

  • Mason

    My day could start in ashen gray
    like dried-up winter weed bouquets,
    but then my grandson shrieks, “Mammay!”
    and color swirls in rich array.

    A fingerpainted masterpiece
    infused with snacks and sweetened tea–
    bright backdrop for the tales we read,
    immersed in toddler fantasy.

    Flamboyant toys conceal the floor,
    confetti from a plastic war
    that ranged from couch to Singapore–
    and now he begs to go outdoors.

    Bemusement stains pale cherub cheeks
    and nature springs delighted shrieks
    when stones splash into frothy creeks
    or bluebird skies frame honking geese.

    Aweary fingers grab my hand,
    for will alone cannot withstand
    the golden grains of sleepy sand;
    I lull him into lala land.

    Reflection on this drowsing dear
    who celebrates with heartfelt cheer
    the wonderment of Gaia’s sphere
    is every dark mood’s rainbow cure.

    Necia Campbell

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