valley
    No major lights, here third world style.
    Cast myself away from the US, I fled,
    practically now an exile.
    I came to understand more of the world
    Wanting to see if I can do any good.
    Lying, wishing to be in the space purl,
    There in the dark of the African continent.
    I smile with peace and such ease
    While looking up at those grand stars,
    Milky Way, galaxies, while a scant breeze
    waves across my skirt and the tall grass.

    My Earthly Family, those stars
    mine, yours, our representative.
    This view, this experience,
    I rushed over, not so tentative/
    To learn so much, but the stars
    Illuminated the sky and world
    So much brightness and loveliness,
    and so much did unfurl.
    I’ll never feel like this again.

    Those days over in Tanzania
    will forever last in memory
    That life, those stars, now as unglistened
    In this sky so uncomplimentary

    Sharing now that life is short.
    I’ll enjoy it as best as I did under
    The Tanzania stars and sky.

    Raheli Conde

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    • Greetings, your description of yearning for the beauty of the stars amidst the routine of life is quite striking. It contrasts the grandeur of the universe with the limitations of human existence, leaving a poignant reminder of life’s fleeting nature. Splendidly written.

      Write me back 

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