

  • I Will Be Free Soon

    Dear Chaos,

    I am no longer an anxious, cooped-up vessel,
    Trapped inside the mind of my own —
    Rather inside the mind of what resembles a stranger’s.

    Heal, don’t hustle.
    Flow, don’t force.
    Ground, don’t grind.

    Seasons have passed;
    My body is safe now.

    Breaking free of my once worst thoughts,
    Setting me loose to feel and not fight.
    I am receiving all of what makes me, me.

    I am no longer doing, I am being.
    I am no longer chasing, I am attracting.
    I am no longer anxious, I am secure.

    I am safe in this body and in this brain.



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    • Nicole this is so good. I love how you wrote from Chaos to Calm. I could relate so much to this poem – as I too am often trying to find the calm when I feel the chaos. This is so well done and I truly hope you do feel free and relaxed and let go of any angst. Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem and for being a part of our family. <3 Lauren

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    • Nicole, in glad you were able to free yourself from chaos and become calm in your own body and feel comfortable. I’m sure it was hard to face those challenges of feeling anxious all the time and overthinking. I also had those feelings too. But you’ve made it out and found a way to feel comfortable again. Proud of you!

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