

  • kellybeanz87 shared a letter in the Group logo of ParentingParenting group 1 days, 5 hours ago

    Joey's Poem

    If you had any shred of decency left in you
    You’d stay away from my boo
    To that little boy
    I’m the only one that’s true
    If I could flip it all back
    Spin it all around and let you see
    Literally the little me…..
    Nurturing, loving, carrying him through
    When not everyone else was always onboard too
    I’m the only thing and woman he’s ever really known

    Now he’s sitting here looking at me full grown
    What you tried to protect your whole life, sits there looking at you like you’ve just ripped out a knife
    What I tried to avoid his whole little life
    Will he ever understand that all mommy every wanted was to make a good man?
    Can’t he please just understand?
    This precious seed turns around and now questions me, how dare he?
    I can’t explain it all, I don’t know how I could
    If I could lay it all out right here, right now trust me I would
    Let it all go for good
    Let you see all my choices weren’t always the smartest
    But always out of love and always for good

    I guess protection is a strange thing
    You want to take them under your wing
    You don’t realize how much you cling
    Well, here we are young man, here I stand
    This is all of me, still standing, still fighting
    Always will
    At least I will try
    I hope one day you understand

    Love Always,
    Your “Teen” Mom

    Kelly M.B

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  • kellybeanz87 responded to a letter in topic Poetry 3 days, 8 hours ago

    This brought tears to my eyes. I lost my older brother Jesse when he was only 38 yrs old, and I have certainly asked myself some of these same questions & I was able to feel all the pain, anger & grief in your poem. RIP & sending hugs & prayers to you and your family. Amazing truthful writing

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  • Star lit Babe

    A small shadowy figure of a girl stumbles out of her house, and quickly paces through her backyard. The lawn hasn’t been cut but she still treads through barefoot without a care. To others around her she seems disheveled, even slightly scary. She heads towards the darkest corner and peers over her raggedy fence and caught a nice gaze at the sky. “Ahhhh, no clouds tonight” she happily told herself.

    What this means for Jaria, is she can do her thing now finally. No obstructions tonight. She closes her eyes and throws a nice calming frequency tone on in the background. Takes a deep breath and then asks for guidance from within. She realizes that way too much suffering has been occurring for far too long. Past, present, and future if nothing changes. Her focus starts tuning in and here come all her higher thoughts. She calmly reaches for her blue selenite crystal because she remembers the moon will recharge it. A special friend from the Unkechaug Tribe told her this tip many years ago. She keeps paying attention to her breathing, and the breaths get longer, fuller and somehow even more fulfilling. She stretches out every part of her body, then says ok “RELEASE”!

    Nothing major or dramatic seems to have occurred. Atleast not instantly that is….Jaria lightly starts humming and moving her legs around. She remembers stories as a little girl, and now senses the whispers of her ancestors telling her to dance. See, dancing for her was not just for what you see on television. Dancing was not only part of her culture, it was used for it’s healing properties as well.

    We all have energy, and movement causes vibration. Vibration can in turn heal us. Jaria didn’t have many words to speak anymore. She has seen a lot here on Earth. So this is what she must do to remain calm and strong if there is to be any future hope left in humanity.

    Dancing somehow holds the key which is put into a doorknob and when she turns it-she’s granted access to somehow release all of her hidden emotions. She can somehow feel a sense of control by the mastery of her movements the older she gets.

    All of a sudden Jaria isn’t so disheveled and uncharged. Swiftly she notices more, then she has enough self awareness to pick up on her own bad mood and decide to change it. She has no care for the conception of time, monetary items or toxicity. She walks to the beat of her own drum… literally.

    Two hours has gone by, and it’s going to take a full nights rest now. This was a lot on Jaria’s soul. But in a good way. She breezes past her neighbors, now seeming light as a feather. Even her neighbors figure she must have gotten some good news or something.

    Unfortunately this is a common pattern for our little moon child here. This is what Jaria must keep doing not only for herself, but for all future spiritual creatures alike. May we all find our place in the Universe.

    Kelly M.B

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  • kellybeanz87 responded to a letter in topic Poetry 3 days, 22 hours ago

    Thank you so much for your beautiful comment! I now beleive that Butterflies 🦋 are Angelic creatures as well 😁🤍

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  • kellybeanz87 shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 5 days, 14 hours ago

    Heavenly Moon Child

    She wanders silently through the night,
    Fighting off demons and spite,
    She looks to the moon for guidance and strength,
    For she knows these earthly gifts talk to her like Saints.
    Please keep me balanced and pure,
    For there is nothing on this earth that is sure,
    Walk me and guide me to the Heavens above,
    As if I were your child, that your taking care of
    Lift me up and get me through, and I promise I will devote my life to you.

    Kelly M.B

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    • Kelly,
      This is a lovely and moving poem about the power the moon has on the soul. While some people turn to the sun for comfort, others find solace in the quiet beauty of the moon. It can provide the strength needed to fight all the battles of life. Thank you for sharing your work!

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  • kellybeanz87 shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 5 days, 15 hours ago

    The Butterfly

    Sink your eye into my beautiful butterfly
    Twirling around my purple bush, I spotted it
    The prettiest one ever. I knew I had to have it
    I paused, and gazed. I caught an up-close glimpse of its unique coloring. Blue and purple.
    Didn’t think that was possible, but there it was- right in my face. It had the largest wings I’d ever seen on such a small creature. It fluttered around so gracefully, getting love drunk off the nectar. Bobbing around, minding its business and helping my garden.
    Drifted off and started to wonder, are all the things that they say about butterflies true? Can this thing see me, sense me? It must. Look how delicate and beautiful it is. It trusts me to sit still and gaze at it.
    Kept thinking about the transformation from birth till now, the little head with actual eyes, floaty looking wings and vibrant enchanting blue and purple eyespots like an encryption code to the butterfly heavens.
    Fetching a small net, a jar or even a photo will do. I must share this with this world
    Ran off to not miss my chance, came running back full speed, with excitement still in my heart- but it had already flown away.
    ~Inspired by Mindfulness Meditation

    Kelly M.B

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    • I’ve always heard that butterflies are sent from Heaven, and the way you describe this one’s beauty makes me believe it. It is almost heartbreaking that something so lovely can also be so fragile. I guess that is why they fly away before we can catch them. Thank you for sharing this sweet poem.

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  • kellybeanz87 shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 weeks, 3 days ago

    Heavenly Hugs

    Hugs from Heaven, they feel so sweet
    A warm energetic connection that will knock you off your feet
    Tune in and listen, look around you’ll be surprised
    Your heart bleeds love, passion & desire from the skies
    All this love can be seen right in your eyes 🤍🦋

    Kelly M.B

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  • Crux

    A life of harm done. Or so I thought.
    Trauma responses from my caretakers. Fear, abandonment, deep rooted pain and dysfunction going on within my entire immediate family. I wasn’t the only one – I was just the youngest one.
    Life became confusing to me, and the cycle of drugs, domestic violence & poverty kept creeping back into my life going up until my mid 20’s.
    I could name a lot of different times where my life was at crossroads, and all sorts of different choices that probably changed my life, as well as major life events and losses that have occurred. Majorly, the sudden loss of my brother in September of 2020 from a drinking & driving accident.
    But that wouldn’t be enough. See, it wasn’t just one turning point for me. I have been on a continual spiritual journey since November of 2010. Accepting treatment and entering the journey of healing from PTSD and substance abuse was a pivotal moment in my life for sure.
    Once I released and faced all the truths about myself, confronted myself in the mirror, and walked through my past traumas with the support of all my Angels and my network here on Earth – suddenly, things started slowly shifting. Not instantly, but things got better for me. Monetary things returned. My faith returned, and my life started getting better. I’ve had a few bumps & falls but am blessed to say I got right back up.
    I always thought I was a victim. I now know that I am a survivor. This mentality has majorly changed me for the better. It’s not to downplay anyone’s trauma, but to be able to say you walked away from it and are still alive to tell the story, is an inspiration to mass amounts of people still silently suffering. There is also an inner freedom found in it that I did not know existed.
    Taking the time to sit with myself, go for walks, color pictures & enjoy being in the present moment. Laughing, dancing – just like a kid. I’m giving new childhood memories back to myself. I can hold on to the good memories that I have & do my best to mourn the bad. I now know what self-love is. I’m giving that back as well, and I’m giving it to my children, and any other kids that may cross my path. These are all gifts that cannot fully be explained. But certainly, all turning points in which I have chosen to walk along the paths that lead me to happiness.
    I Now hold my head and shoulders up higher when I look and speak with people.
    I speak up for myself, and my loved ones.
    I show gratitude, kindness and respect to Mother Nature, my High Power and thank the Universe for continuously showing me that I have a purpose here on this planet. Even if others don’t see it yet.
    I suppose in hindsight as I sit here in this present moment overlooking the Great South Bay of Long Island – my true Turning Point was finding ME.

    Love Always,

    Kelly MB

    Voting starts December 17, 2024 12:00am

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