
miraculous88's Letters

Finding my Excitement

Dear Reader,

The thought of trying to be excited about things for this year have been rough. The month of December had made me realize that life can be taken away sooner than you realize. It’s hard to think about being happy about anything when you are going through the grieving process of losing a close friend, who helped bring excitement to…read more

Blessed With Gratitude

The blessings given to me by the word gratitude:
Giving spirit
Relationships with others
Trusting others when in doubt
Tough situations with lessons to learn
Understanding others without judgement
Desire to be a blessing towards others,
Enjoying the life I have been given, even when some days are harder than others.

Fear of Driving

Dear Everyone,

Have you been so comfortable with how your life is that the thought of doing anything else made you anxious? Well, that is me in a nutshell. The thought of changing anything in my routine freaked me out. I’m not saying I’m like squidward in the episode where he gets so annoyed with spongebob that he moves to a community where they…read more

Worthiness of Respect

Dear Self,

Everytime you hear the word respect the first thing that always comes to mind is Aretha Franklin’s, “Respect,” such a great and powerful song. You always pay tribute to it because it’s something as a young child you didn’t have. Of course as a child you were more interested in her spelling out R-E-S-P-E-C-T in the song then you were…read more

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Growing Mentally

Dear Teenage Self,

You spent too much time worrying about friendships that don’t matter now. Sure, at the time they meant everything to you. Where are those friends now you may ask? Living their own lives as best as they know how. Possibly have forgotten about you. It doesn’t matter the specific details what matters is that right now they are…read more

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