

  • Journey of Growth

    To my younger self:

    It’s sometimes hard to say “I love you,”
    But know, I always do.
    You shine bright in a world full of darkness,
    with strength and resilience when most would give up.
    You possess beauty inside and out—enjoy it, because it does fade 😉
    But know that no matter how hard you try to be perfect, you already are.
    Made in God’s image,
    a princess immaculate in design.
    Wise beyond your years,
    funny even when you don’t mean to be,
    and smarter than you will ever know.
    You have a heart of gold—something to be proud of and cherish.
    Through pain, you push through and triumph, which is tough at such a young age.
    You may not have had the childhood fun some kids had, but you do have love.
    You are a leader,
    A champion,
    A survivor.
    You make the world a better place, and your smile lights up every room.

    Remember, you are loved deeply and valued beyond measure.
    Keep shining bright, for you are destined for greatness.

    Love you truly,

    Kristina Johnson

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • So So So beautiful. I love how soft and gentle you are with your younger self and I love how you can see all her greatness while subtly shedding light on the way your younger self viewed herself. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed.

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  • Thank you so much! I’m so glad to be here and a part of the family. Thank you for the welcome.

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  • Thank you so much! I truly appreciate your kind words. They have touched my heart!

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  • Embracing the Journey: A Letter of Wisdom to My Younger Self

    To my younger self,

    There’s much ahead for you to see,
    Deciding your path won’t always be easy.
    You’ll face heartbreak and pain,
    Moments where you’ll feel insane.
    But through it all, you’ll gain strength and wisdom,
    Navigating against the grain and the system.
    There will be times when you’ll feel alone,
    But you’ll learn to embrace and love yourself on your own.
    With each challenge, you’ll gain fortitude,
    Be grateful for each day, maintaining a positive attitude.

    Youth swiftly comes and goes,
    Treasure laughter, embrace what life bestows.
    Slow down, truly live in each moment’s embrace,
    Find your rhythm, your own pace.
    You’re just beginning your story’s arc,
    A tale filled with wonders, making your mark.
    Trust in God, stay true to His plan,
    Like a phoenix, rise and stand.
    Your talents shine bright, like a star,
    As you ascend, reaching heights near and far.

    Up the mountain you’ll climb,
    Love and laughter await, transcending time.
    Welcome the journey, the ups and downs,
    For therein lies life’s echoing sounds.
    Discover yourself, love, and be true,
    In this beautiful journey, continue to just be you.
    You are valued, precious, and strong,
    With a tenacious spirit, you’ll sing your own song.
    So cherish each step, each stride,
    In this magnificent, crazy ride.

    Kristina Johnson

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    • I love your flow! I love reading a poem and obviously seeing the care and consideration that went into stringing words together. This was very sweet and wholesome to read 🙂

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    • This piece flows sooo well. I love the message and the way you deliver that message. You sound very confident and someone who will not be knocked off track! I can’t wait to see where life takes you, or rather, where you take life. <3 Lauren

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  • The Soul's Haven

    Beneath the radiant sun,
    Waves crash nearby,
    The chilled water beckons to me,
    As sand clings to my feet.

    Seagulls dance and flutter about,
    While dolphins playfully surface.
    Sandcastles tower amidst the sand,
    Children’s joyous laughter fills the air.

    An oasis of tranquility,
    Salt air whispers gently.
    This is my favorite place,
    A haven for the soul.

    Endless horizon,
    This is pure bliss.

    As the waves come and go,
    Renewal washes over me,
    In the vast ocean’s expanse,
    All problems fade away.

    Drifting with the current,
    Worries are no more,
    This sanctuary revives and rejuvenates,
    The beach: my happy place.

    Kristina Johnson

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    • I LOVE your use of imagery. You put the reader in your shoes with this piece, and I can vividly imagine the picture you’re painting. I feel the itch of the sand on my feet, and I can feel the fire of the sun beaming on me as I read 🙂 Great job and thank you for sharing

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    • I love how you wrote that waves come and go, and renewal washes over you. It really connects the image of the beach and its impact on your peace. This is super creative. Thank you for sharing. <3 Lauren

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  • Seen

    Is the darkness hidden well?
    Or can you see its all show and tell?

    How troubling is the mind-
    Exploring all the broken pieces,
    And crevices abused with time.

    The joy and innocence of a little girl stole-
    Tears and fear did she meet in her bed,
    Wishing instead of life, she were dead.

    Day after day,
    Night after night,
    Little by little,
    Her light was snuffed out;
    Love- a word, she began to doubt.

    Wanting to fight and push on she did,
    But the pain broke her and so she hid.

    Not knowing who to trust,
    Or where to turn,
    Confusion masking lessons learned.

    Abused around every corner,
    Men lusted and adorned-her.

    Ridiculed with guilt and shame,
    No-one but herself to blame.

    The pain just increased and increased,
    Until all hope within her finally ceased-

    Filled with such disgust and self-hate,
    She began to suffocate-

    Unable to accept reality,
    With crippled mentality-

    Only one place left to run,
    Falling to her knees before the Son.

    Sin at his feet-
    She lay,
    Begging for forgiveness-
    She prays.

    Wiping her slate clean like never before-
    Gods love is the one and only cure.

    Broken are the chains,
    Alleviating the pain-

    Free is she-
    And mighty is Thee.

    Kristina Johnson

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    • Wow Kristina, I am so sorry for the pain you endured. This piece is brilliantly written and quite powerful. I am so glad you found the peace you deserve. Sending you a big hug. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • Canvas of Dreams

    There’s a stirring within me,
    a fervent desire to be seen and heard;
    a dormant talent calling out,
    beckoning to appear.
    Countless thoughts,
    endless visions.

    The artist emerges,
    brush in hand,
    painting a scene so serene,
    igniting a fire from within.

    Can I unveil these parts of me?
    Will I be favorably received?
    Listen closely:
    My voice will echo-
    Recognize this, my unique sound,
    for soon, favor shall be found.

    Kristina Johnson

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    • Aww Kristina, I love this. I once had a conversation with a baseball pitcher who pitched in a World Series (talk about pressure). He told me he never focused on the outcome – only on the process. If you have an urge to share your art and voice with the world – just do it. Share and share and share. Don’t worry about how it will be received. Find…read more

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    • Kristina, I love the title! You are beautiful and painting beautifully for all to see!!!

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