

  • Yes whenever I feel down, I try to use my poem as encouragement for myself and hopefully for others as well. Thank you so much for reading!❤

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  • That’s exactly what I was trying to capture! Thank you for your kind words! Your words mean alot to me❤

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  • Brittany Manning responded to a letter in topic Poetry 3 months, 2 weeks ago

    Thank you for your message! It’s nice to know that I’m not alone. Sending hugs to you as well ❤

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  • Self to Self

    I love you.
    I love the parts of you that you seem to dislike. I love the things you seem to hide about yourself out of sight from other. I love to see your face in the mirror in the mornings. I love all of what you would call imperfections. I love the way you hope that no one sees you in public so you walk with your eyes to the ground only to soon realize you have caught someone’s eye. I love the tiger stripes on your belly hips and thighs.
    I love that you’re so strong of a person that you won’t let anyone see you cry. I love your smile. I love how your smile can brighten up a room and turn even the slightest frown upside down. I love that your past didn’t break you but it made you who you are. You are exactly where you need to be. In this moment. In this space. At the right time.

    Brittany M.

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    • I love the way you celebrated all the “imperfections” about yourself. Society always tells us that certain things are good or bad, but really there is beauty in every part of us. All of our forms deserve to be cherished and it’s beautiful to see you doing that in this piece!

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    • I love your ending “You are exactly where you need to be. In this moment. In this space. At the right time.”

      It is such an important idea to remember and tell yourself whenever you need it. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed. <3 Lauren

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      • Yes whenever I feel down, I try to use my poem as encouragement for myself and hopefully for others as well. Thank you so much for reading!❤

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  • Brittany Manning shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 months, 4 weeks ago

    Missing you too much

    I hope my loving doesn’t come off as overbearing or too much. My toxic trait is that I don’t like letting go of the one’s I truly love.

    If something or someone were to ever come in between us disrupting our constant flow, even though I can’t control it, I would have a hard time letting you go.

    If you were to go, or some force pulls you away from me, the pain in my heart would be everlasting.

    I don’t mean for this to be sad. I just happen to miss you real bad and it makes my eyes water with tears and I fear the unknown. It’s hard to pretend like everything is fine, as if going about my day distracting myself would help me not feel all the feelings I feel for you but that would be lying to myself.

    Tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone just like we are not promised to be together but I promise to always cherish what little time we have with each other because that’s all we have is time.

    We may be miles apart, but, you’ll always have my heart no matter what happens.

    Brittany M.

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    • Aww you are definitely not the only one who holds on to the people they love. And I don’t think it’s a toxic trait, I think it just means you have an authentic heart. My mom used to tell me if you truly love someone you always will. You don’t stop loving someone even if you stop seeing them. Sending you a hug. Thank you for sharing. <3 Lauren

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