  • gorilladna shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 6 months ago


    Dear Unsealers,

    I often fall into bouts of deep melancholy and sadness when I think about my life prior to coming out. I’ve learned that expressing my feelings immediately through poetry prevents me from sliding into a longer state of depression. I write, I cry, and I liberate the feelings from my mind. This has helped me so much over the last two years, it has literally saved my life.

    Yesterday it happened again, and here is the result of my catharsis as I thought about my partner and all he has brought into my life. Thank you.


    You pulled me out of sadness

    Like a fish caught on a hook

    Loving me is all it took

    Though the struggle was madness

    Without will, without purpose

    Your strength was a taut lifeline

    As I drowned in my tears’ brine

    And was pulled to the surface

    Now I sit on our live’s pier

    Letting sunlight dry my skin

    And with your love, then begin

    To breathe again warm summer air

    Ricardo Albertorio

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