

  • Someone, somewhere, has loved ME all along

    I have spent most of my life trying to learn how to love myself.
    After leaving an abusive relationship in January of 2001 I was a complete mess. I was a single mother of three little ones that needed me to pull through. There you will find your strength. Someone, somewhere, still loves you. Deep into your core. Do not be afraid to be who you are, because YOU are love.
    I started to write poetry.
    One lonely night, after my kids were in bed, I started to reflect. The darkness seemed to slowly fade away, and the following words flowed freely, and opened up my closed heart.
    I felt compelled to share it with The Unsealed family. Here goes my heart.
    Someone, somewhere out there loves you. They love you for who you are, and they love you for your heart. They love you for everything that you stand for, and that you believe in. They do not hurt you, but encourage you to follow your dreams. They will not tear you down, but will wipe away the tears. when you are too weak from crying, they will hold you. When you feel as if your heart is breaking, and you do not think that you can go on, there, you will find your inner strength. Your power, your truth. do not ever be afraid, to be who you truly are. YOU are loved by you.
    You will embrace the changes, the struggles and those pains. Please, don’t you ever feel like you need to change to be loved. Love is who you are.
    Your road has been hard. It has been paved with loneliness.
    If being lonely is what it takes to find YOU again, then let it be. Don’t be afraid to travel this world alone. take time to observe all of humanity.
    You have found that we are all different on the outside, but we all bleed the same. Broken people will hurt you often due to their own pains. You will learn to spot them. Careful who you let in. Do not be cold, that is not who you are. Expand love within.
    When all is said and done, you will find that you have walked many journeys in solitude. Alone. You have learned that people, are people, they trip up just like you. You have learned that holding onto bitterness, and anger is a huge mistake. It will only hurt you. Knowing that you are unstoppable. You keep moving on. At the end of the road, you will find that someone, somewhere, has been with you through the battles and that they have loved you all along…

    I wrote these words the night that I found myself again. When I realized that all I needed to do was to love myself. It is still an every day battle at times, but I love the woman that I have become. Thank you for reading. I hope that it makes a bit of sense to someone.

    Shelle Belle

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    • This is such a wholesome piece! I love how you spoke about loneliness being positive. Sometimes the things we think we don’t want can be the best for us and that’s okay; it’s okay to travel the word alone and break and crumble. And it’s a beautiful reminder that the love is within us and we are love 🙂

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      • Saga.
        Thank you for taking the time to read and to comment about my poem. It was very special to me and I wasn’t sure if any of it made sense. Your words of support are very much appreciated! It is so nice to meet you.

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        • It definitely made sense and I’m super glad you shared! It’s nice to meet you too 🙂 Hopefully I’ll get to read more of your work <3

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    • Michelle, you have such. a good heart and I am so happy you are using that heart of yours to give yourself the love you deserve. You are such an easy person to love, so keep that bar high. This was another sweet and beautiful piece. Thank you for all the love you pour into The Unsealed. You are pure light. <3 Lauren

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    • This is a lovely piece! As a single mother, this definitely resonated with me. 🙏🏼 look forward to reading more of your work. 😊

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