

  • Oswald Perez shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 5 days, 5 hours ago

    Try To Remember, This Kind of September

    Dear Unsealers,

    I hope that everyone’s having a wonderful Labor Day weekend.

    As September begins, I can’t help but feel wistful as the summer season is fast coming to a close, especially after spending this weekend in both Newport and Providence, Rhode Island.

    But the summer vibe is still strong as this new month begins.
    Nine months have come; four months are left to go in this year.

    It may be a day late, but it’s never too late to welcome in a new month. As I do so here…

    Try to remember, this kind of September
    30 new days are here to stay

    A month of transition
    As the last days of summer glisten
    With a chill in the early morning air
    Autumn is waiting to be welcomed in

    From Newport’s idyllic shores to NYC’s towering skies
    All of the possibilities exist
    The days are yearning to be filled with joy

    As the BER months begin
    There are 120 days or so, left in 2024

    One pauses to wonder….
    Where did all the months go?!

    Oswald Perez

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  • Subdued with jealousy

    J e a l o u s y is your fallacy, never once. No I couldn’t. I wouldn’t
    Gaslighting me to a T. Masquerading your way into my life.
    such a beautiful story with a tragic end
    So suitable and dutiful
    What a fake, I’m making a big mistake
    Couldn’t you see it in his eyes? All his lies, deep inside
    5 years by the wayside
    My story is not over see the red flags flying in front of your face. You’re such a disgrace
    I am having an epiphany But he disagrees with me
    This look on your face I’ve never seen before as I close the door
    Well I’ve met the true you finally, excuse me kindly
    Looking over my shoulder wherever I go I can’t seem to shake this feeling It sends me realing have you learned yet not to tell a lie
    I’m starting to get scared. I can feel my hair standing on end Is this the end
    I lie here buried finally at rest to tell my story


    Voting starts December 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • Roses shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 months ago

    Your Eyes Sound Like

    A lot of guys get lost in your eyes
    But I found myself in those depths that galaxies rest in
    Your eyes hug stars and sprinkle glitter for their shimmer when the sun wants to shine
    I didn’t know it then but when momma would sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star it was a love song
    Because I’m one of the dots to your constellation and the others are the children
    Our love is so good it should be a sin
    God forgive me, I know I’m not supposed to look directly at you
    But your daughter has your eyes, and I can’t stop staring
    She helps me stay centered with you when I get full of myself
    Seeing my reflection in her eyes is one of my favorite things because it’s a moment of Trinity
    God eyes saying straighten up son
    Your eyes whisper I love you
    My eyes catch us with His hands and say I’ll hold your heart
    Followed by, I love you too
    Our eyes share an embrace that never let’s go in silence
    But anyone who sees the way I look at you hears the softness of a love song
    They covet the way my eyes hold you like I hold the hand of our child
    Their eyes have never seen a sight that sounded so pure
    And anyone who sees the way your eyes reply to me, listens to that unforgettable poem on repeat
    Then they get lost trying to find your gaze under my sunset
    So, the closest thing to feeling that poem, is to hit repeat on this memory
    I can’t help but smile when I see your eyes talk about us
    p.s. your eyes make the best ASMR…


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    • Aww, I love this! The beauty that we see in others can seem ethereal at times and it can be such a wonderful thing. The connection you have with this person sounds so deep and meaningful. I am glad you have found a person like this.

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      • Haven’t found that person yet, I just like to write about moments in time with the theme of relationships 🌹, thank you for reading and sharing your encouraging words ‼️

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        • You are welcome! Don’t worry, you will find this person! When you do, your life will change for the better ♥

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  • Oswald Perez shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 months, 1 weeks ago

    Welcome, August

    Dear, Unsealers:

    The first day of August is heading into the evening hours.

    Eight months into 2024?! Time’s picking up speed as the days move along.

    As I tend to do at the first or so of every month, I write a poem to welcome in the new month. The dog days of summer are here…

    A welcome to the month of August
    31 new days in the heart of summer

    For the dog days are here
    Where it feels like one day morphs into the next

    Although the calendar is blank
    There’s still reason to look forward

    From the tail end of the Olympics
    To the Premier League’s return and the US Open’s first serve
    With plenty of room for so much more to be done

    When August ends
    All roads will lead to a long weekend getaway
    From concrete buildings in NYC, out to the Newport shores

    Oswald Perez

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  • Oswald Perez shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 months, 1 weeks ago

    Bienvenue aux XXXIIIe Jeux Olympiques!

    Dear Unsealers,

    Bonjour from New York City!

    As I type this post, the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games is on my screen. After an already busy summer of sport due to UEFA’s Euro 2024 and the Copa America, the main event of the summer has finally arrived.

    Seeing the athletes floating along the River Seine is making me nostalgic for the City of Lights. I can’t wait to see the competition to come and all the shots of the city in the next two weeks.

    As I tend to do, I wrote a poem to welcome in this event, one that only comes once every four years. Let the games begin!

    As the athletes of the world gather in Paris
    To open the games of the XXXIII Olympiad

    Here’s to the next sixteen days
    After the cauldron is dramatically lit

    All the stories that will be told
    The drama the competitions will bring
    With the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat coming full circle

    From La Tour Eiffel, crossing the globe to the waves of Tahiti
    Visions of France in all it’s splendor

    Casting the cynicism of the world aside
    For the ideals of sportsmanship that Mr. de Coubertin appealed

    In the distance, the Olympic Fanfare is here
    Pour dire bienvenue à Paris à tous!

    OSwald Perez

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  • I love your smile

    Although you may be insecure, your smile has a style for sure.
    Your mind is beautiful, Thoughts are wild.
    Your heart is dutiful, art unique, Lyrics are powerful as
    you can see.
    You can take a critique, Don’t be so meek
    Don’t stray away from being yourself, It’ll come in handy all by itself.
    I love your smile, Don’t be in denial.
    With your smile, you’ll go miles.
    Don’t disagree, You will see
    You will end up looking just like me.


    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • This is so sweet and clean, I love the additional rhyme scheme you add to your letter. It is succinctly beautiful, keep up the good work!

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  • Oswald Perez shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 2 months ago

    Welcome, July!

    Dear Unsealers,

    It’s the 4th of July!
    A Happy Independence Day to those who are celebrating today. I hope that all of you have a safe and enjoyable holiday.

    This poem is three days late, my welcome to July.
    I don’t know why I forgot to post this on Monday. But Lauren’s reminder of the latest writing contest ending reminded me to post the poem.

    I just wanted to let you know that without further adieu…

    Welcome, July!
    Six months have gone by, six new months are here

    Amid summer’s low and slow grind
    The days are ripe for possibility

    A month of celebration
    From the Great White North, sea to shining sea and Allons enfant de la Patrie
    Champions crowned in Berlin, Miami, London and Nice
    Before the athletes of the world take center stage in Paris

    Who knows where this month will go
    Not even I know how the days will flow

    I’m sure of one thing, though…
    As sure as the summer’s changeable skies
    And the flowers blooming all around

    The next thirty-one days will fly by

    Oswald Perez

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    • What a sweet poem, Oswald! The USA is a beautiful place and I’m glad we have a holiday to celebrate our independence!! You are so right, not only July, but summer, flies by so quickly! Enjoy it while it lasts!!

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  • Oswald Perez shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 2 months, 2 weeks ago

    On The First Day Of Summer

    Dear, Unsealers:

    Today is the first day of summer, the longest day of the year.

    Though the summer solstice won’t be official until 4:50 PM this afternoon, the season has already made it’s presence felt in the midst of a heatwave.

    Though, there’s plenty more to the season than the heat and humidity. This is a time of year to soak up everything that the late sunsets have to offer.

    As is my wont to do, I wrote a welcome to the new season coming up.

    When the summer solstice dawns
    The seasons change again

    With it, the longest day of the year
    As the sun sets past 8pm

    Hazy days, sultry nights
    A time of year where time slows down

    From mid June to mid September
    The world’s come to life
    From the streets, sands and seas

    Soaking up the warm rays of light
    As one does
    When earth is closest to the sun

    Welcome summer and your mercurial ways
    For a stay over the next ninety four days

    Oswald Perez

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    • I love these poems! They are reminder of how special each time of the year is and how time continues to move but how you should hold on to every second. There is joy with each new day and season. Thank you for sharing. <3 Lauren

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  • Oswald Perez shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    Happy Father's Day!

    Dear Unsealers,

    It’s the third Sunday in June. The month’s going by fast, isn’t it?

    With today being Father’s Day, I wrote a poem to mark the occasion. And provided a family portrait from my sister’s college graduation to go with it. I hope everyone’s having a wonderful Sunday.

    Without further ado…

    On the third Sunday of June

    A celebration of fathers
    Fathers, fathers to be, grandfathers, uncles and all fatherly figures

    With all the love to those that find this difficult to celebrate
    For the father figures no longer with us

    Here’s to the strength and wisdom
    Brought in every conversation and action

    To the love and joy in each moment
    May they be honored and cherished

    To my dad and all the dad’s everywhere
    I wish all of you…

    A Happy Father’s Day!

    Oswald Perez

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  • Oswald Perez shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 months, 1 weeks ago

    Welcome, The Month of June!

    Dear Unsealers,

    It’s June 1st. It seems crazy to think that six months of 2024 have gone by. Though the summer doesn’t officially begin until later this month, the season feels like it’s in the air today.

    As is the case with every month of the year so far, I wrote a welcome note for June.

    Welcome to June!

    30 new days are here
    Closing out the first half of this year

    The month is a bridge between seasons
    Starting in spring, and ending in summer
    Filled with celebrations of pride and fatherly figures

    Days are getting longer, then they start to get shorter
    The pace of life begins to slow down
    As warmth moves in, we’re all hanging outdoors

    When you wonder aloud….
    How did we get here?! It was winter five minutes ago
    And spring moved by in the blink of the eye

    The calendar is blank once again
    Ready and waiting for new memories to be made
    Sitting and watching the waves roll on by


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  • My Wrist Watch Hands Point to Peace

    I invented a new season for life because I got tired of the winter spring summer fall pattern
    My paisley doesn’t like to conform to the depression of polka dots only on the pocket square and not the entire outfit
    Where’s the art in the plain white t?
    I see the aesthetic, but I want the screaming art to argue with my calm voice
    It’s the beauty in the pain that you can’t see until the scars have enough time to grow wings
    I used to feel most at peace listening to music on my bed as a haunting sleep would close my eyes
    I used to feel most at peace under the dim lights of cinema pumping hope into my veins where I had blood run free
    I used to feel most at peace on the solidarity of solo ventures between the court and I
    It would hum deathly echoes like lullaby’s to my heart
    This trinity became my medical addiction as pride got in the way of God
    Then over the years my coffee finally became cold, and I missed the warmth of summer
    I could smell my own toxicity deeply rooted and swallowing my faith
    So, I questioned myself through the tears, I marked the points of pain with my pen, and dug up the weeds I planted and reaped
    This time I will sow truth within the uncomfortable moments
    Because in this season until forever I’m most at peace on the grounds of the earthquake
    Knowing that I can’t move forward unless I shake things up
    Staying in a comfortable pattern only leads to a broken record repeating the line you hate to hear
    You are meant to break records
    p.s. peace is born in the growth of pain…


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    • You are absolutely right! We look for peace in the calm parts of life, but really peace is everywhere, especially in growth. I love the creativity in your words for example when you said, “I invented a new season for life” or “I could smell my own toxicity deeply rooted.” Your mind is clearly incredibly creative and I am so glad I had the honor of…read more

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      • Thank you for your kind words, I’m so thankful you enjoyed this piece. I hope you find yourself being more uncomfortable like the poem in order to grow!

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    • “Staying in a comfortable pattern only leads to a broken record repeating the line you hate to hear“ can we share this to the world! The stagnant waters where people’s remains remain.

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      • Yes, totally more self-reflection and challenging ourselves in order to see a better world from the better version of us, is where it starts. Thank you for sharing your time with this piece

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  • Your Age Shouldn't Worry

    I’m currently 13 and the only thing that makes sense is sadness
    So, to cope I like to hear melodies caress my ears because I’m too damaged to hug myself
    Then I’ll let my pen tell stories of love and horror for the simple fact that I’m afraid to love myself away from depression
    I get the impression that an early death is the only way to escape to peace
    But I’m afraid so for the time being I’ll clean my room since I can’t find the energy to organize my life
    I just found an extra cassette tape in my music collection next to the pile of CD’s and Records
    Complementing the art hanging on the wall adjacent to my mood
    I think to myself: curiosity let’s have a conversation where you tell me all the secrets Victoria victories made me hate
    The tape starts with no words
    The opening scene let’s nature sing before the score interrupts
    Then some old guy starts speaking about life like he knows me, I’m in no mood for a lecture but I have time today
    After all I was just thinking about ending it all, how could this hurt more
    He says: There’s a wealth beyond financial peace within the things we blink past every 24 hours
    Try not to take for granted the natural order of life around you
    I know the stress will have you crying rivers on the inside that you never let water your cheeks
    But you need to face your fears, or the dam will explode
    You need to Yoga flex your way through the challenges less flexibility become a weakness
    Not your strength; muscles are for show, but the morality of your core can lift you past anything if you water your flowers of dread
    “Be like water my friend,” and if I’m being bru-tal-ly honest you lie to yourself too much
    Fright has kept you in third place longer than you should have been
    Unable to reach the heights you are meant for
    Remember the natural order of things, but know a long list keeps your further from progress than small steps of truth
    You’re 34 now and just entering your prime
    The next decade will be the soundtrack to the whole of your life
    The season from the age of 13-32 was just a small slice
    My teenage brain begins to become bored and 34 is forever away
    And right before I was about to stop the tape he said something that made me think, maybe he knows a little something:
    “You are the most coveted rose”… you see I love the floral print of life
    And this statement was the first time outside of my parents that I felt worthy
    He then went on to say
    You’re beautiful in full bloom but still walk like a sunflower with its head down
    It’s ok to be a lazy daisy sometimes but remember the sun never stops smiling and the moon never stops dreaming
    So, neither should you
    Your tulip words are meant to be heard by the world
    And one day they will, as sure as a daffodil
    Will blow it’s horn of victory past everything that has held you back
    Just keep fighting and I promise you will win
    p.s. don’t be afraid to cry…


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    • The way you write from the perspectives of then and now shows how far you have come and how much you have grown. Thank you for sharing!

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      • Thank you for sharing this space of growth with me!

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        • Yea and another thing, I like how you talk about your strength and flexibility, because those are two of the cornerstones of wellness! So many layers!

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          • Very much so, and I had to learn to accept my brokenness to become well again…such is the journey of mental health, THANK YOU AGAIN!

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    • “You’re beautiful in full bloom but still walk like a sunflower with its head down
      It’s ok to be a lazy daisy sometimes but remember the sun never stops smiling and the moon never stops dreaming
      So, neither should you.” This is a beautiful sentiment. I am so sorry you hurt so much as a child, and I want to give you the biggest hug. You are a ros…read more

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      • Thank you Lauren, it was all apart of the journey to now…and I’m ready to spread my wings !

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    • “I know the stress will have you crying rivers on the inside that you never let water your cheeks
      But you need to face your fears, or the dam will explode“
      Wow!!! Have you written a book? You really should and let me know so I can buy!!! I finish mine 2023 and currently waiting for a miracle with the person I asked to write my foreword 😀

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      • I just released an eBOOK entitled Random Thoughts (which encompasses all of my favorite topics of poetry I like to address, along with a few that don’t come up as much). If you’re interested, I can send you the link…once again thank you for sharing this moment with myself and poetry!

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      • Claps for the author, get those books out to the world!

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  • Oswald Perez shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 months, 4 weeks ago

    Mother's Day

    Dear Unsealers:

    It’s the second Sunday in May.

    I wanted to wish all the mothers in this group and Lauren’s mom too, a Happy Mother’s Day!

    I’ve written a poem to mark the occasion:

    The second Sunday in May
    A day to honor all the motherly figures in our lives

    Mothers, aunts, grandmothers, mothers to be
    To cherish them for all they do
    To hold their memories in our hearts
    More than these words can possibly say

    Mothers are the backbone of the world
    This fact needs to be repeated
    Today, tomorrow and every day

    With all the love if this day is too difficult
    All the comfort and joy abound

    From me to you, I wish all of you
    A Happy Mother’s Day!

    Oswald Perez

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  • Roses shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 months, 4 weeks ago

    Writers Block

    The Tortured Poets Department has a writer’s division that has to approve every poem before it goes out
    And my mind is tired of being held hostage
    A loose-leaf definition of writer’s block was once defined by the utter of: I don’t feel like writing, this isn’t good enough, my hand only works for the remote today
    Then she interrupts my train of thought to ask: why have you never wrote a poem about me
    It’s not that I haven’t
    There are 100s getting as comfortable as you can be in the waste basket
    The last poem I Kobe shot, Melo made, and Curry posed to the trash can started like this:
    An eye lash is trying to make your cheek more than just a Sunday service sanctuary
    It wants a home
    I know you’d like me to remove it
    But who am I to destroy a home
    I can’t help but think how beautiful you look with that eye lash
    As it rests there like a pair of doves flirting on a branch not far away from me
    What are you starring at, she exclaims
    Oh, nothing I reply, today I’ll let the eye lash remain
    Your rosy cheeks, kissed by my dead rose petal lips
    Reminding you of the time we went camping and you hated that you smelled the outside
    You hated that you smelled like outside
    And I kept teasing you but hiking, visualizing, and tenting next to nature is maybe the closest thing to
    Falling asleep to your beautiful
    Falling asleep to your beautiful
    Falling asleep to your gorgeous
    Ugh, I can never find the right words to describe a tenth of your gorgeous
    And it makes me want to drop dead out of frustration
    Because the writers need to feel exactly what I do when they read:
    Holding her hand is to get a glimpse of forever before I die
    Holding her makes my heart resemble the flight of a butterfly
    Holding her hand is to hold my battles in the palm of my hand and make them cry
    The writers consist of a delicious various assortment of personality; often referred to as me, myself, and I
    Every time I get ready to seal this poem to you the writer’s block me from letting you receive it
    p.s. I haven’t learned to love myself enough to love you…


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  • Roses shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 months, 4 weeks ago

    The Last Breath of the Flame

    The clock, the watch, the phone all have eyes that watch from the view of 2 AM untamed
    Heart rates jumping like the heat of the flame
    Me plus You is a movie, what is the name
    Our love doesn’t fit in the frame
    So, cameras get jealous of the panorama pane
    Real love never goes without pain that can be immense
    So, if you’re hurt let patience play offense
    Slow dancing with your memories is a nostalgic essence
    Sweat dancing with the burning scent
    Wick burning with confidence
    Mirroring our silhouette, naked thoughts present tense
    My hands without your curves, a death sentence
    Each kiss turns a page of my sixth sense
    I don’t need a third eye to see your imperfect contents
    Table this: beauty is born from cracks so use the hurt as accents
    She is priceless so keep your two cents
    Temptation is off limits but I climbed the fence
    The candle falls asleep to our aroma, hence
    The flame goes out, conclusion love making after an argument
    Sweet dreams enter in the tango of sheets, legs, hearts, rest swiftly to the comfort of her name
    My heart is tied to yours, no more games
    I’ve played tug of war and came out lame
    No more burns unless it’s from the candle tamed
    p.s. this is what it feels like when peace kisses love…


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  • Roses shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 4 months ago

    Cherry Blossum Cheeks

    Have you ever let your mind sit under a cherry blossom tree
    The poetic renewal massages the stress away the same way as the beach waves
    Copy and paste, lying next to you is like closing your eyes under the sunset oceanside
    A bright blushing sky with kisses of orange, and blue with a honeyed taste that simply grabs you
    But nothing is as sweet as your sugar, under the shade of this suite
    Fresh chill of a neutral setting is cooked by our body temperature
    Peace in the reflection is bringing us closer
    When I look back at how we arrived at this destination within the calm ripples I see a truth in the tomb of love at first sight
    Our photograph under the light being born from fallen petals is a coveted site
    I had to see the treasure I already had instead of searching for gold
    That’s when our story began to unfold, I hate folding clothes
    I rather unfold and devour deep conversations over shallow beverages
    She likes easy ice, but I want more, as deep as the roots of this tree
    The ying and yang
    Discovering the ocean intricacies when it closes its eyes to dream and wakes up with a kiss complemented by a southern twang
    She’s my main thang, calling my land line
    Our language reads between the lines
    Wrinkled with age or bitten white chocolate sheets
    I love seeing your cherry blossom cheeks
    p.s. you be the pink and I’ll be the red for Valentine’s…


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  • Danielle

    Don’t worry little one, this will all be forgiven and forgotten I know you’re going through a lot right now and I pray that you make it through this with open eyes And a keen sense. You are on your own now
    nothing more, nothing less. My information is true
    and I know what you’re going to do. I know because I’m you. Don’t listen to any negativity from any one and always be yourself! I know it’s rough but it’ll get better I hope you find solace in this letter.


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    • Aww, what a cute story. I love the reminder that we tend to forget all other things that we once thought would consume us forever. Thank you so much for sharing your work 🙂

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    • This is so straightforward but so poignant and sweet. I am sure many people will take solace in their current situation when they read this. Thank you for inspiring us. Lauren

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  • Latte's & Monday's Don't Bring Me Down

    Dear Unsealers,

    This is my answer to the question in the challenge…

    When and where do I feel most at peace?

    As the sun rises over the Canyon of Heroes
    It’s the start of the work week

    But before I arrive at the office
    There’s something that I need to do
    The Monday morning ritual

    As I take my seat in the cafe at 4 Liberty Street
    I see the heart in my Matcha Latte

    At the first sip, the world stands still
    Only the daylight can be seen

    None of the world’s troubles matter
    With each extra sip, I feel warmed bliss

    When the bottom of the cup is reached
    I can take on the slings and arrows of the day

    Oswald Perez

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    • Aw, this is such a cute little poem. I love how you took a seemingly mundane task and filled it with beauty and emotion. I love that you can find peace in something so small 🙂 That takes a special skill that only the most resilient have. Thank you for sharing!

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  • Oswald Perez shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 4 months, 1 weeks ago

    Welcome, May!

    Dear, Unsealers:

    It’s the first day of the month of May.

    April seemed to go by quickly. As one does when they participated in National Poetry Writing Month.

    The calendar resets for the next thirty-one days. Spring is in full bloom.

    With the opening day of the month being a Wednesday, I welcome the month by way of haiku, an imperfect one…

    As the fifth month begins
    Thirty one new days arrive
    A welcome, to May!

    Oswald Perez

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  • Welcome To Spain! ¡Bienvenido a España!

    Dear, Unsealers:

    The following poem is a flashback to November 2015…

    In the early morning hours
    I stepped off the plane in Madrid
    After a long, turbulent flight across the Atlantic

    As I see the window ahead of me
    I’m on the other side, en el Aeropuerto Barajas
    With daylight yet to break

    It doesn’t look like I’m in Spain
    But indeed I am!

    All the waiting and anticipation led here
    To these eight days, my first trip away from home
    Madrid, Toledo, Granada, Sevila & Cordoba await

    To think, this wouldn’t have happened
    If I wasn’t told months earlier, “no”.

    I didn’t know it then….
    I would learn to love traveling solo, joining group trips

    This was a celebration of turning thirty!

    Oswald Perez

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    • I always love hearing about all your travels! Welcome to the 30’s! It sounds like this was an amazing trip. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our family! Did you go to the Alhambra while in Grenada? <3 Lauren

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