

  • Thanks for your positive feedback!

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  • Hi Saga, thanks for your positive feedback, such a motivation.

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  • Why I Love You - Inner self

    Hey little girl, never thought I’d meet you.

    There I was living life, forgetting all about you.

    No wonder why I screamed and yelled with frustration.

    I hated everything, including me, Gods creation.

    While you lived inside me…I neglected and abuse you.

    Remember when I had no boundaries and let people use you?

    We were a mess inside dark and distasteful but on the outside our smile was pleasant and graceful.

    I Remember the first time we met, I chose to reach down inside me.

    I was forced to learn you, searching..wondering where you might be.

    There you were standing…shaking…hurt and afraid.

    Sorry I didn’t come sooner to heal you from the raid.

    Hey full woman,

    No apologies need to me said, you forgot about me, but you didn’t leave me for dead.

    Look at us now I just love who we are.

    We stand tall and proud and our confidence has grown by far.

    You’re so strong and resilient and I love that about you.

    No longer are afraid of all the things we have been through.

    Look at you, you go girl! No more body shaming, natural hair full of curls.

    No longer are you silent, you speak like you can conquer the world.

    And thanks for the self motivation,

    Thank you for the positive affirmation,

    All the wisdom and knowledge, you’ve build that with patience.

    That got us a long way, although everyday isn’t a good day.

    But that’s why I love you so much because you don’t live for the day, another day another play, like you would always say.

    You took joy in tomorrow.

    you taught us to get back up and go get it, like the virtuous women in the Bible.

    Thank you for taking me from the world and creating our own.

    Here? it is comfortable. I could live here all day long.

    I can go on and on with why I love you.

    The love is strong

    The love has grown

    The love lives on

    …..I love you

    Melody Hobson

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • Hi, Melody! This poem is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. I love the juxtaposition of your younger self with your grown up self, this technique had a very powerful impact. I felt like I was being taken on a journey and overcoming your obstacles with you. It’s very well written with a soothing flow 🙂 Please continue to write <3

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    • Melody, I agree with Saga. I love the juxtaposition. And i love that you find your power and your wonder and you appreciate yourself. Thank you for sharing! <3 Lauren

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