

  • Shut Up!

    For five whole years, I was a pro,
    At silent stares and calm “hello.”
    No words were spilled, just quiet grace,
    A masterclass in the art of no-face.

    Then, at five, I made a decision.
    Enough of this silent division.
    I flipped the switch, let the chatter begin,
    And suddenly, I was in full swing!

    I spoke so much, you’d think they needed a chart,
    To track the words I’d soon impart.
    From “Why’s the sky blue?” to “What’s for lunch?”
    I had a million questions, and a verbal punch.

    I’d talk through movies, during lunch,
    With tales told and stories won.
    My endless chatter, a comic delight,
    Turning each day into a verbal fight.

    They’d ask, “Is she ever going to pause?”
    But I just laughed, breaking all laws.
    From mute to a mouth that won’t shut,
    I’m the life of the party, and that’s a fact cut!

    So if you see me with words galore,
    Just remember, I’m making up for the silence before.
    No more quiet—now it’s all in jest,
    And I’m here to chat, and chat with zest!

    Rebecca Engle

    Voting starts December 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • My First Act Of Repentance

    Thinking back, it feels so surreal
    Almost like that time in my life wasn’t real…
    A young hurting heart, full of anger and hate
    Yet also consumed by this hollow emptiness
    A hardened stone beating in my chest
    Living in a constant state of unrest
    Man… I really was a mess…
    A suicidal teen ready to accept my fate
    Chasing after anything to escape the feeling
    Only for it to fester, internally reeling
    Washing down pills with liquor
    Til my head would hit the floor, and I’d watch the lights flicker…
    Using cocaine to ease the pain
    Opiates to go numb
    And ecstasy to free myself from the mass of misery I’d become
    What started as a release and a way to “let loose”
    Became my form of self abuse
    As scars on the skin are hard to hide…
    Tho for a time I tried….
    Suicide was something I didn’t just think about, but began to idolize
    Cursing God that I’d ever been born
    I’d look in the mirror at the thing I despised;
    The kind and gentle kid, who’s heart had been tattered and torn
    The misfit who just wanted to belong
    Downtrodden by this worlds scorn
    Til he believed everything about his existence was wrong
    I saw myself as less than nothing
    Not even a person, only a husk of a man
    Wanting to just fade from memory
    To set myself free
    I started formulating plans
    To finally end the suffering
    In a moment of desperation
    I made a proclamation
    To the very God that I cursed
    Putting down the knife
    Telling Him I’d give Him one opportunity to do whatever He wanted to do with my life…
    My wounds He started to nurse
    His Spirit touched the depths of my soul
    And for the first time, I was whole
    The healing process was fast but slow
    As I had to face my hurt, and learn what it is to forgive and let go
    I learned that this heart I was belittled for
    Is something Christ truly adores
    The drugs lost their appeal
    As they couldn’t compare to the wholeness His presence made me feel
    There was nothing of myself that earned His love and acceptance
    But only by accepting the covering of Christ’s blood and receiving His mercy
    Was I truly set free
    And that night was my turning point, my first act of repentance

    Donald M. Clyde

    Voting starts December 17, 2024 12:00am

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    Dear Unsealed,
    My faith keeps me sane.
    There are many twists & turns in my life.
    I will be 75 on September 18, 2024.
    As one that goes before
    Gen Z and other decades I have many stories to tell
    As deep as an old wishing well.
    I worked at The LA Times,
    All day every day.
    I met my kid’s dad,
    Which turned out to be very sad.
    He did not work there.
    His twin did.
    I met Jekyll & Hyde, I did
    But blew it off,
    Threw salt over my shoulder for a start.
    Neither were in journalism or writing or art.
    They were both security guards.
    Oh lordy!
    As an empath I dated a narcissistic guard
    Who pretended to care,
    Wined & dined me.
    So, it would be
    I was so naïve.
    Well, that would be I had two C-Sections.
    Both were ten pound babies,
    One was born 1983,
    The other was born 1987,
    The year before my mom went to heaven.
    This was a marriage of two boomers in the 80s.
    The father was from south LA.
    The mom is from North Hollywood,
    Of her own hood.
    I am of worldly DNA.
    He is a Black Republican narcissist.
    He is a gun loving nut.
    He is a woman hater.
    So, when I found out he lied to me profusely everyday
    Along the way of the everyday
    Way, we trod to different roads and ways,
    Of how I was so naïve.
    I was into college and looking forward of being a reporter soon.
    But he manipulated me as a man into marrying him.
    He wined & dined my parents under the moon
    In REDONDO BEACH pier,
    Only to smear
    My mom’s name after she died of a massive heart attack 1988.
    When he told me he hated my mom & glad she was dead
    I cried for days.
    My heart was broken that day
    I found out he was cheating on me,
    It had to be,
    More lies!
    I traveled to Palm Springs with my boyfriend. I left the boys at their dad’s mom’s house. Upon arriving back to my Burbank apartment, I found out my ex, the kids dad and his twin had locked me out because I vacationed in Palm Springs. I cried for hours.
    My plan was to pick the boys up from their grandma’s house. When I called my ex, I was banned from seeing them. He told me I was a bad mom. He spent over 30 grand on a divorce attorney. I spent 600 bucks on my Montgomery Ward attorney. It was a horrific divorce. I loved my boys very much, but the courts took my kids and placed them with their narcissistic dad.
    The turning point was when I chose to go on a vacation with my movie boyfriend to celebrate my birthday in the year of 1989.
    My ex is still trying to turn my boys and now my grands against me because I am a liberal boho hippie chick who still is an empath, a liberal, equality for all, for gun control and education for all.
    I accept the fact that he is holding my personality and belief systems against me. He once told me during the divorce that he had to blame me for everything because he was perfect and wanted to keep his job.
    I began with a poem and a prose as I have my entire life but the seriousness of the 1980s events changed my life more than anyone will ever know.
    I continued to work in the music and film industry moving forward. I was a union rep for the IATSE at Universal Studios Hollywood, worked freelance for three newspapers, and continued my educational pursuits until I was 51 years old.
    However, when I told my grown boys the truth, they were angry with me, calling me a liar. It did not end well. Now my ex, my two boys want to shut me down politically and as a human being. This is probably because I tell the truth, and you do not push a narcissist into the wall because they sting like a honeybee and dig into the person spreading their venom across states and other humans. I have been in therapy for many years. I am much better now. The turning point from being a good mother to becoming a bad human as my ex called me in 1989 was shocking and like a horror film.
    I watched a movie from the 80s called, “The Good Mother”, a 1988 movie about a divorced mom with a daughter who meets an artist, and her ex gets custody of the child. The movie is available on Prime Video.
    I pray every day for peace, love, & understanding. I will continue my humanitarian activist ways!

    Vicki Lawana Trusselli

    Voting starts December 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • like waves

    like waves
    By: Jim Kellogg
    (The Queer Poet)

    like waves
    eating away at the shore
    acrid and biting remarks
    ate away at my soul

    their mentions
    caused tremendous erosion
    of my essence
    leaving me little choice but to shy away

    what was less obvious
    to the outsiders
    was the intense and malicious crushing
    of my poetic queer voice –

    the part of myself
    that distinguishes me from others
    sets me apart
    makes me unique –

    how dare they
    presumptuous, brazen, and rude
    leave me
    shocked and full of disdain and anger

    despite their attempts
    to silence me
    i celebrate my voice
    limitless and breathtaking

    James Kellogg

    Voting starts December 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • My Turning Point

    I’ve had to make sacrifices just to find myself and get lost again in all the places that I’ve roamed.

    I’ve had to say words that nobody would listen to and I’ve had to walk away from hearts that I knew as home

    I’ve made rivers from the tears that have fallen

    I’ve lost faith in every truth I knew

    I’ve been strangers to the friends that surrounded me while hiding my pain from their view

    I’ve been taught that all that glitters isn’t golden

    I’ve learned that there’s always still more pain to feel

    I’ve also learned that I am a better me despite falling far enough down that what was real is all that was left to see

    There’s highs and there’s lows and a whole lot of learning

    There’s a never ending pain but that’s okay because this is my journey

    Debra South

    Voting starts December 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • The Risk

    Hi me,

    As a child I developed a belief system I was born to be fixed. At birth I had entered this world with physical defects which required many reparative surgeries throughout most of my life into my young adulthood. This helped foster the idea I was broken and different from anyone else in my immediate world. Even though my family always made sure I was well cared for there was limited emotional support. This was simply not an aspect of my life to be embraced by others. This only reinforced the made up propaganda in my own mind. I found ways to self sooth by making sure I wasn’t a burden on others so I could be rewarded by some affection. Later in my adolescence I developed a standard of self care which included copious amounts of drug use. This lasted into my until I was 19. At which time I was savagely sexually assaulted by a pair of drug dealers. My only recourse was avoidance at the time which lasted over 30 years. During that time I buried a child, married my high school sweetheart, had another child with similar defects I was born with, then divorced, and began raising my son with the assistance of family. A few years later I came out of the closet and began living somewhat of a renaissance period. As a high school dropout I obtained my GED and then three consecutive college degrees along with my NYS Clinical License in Social Work. I then met and married the monster or my dreams. My now ex-husband turned out to be my warden in a ten year abusive relationship. As I entered my 40th rotation around the sun I knew it was time to take a risk in order to live. I was left financially and emotionally bankrupt however, I was alive. It took all I had to walk away from what I thought was my continued existence of brokenness. As I began to rebuild my life over the next seven years the air around me became fresher. Yet, I still couldn’t fully inhale which only became more stringent as the years rolled on. At age 47 the deprivation of oxygen from my lack of fundamental breathing took hold of my mental status. My brain function began to decrease while images of my supposed long forgotten past began to infiltrate my daily and nightly thoughts. I became hunted by shocking monstrous uncontrollable slideshows. As I found out later these were the repressed memories of my sexual assault and parts of my abuse my brain attempted to avoid in order to survive. The all consuming experiences became overwhelming to the point of perceived insanity. This led to the only alternative of me ending my life. I did not want to die, I just did not know how to live. Fortunately, I did live and was faced with taking the ultimate risk. Do I choose live my second chance at life or simply exist until the overwhelm comes again? I proud to say I took that risk which has enabled me to share my story with you today.

    Johnny Bear

    Voting starts December 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • Happy ≠ Heavy

    In your heart,
    the glee will never feel as
    heavy as the agony.
    That’s the whole point.
    Imagine your happiest whim
    weighing your shoulders down,
    pressing your chin into soft skin.
    You can’t.
    Joy is the ultimate release of pressure.
    If you are crushed
    by something you love,
    it’s not a desire.
    It’s an obsession.

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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  • The Duality of Suffering

    The duality of suffering is so fascinating to me. Mainly because It shapes a huge chunk of my existence. Life and death, addiction and sobriety, heartbreak and unconditional love. I’ve lived these all simultaneously. The pain of my suffering doesn’t go away nor can it be replaced, but the joy and compassion I feel from loved ones brings a whole new experience to my life. I’m grateful for the ones I love, and the shoulders I cry on. The laughter and smiles I witness, and the ones they get out of me. Thank you to those who laugh with me at 2am, and eat breakfast with me in bed. The friends who have shown me what the meaning of family truly is.

    Suffering is existential, but it doesn’t always have to be that we are inherently in pain. This duality of Yin and Yang, the two sides of one coin, light and dark, pain and pleasure; it’s all the same concept. It is all Oneness. I believe if you can grasp the idea of your suffering having two personalities, two timelines within the same universe, and embrace both as passionately and sincerely as you can then that is when growth and healing develop. In my experiences through trauma and unexpected life changes, I have become aware of the fact that when I embraced only the discomfort of that suffering, I did not move forward. I moved deeper into a darker place. A place ten times harder to escape than the initial event. As I’ve progressed in life, spiritually and psychologically, to be specific, I’ve learned to accept the happiness and joys as well. Not denying myself the opportunity to laugh at a friend’s joke, to smile at a loved one, to make memories that leave a everlasting glow on my heart.

    I’ve encountered life changing deaths of loved ones throughout my, now, 28 years of living. Losing my mother was heartbreaking. I fell deep into darkness. A hole I have been digging myself out of for 13 years. My best friend passed away recently this year, 2024, and that shoved me right back down. But something was different this time. I’m older, I’ve done a lot of spiritual and psychological healing and I refuse to live in fear again. The duality of my healing has had a profound impact on my mental health and my motivation for life itself.

    Instead of just focusing on the depression and letting it control and consume me, I have learned to redirect my energy towards things that are productive but bring a sense of calmness to my body and mind. The most interesting aspect of this transition, that I’ve experienced, is that when I’ve written a poem, using it as a tool for healing, my words are quite melancholic and heavy hearted; yet I felt an immense sense of accomplishment and peace. This is a testament of the ability to heal and grow through the chains of suffering. To have a clear set of opposing perspectives on what it means to suffer and embracing both simultaneously. To break this down in simpler terms, the message of my poem may be full of my pain and trauma but it’s the act of writing that causes me to experience joy and peace at the same time. The darkness within my writing is one of the biggest forms of my inner healing.

    I’ve embraced the duality of suffering. I have learned to harness the dichotomy of grief and growth and create a sense of oneness. I implore you to challenge your fears, learn to embrace the darkness through the light and harness the power that resides within you. Feel your pain and simultaneously experience peace by turning that energy into an action of productivity and passion.

    I have learned that living is all about balance. That we are all just a scale constantly teetering and shifting weight.

    It is up to us to keep that weight stable and maintain the symmetry of life.

    Sophia Bonafide

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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    • I agree that there is a duality with pain and suffering. The pain teaches you a lesson. It’s hard to grasp that when you are in that moment. Looking inside and finding that message is a strong motivator. To find the balance in the negative events that ripple and have a positive effect.

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  • Express appreciation & gratitude

    Dear Unsealed readers;
    You may find my letter cliche in its content. The roller coaster I’ve been on since my illness, I assure you is compelling fiction. Growing up we are told to be grateful and appreciate what we have. I never truly understood that life lesson until I got sick.
    Starting my 30’s already stressful. Add an extremely unplanned pregnancy after 8 years of just me and my son! Topped with a move, promotion, and progressing strange medical issues. Fast forward 7 years, surviving breast cancer every day. Along with navigating my life around my paralysis due to a rare side effect of cancer, Paraneoplastic Syndrome. Both my children live with my mom, who I’m grateful for. It’s the smaller things we forget as a “normal able body” person. I’m talking about things even as I type them that seem silly; using the bathroom when and where you want, standing up on your own, wiping your own vagina, driving, stairs, not being limited to public places because of stairs or small doors! Don’t get me wrong, I have always been a person who appreciated and was grateful for everything. My lesson is to show your gratitude and appreciation. Telling people in your life how much they mean to you. Thank often!

    Desiree Thoemke

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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  • Never Give Up

    Ok man! I’ve had enough! I tap out!
    My bells ringing. I lost that bout.
    Still standing though, I’m hell of tough.
    But for fucks sake that life’s rough.
    Broken dreams and battle scars.
    Shredded tears, behind jail bars.
    I may be down now, but I can rise.
    I will rise and I’ll claim my prize.
    Grass stained shirt.
    Blood in the dirt
    Blown out veins.
    Yet the memories remain.
    Flip and flop.
    On this climb to the top.
    These bones might break.
    But this hope you can’t take.
    This round might be over.
    But the match I haven’t lost
    Dust the dirt off my shoulder.
    And win at all cost.
    Twelfth round or twelfth hour.
    Never quit. Release the power.
    My seeds rooted. Dug real deep.
    With God’s grace I rose to my feet.
    Delivered the blow.
    Knocked out cold.
    Sent the pain below.
    And lived to be told.
    When life is abrupt.
    Shit starts to erupt.
    Stay strong. Don’t tap.
    And never ever give up.

    Shelby W. Gomez

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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  • The Conquer

    Your first attempt
    Shot down.
    He implied
    Success not possible.
    Your life-sustaining health constraints
    The weak point.
    Alternative for you suggested.
    Dream denied.
    Your tenacity at play,
    Second chance requested.
    Humanitarian assigned,
    Acceptance granted.
    Ultimate goal
    Despite tough and demanding roads,
    Obstacles of academia,
    Dates with the machine three times a week,
    Your grit and perseverance
    Enhanced the drive
    Uphill to victory.
    The glory of adversity deflected.
    Strength of the heart
    Reigned supreme.


    Voting starts October 18, 2024 12:00am

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    • Chrys, I love this!! You are POWERFUL and I am in awe of your ability to persevere through a challenging time. In the end, it was all worth it! You struggled so that your future could be exactly how you wanted it to be. You should be very proud fo yourself. Congratulations!

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      • Aloha Harper! Mahalo nui for your positive feedback, along with your kindness, compliments and encouragement. I truly appreciate you! You rendered me speechless as I read your statements because I just consider myself “regular”. And yes, the entire experience was all worth it. When I look back on that period of my life, I find myself a bit…read more

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        • Aww, you’re welcome Chrys! It was so nice learning about you through your writing!

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  • Dream of Adventure

    Since I was young,
    I dreamed and dreamed of a day,
    Where I’d find adventure,
    And it would lead me away.
    An experience to take me out of my comfort zone,
    I dreamt of adventuring with someone,
    Not just on my own.
    I made up stories to write about,
    I fantasized, romanticized, until my dream of adventure appeared in a time of doubt.
    Falling at my fingertips,
    There it was.
    In the form of another,
    Through a screen,
    Unexpectedly, I met my dream.
    On life’s journey, at the same pace as me,
    We happened upon each other,
    While in separate countries.
    I asked the world; what does this mean?
    And it replied that the answer lies in the depth of life’s mysteries.
    To know true meaning,
    One must immerse themselves in the unknown.
    And with that, I leaned in further and further until my heart whispered, ” Let’s go!”
    Because dreams and adventure are about diving in, letting go, and figuring it out,
    So I dove,
    I let go, submerged myself in the murky water below.
    I got lost,
    And fell in love;
    And so began the greatest adventure I’d ever known.
    We went exploring,
    Saw alligators and Grizzlies,
    We hiked the Appalachians and wandered the magnificent Rockies.
    We visited new cities and tried delicious food,
    We decided on forever and in font of a mountainous backdrop exchanged “I do’s.”
    As in many adventures sometimes you lose your way,
    He took a wrong turn in the dark,
    And I ended up caught in the rain.
    Trudging through the mud that wanted to bring me down,
    I heard the wind whisper to me that at times we have to be lost in order to be found.
    To walk the woods o the unknown,
    To weather the rain, the wind, the snow.
    To learn that with love there comes pain,
    And life’s challenges bring experience to gain.
    This is what gives ‘living’ life,
    Finding myself in the depths of the mud realizing I had never felt more alive.
    I knew now what the wind meant and what I was made to go through.
    I was meant to find myself alone and afraid, so once beyond the rain,
    I could look at myself and say,
    “You are strong, you are brave”
    And know it to be true.
    Beyond the darkness and the storm,
    I viewed my dream in a new form.
    I was no longer scared of going the adventure on my own,
    And it was when I was afraid that I’d really grown.
    I kept walking the path,
    Not knowing if our shared adventure would last, hoping we’d find our way back.
    Back to each other, changed on our own journey.
    And there he was wanting to repair and continue adventuring with me.
    We interlocked fingers, walking hand in hand,
    We spoke of the hurt and sought to understand.
    And thus I had my dream come true,
    And the dream hasn’t stopped.
    I dreamt of adventure,
    And adventure is exactly what I got.


    Voting starts October 18, 2024 12:00am

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    • Kristina, this is so cute. I am so happy for you. You found a person that you not only loved unconditionally but who you could adventure with and live out your dreams with! I am glad that you have been able to live freely and do the things you wanted to do without being held back. Congratulations!! ♥

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  • Pitch Black

    You ever try to envision your future — and it looks pitch black ?
    Ppl ask you who you wanna be or what you wanna do — when you grow up
    Your single mother was livin in survival mode just like you — doing the best she can
    Too busy to sit you down and ask —
    “Baby, what you wanna do when you get older? — We gotta start to plan”

    Before she knew it — your life began
    You’re 17 and graduating and the years flashed right before — her eyes

    Now her little girl is pregnant & must grow up and time just passed her by

    But don’t get sad on me now — momma — just hold on — hang tight

    This is just the beginning — This is not the end

    Lucky for her — she was never alone, God had her back… & he became my best friend

    You see — For many of you in my same situation
    I too grew up w/out an earthly father — to help raise me
    but as it turns out — I never really needed him — anyway

    My heavenly father picked up his slack . . . Im just another witness & reminder of that —

    He placed the right ppl in my life
    to help guide me down a — virtuous path

    I just had to shift my perspective & be open — to accepting his plan

    Gods timing is perfect, he’s never late —
    he was just waiting for me to take hold of his hand — on the other end

    I had to keep my focus on someone that was beyond me & my current situation
    Had to let go of any self pity and all excuses I had created
    I could say lucky for me — but most my life — it felt far from it

    Regardless — It was never luck or chance
    Just a shift in perspective & a blessing in disguise
    We all have those — everyday — we just gotta be willing — to open up our eyes
    So pls — don’t let yourself be minimized

    By yourself — or your surroundings
    or anything else — you may be lacking
    He makes something out of nothing —
    time and time — again
    Live life — like it’s already yours — and in due time — it will come — you will win

    My first step in achieving my goals came from finding my greatest weaknesses —
    Had to figure out how to turn my weakness into power — so I laid them — right beneath him

    But first — let’s take it back to beginning— before I started winning

    It was my big bro & my middle school sweetheart
    That’s who did it —

    My big bro held a lot of anger inside — while tryna figure out who he was — and what he believed in

    As for my baby — He was born into a different lifestyle than mine — and I wanted nothing more than to — save him
    I didn’t want to lose him — in more ways than simply just — our relationship

    I had To try to prove to myself and to them
    why the man up above
    was the one to believe in

    I’d not been able to overcome and succeed in all that I have — if it wasn’t for God — & his strength in our weakness

    I wanted to show them a love — so pure
    but first — I had to start — by believing

    I wanted to show them his love but I knew — it would take lots of time — and patience — for them to see it

    I Had to do it in a positive way
    not too pushy— or rushed — or forcefully done
    Cus the God I knew, taught me — early on — that’s not what real love was

    Unfortunately — my current circumstance didn’t yet reflect the God — that I knew & loved
    I was only 15 yrs old & hadn’t lived long enough
    I didn’t have anything to prove or show for it — just yet
    So I had to put my words into action even tho it was hard
    I always suffered from anxiety and lacked concentration and because of it — I struggled bad
    I was made out — to always feel dumb
    but — I was far from that
    The worlds a cruel place to live in — and at times
    I believed what theyd sung
    But Gods words over me and my life were different
    and they’ll also speak life unto yours
    So I had to live by the words that I preached
    so I too could believe the words — that he spoke
    it’s been almost 15 yrs since than and I’ve accomplished a lot in my life that I sought out to do
    I’m still so far from done but I’m doing what I can —Lord — to make sure — it all points back to you
    So here are some of my goals he helped me achieve — (he helped me come true)

    I knew nothing about kids and babies
    Not a clue how some day i would become a mommy
    So I went to school for childcare
    and became someone I’d never known
    I became a infant toddler teacher and got to hold lots of babies and watch them grow
    I was able to raise my baby boy — good
    even tho a few yrs back I would have never thought or knew …
    Remember when I sd i used to see pitch black
    —Well things changed real fast when
    God said to me — nahhh bby girl — wait —till you see —what I’ve got in store — for you

    next up— I decided to get certified to become a foster parent
    but that’s something I still have to do

    I decided I wasn’t done just yet tho
    so I went back to school to became a nail tech
    & still I thought that wasn’t enough so , I said,
    how bout a barber too

    Life’s been a whole lotta up down rollercoaster wild ride adventures — this is true
    But pls don’t get discouraged by my accolades thus far
    cause they come and go the same way we do
    They will all fade into dust someday but one thing will remain to be true
    My biggest goal that i accomplished & the one that matters the most
    is — that even — if no one else will believe—
    I proved to myself — God is true

    Beyond Me

    Voting starts October 18, 2024 12:00am

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    • I love this! Even though things were difficult, your perseverance always shined through and allowed you to become a better version of yourself. You have been through so much and I am glad you have gotten to a place where you are happy. You should be so proud fo yourself. Congratulations ♥

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  • Dare to Dream

    For many years I dared not dream.
    Achievement was striving to attain a raise.
    To feed my kids.
    To buy a house.
    To pay the bills.
    Success was a paycheck.
    Success was a full tank.
    Success was contentment in what I was supposed to do.
    Until I woke up and realized that my reality was an endless checklist of tasks
    Helping someone to achieve their dreams.
    I could have meaningful.
    I could have extraordinary.
    I could have magic.
    But only if I allowed myself to dream.
    So I did.
    Rejection letter after rejection letter after rejection letter…for years…I still dreamed.
    And hoped.
    And prayed.
    And worked.
    Until the day came when I would no longer be
    The girl who did not dare dream.
    I became…
    The woman who was a girl that would someday be
    The librarian of an elementary school library.


    Voting starts October 18, 2024 12:00am

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    • Kassi, I am so happy for you! You worked SO hard and achieved so much. I am sure that you have made yourself and your family so proud. Daring to dream is important. You can still do what you want, no matter how young or old you are. You can achieve anything you put your mind to. Your bravery and passion are so admirable and I hope to become more…read more

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  • "Written In the Books"

    It started with your love of movies and books,
    You will read at lunch ignoring the looks,
    Mesmerized by the punch line , climax ad hooks,
    Diction, characters, performances that shook.

    You struggled a bit with word composition,
    Was it your honest young views or rough diction,
    But when your mind meshed with your creative fiction,
    It may take you as far as jurisdiction.

    Today your composition is better than all,
    You now stand and write books while I stand and walk tall,
    Sorry for the long buildup, no more talk,
    A youth with books under his name is no ball.


    Voting starts October 18, 2024 12:00am

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    • Nnamdi, amazing job! You are a terrific write with so much potential. I can’t wait to see how far you go in this journey. I am glad you never let others get to you. You knew what you wanted and you weren’t going to let dirty looks or mean comments steer you in another direction. Very impressive. Congratulations!

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  • You decide

    When asked the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up,” no one responds a low level employee at a mega department store. However, that’s where my life’s journey took me. Initially I planned to be there for three months which became three years.
    During my time working there I faced many life altering challenges such as domestic violence, a house fire, failing school, homelessness, financial instability,etc. It seemed to ME that the only thing I was good at was my job. Work and became my safe haven from the chaos of life so I invested all my creative energy into making my department the best. I began to build my whole life around the demands of the job and the more I gave the more they took. It didn’t matter to me because it made me feel good to be great at something.
    Although I did acquire new skills, I settled and became complacent. I accepted this was my life, but subconsciously I knew I deserved better.
    Working in the bakery gave me the most joy. Eventually I became a cake decorator and it gave me pleasure to create beautiful things for others to enjoy. Management offered me a temporary position as bakery manager, which I declined. However when I was told the offer was permanent I accepted. At the time I made a lot of internal and external changes in my life and I felt it was only up from here.
    I worked hard for what I felt I earned. One day they called me in the office to tell me although I was doing phenomenally, they were giving the job to the old manager. Initially I protested and asked questions to no avail. When I reevaluated the paperwork I signed my heart sank. Although I was listed as a permanent manager in my profile the contract said overlay which meant they could give it to the old manager at any time. I felt betrayed and hurt. My choices were made simple relocate as a low level employee or quit. With that came a pay cut that was lower than my initial pay rate before I was promoted.
    After I cried, I calmed down and meditated. I realized there was another radical option. I could start my own cake business. I possessed the skill and tenacity, so what could stop me but fear? Would I continue to stand in my own way?
    With considerable research I realized it was very possible with little cost. I had to release limiting mindsets and confidence was the key to being as successful as I wanted to be. If I could invest creative ideas to build up a multi billion dollar company why not in myself? I still had some doubts, but within a week I made my first sell.
    I am currently in the process of opening my business, working part time and restarting school with a new goal in mind. I have more time for myself and my children.
    Remember your dreams and know you deserve better. Be who you want to be. No matter how much time it takes or who thinks you’re unworthy. You determine your value. Speak positively and give yourself grace. Every breathe is an opportunity to make those changes. You have the final say, so never give up and I’ll see you on the other side!

    #1cake decorator worldwide

    Voting starts October 18, 2024 12:00am

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    • Dierrie, I am so incredibly happy for you!! You have been through so much and I am so sorry for that. You never let that define you. You never let that hold you back from being the best you could be. You are a warrior and I am so proud of you for everything that has happened in your life. You should be proud of yourself too! You worked hard for…read more

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  • The Way I’am

    You will be a poet
    You will be heroic
    You will feel stoic
    You will love yourself more
    You’re strong and know it

    You won’t be nothing
    You’re hopeless
    I don’t even understand
    why you wrote this?
    You live inside your head too much
    I need you to focus

    Prone to depression
    The cause is unknown
    Maybe from a broken heart
    My house is not a home
    I can’t tell anyone what’s going on
    So instead I sing my sad song …

    I wish to be a poet
    I wish to be heroic
    I wish to feel stoic
    But I won’t be nothing
    And I knows it

    Ms. Lisa ,
    A women with a good head on her shoulders
    And an attitude so bold
    Even though she’s my teacher
    She also plays a motherly role

    A leader that can follow
    And take control
    Been through trials and tribulations
    Just a Testimony to her soul

    She bends down and look me in my eyes

    Listen Lisa,
    Do not compromise
    Your heart will not be your demise
    Your emotions are the prize
    The same thing that cause your fall
    Will be the same thing to help you rise

    How could that be ?
    I look down at my journal entry

    You will be a poet
    You will be heroic
    You will feel stoic

    Learn to love yourself more
    You’re strong and know it
    -Love Lisa

    Carlisa Hawkins

    Voting starts October 18, 2024 12:00am

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    • Carlisa, this is beautiful! Your passion is so stunningly memorable and I loved every word. You are SO strong and I am glad that you chose to share this with the Unsealed community. You should be so proud of yourself because you deserve it!! Congratulations! ♥

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  • Invasion

    I thought I might not be
    in this overgrowth forever
    I thought of pressure,
    knife or cancer
    I thought of youthful plains

    But Blueberry bushes
    And Picnic dresses,
    Oh the daisies will miss
    your Laugh if they’re
    Choked by dandelions!
    so I planted dandelions.

    But apple tree and orange
    Painted Petals before
    Trimmed hedges
    Push-up soil
    in Manicured patches there –
    Where I planted spear thistles?

    But Please, Do Not clear
    the little untread passages
    in the bark of hollow tree
    Or beneath the hanging bush
    to tuck yourself away,
    Where else will you lay?
    Why do you cut
    every Stem and Stalk?
    who will pollinate you
    when your color is gone?

    I thought I might not fight
    invasion with invasion;
    So I lit a match,
    and bared my plains
    to the sky.

    Leo Forest

    Voting starts October 18, 2024 12:00am

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    • Leo, wow. The imagery in this poem is so creatively described and I am OBSESSED with it! You have a very evident gift and your talent should not be taken for granted! Keep writing! Your strength and passion is what has gotten you this far, so keep up the great work ♥

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  • Dream That Came True

    dear eight year old navara,
    how are things? i know the obvious answer is not so great and i’m sorry to have to ask but i wasn’t really sure how else to start this letter. how’s my dad? has he been eating? sleeping? try to make sure he’s taking care of himself, and don’t let the girls see him like that, they don’t need that right now. they need a strong big sister, a role model, things are different now and she’s not coming back to fix them so it falls on you. you don’t deserve to have to take on that responsibility, but someone has to do it. make sure they eat. keep your grades up, don’t cause any reason for worry from teachers, and daddy has enough to worry about with the bills. don’t rock the boat, get the laundry done, keep the room clean, and make sure you guys get to school on time. just keep the peace. you can do this navara. you shouldn’t have to but you can. you have your books, your music and it will get you through. i promise you that. and let me tell you how i know. i am in a library right now writing to you. i drove here in the car that we own, and we drove from our job at the mall. we only worked four hours today but hey it pays the bills and it’s emotionally fulfilling, as well as physically and mentally. we got a raise recently! our friends at work have our back, and i can honestly say its safe to be ourselves. they value our opinion, understand us, and help us when we allow them to, but we are working on that. as for outside of work, we are 21 now, so we go out occasionally… didn’t expect that did you? yeah girl, we actually dance! in fact, that is the main reason we go out. far cry from timid us who was afraid of boys, group projects, and any sort of human interaction whatsoever. we grew. beautiful thing isn’t it? we have a photo shoot with a friend coming up in late august, and we journal now. it helps a lot with the feelings. we have a book club and guess what the first book is? her favorite : twilight. we visit her sometimes. they buried her under a tree. it’s really peaceful. in fact we’re going there today. we talk everyday, but i thought i’d visit her today. i would tell you what we talk about but i’m not sure you’re ready for that yet. we buy groceries and pay rent now. i’m telling you, we’re real adults now. not fully on our own yet but we’ll get there. we learned how to be frugal from daddy, and it definitely doesn’t go unnoticed. i still catch myself getting mad at the both of them, one for leaving physically and the other emotionally but i know it does no one any good. on days like this though i remember why it had to happen the way it did. it brought me here. under the tree. at peace.

    navara salaiz

    Voting starts October 18, 2024 12:00am

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    • Navara, I love this! Your younger self would be so proud of you. You have become a strong and independent adult and you have proved who you are! Your ability to step outside of your comfort zone and socialize a little bit more is so exciting!! You are evolving in the best way possible. You have become a wonderful person and you should be so proud…read more

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  • Dream 1 Achieved , a Billion More to Go!

    Sady Lady, reporting to you live from 2024 and I came back to 2012 to give you the official tour,
    of your life as we advance with some spoilers. I heard you’re the big 1 8 and in good fashion, I’ve come to report that you have found your passion.

    Is it a designer? No, that’s too flashy. Perhaps a biased journalist? No that’s a little too sassy.
    You went for a more reserved path but you enjoyed the process, you take your overthinking and put your non-verbal skills to the test.

    While pursuing a Central Pennsylvania secondary education, you went through one big obstacle that left you wondering if this is really your station.
    It was your first “failure” to start your freshman year, you even started to wonder “damn should I even be here?”

    However, through the grace of Jehovah, you found another avenue to explore. You were still a tech head, but you learned the origins of the first motherboard and it wasn’t a bore.

    Even though you weren’t ready to program yet, majoring in the technology adjacent “computer forensics” was your best bet.

    Since you were a kid, you loved puzzles and electronics, who knew in your adult age you’d end up learning the “phonics.”

    Binary, hexadecimal, Encase, and FTK, are some of the software that helped you along the way.

    For four years, you learned the ins and outs of the ever-growing advances technology yields . Alas! Your senior year came around and you had the opportunity to show how skilled you were in your field.

    Dr. Barrett gave you an independent study to do research of your choice. It was like she read your mind, and your dream of studying the inner-workings of the famous SONY PLAYSTATION 4 allowed you to share your voice.

    10 weeks of research, reporting, trial and error, you produced the final result and became the bearer of all your efforts in front of a crowd. While it was nerve racking, you had to give yourself a bow.

    Fast forward to 2024, you are still present to write about your dream, and I hope this poem gives you some gleam.

    What you learn is that success isn’t always a likely occurrence
    However, the knowledge you gain should give you reassurance.

    You even took up a new hobby writing about your inner interests and thoughts. Even found some cool recipes to put in your pots.

    All this to say to the younger self, achieving your goals won’t always be available on a book shelf. Never look back and your future looks bright. Always remember to say a prayer a night. Even when the journey looks dim or blue, you have a great future ahead of you.

    Cece circa 2024

    Ceirra E.

    Voting starts October 18, 2024 12:00am

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    • Cece, this is so cute!! Your younger self would be so proud of you. You have overcome so much and tried so many new things! Your experiences are so unique and you will be happy that you got out of your comfort zone in the future! I am so happy for all that you have done and who you have become!! ♥

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