  • ashraymondjames submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    An Open Letter To Anybody Ready To Accept Me

    Hello, my name is Ash Raymond James.
    Count the rings around my eyes;
    they will tell you I’m infinite.
    Thirty-three but endless.

    I am six feet tall,
    but I have sixty-foot confidence.

    I am not capable of being embarrassed,
    but have you seen the way I dance?
    I look like I’m on fire
    and I probably should be ashamed
    but I often end up setting the night ablaze
    because I have the sort of joy
    that is contagious.

    My favourite song is my own laughter.
    I laugh at my own jokes until it rains.
    The sky has a secret addiction
    to dad jokes and other people’s happiness.

    It cries out of pure elation.
    Finds it insulting when people
    don’t throw down in its puddles
    so I shimmy a little
    and I don’t care who’s watching.

    I am the sort of person
    who could accidentally start a flash mob.

    People have the audacity
    to tell me I have no rhythm
    but I move to a melody
    only a few can comprehend.
    I think I am a little ahead of my time.
    There is a chance I am from the future
    or I could have just watched too many sci-fi movies.

    It’s been said that my head is in the clouds
    but I am actually wiping stardust
    from my moustache, often
    as I have always believed
    if you aren’t going to pay attention
    you may as well discover planets.

    It took some work, but I finally understand self-gentleness.
    My heart makes my mind breakfast in bed,
    and my mind sings lullabies to my heart
    whenever it can’t sleep and throws itself around my chest.

    I learnt the secret to breathing
    is realising you deserve every breath
    and now I swim with the fishes
    in my spare time.

    The kindest thing I ever did was love myself;
    the bravest thing I am ever going to do
    is never stop
    even when my every atom
    is trying to convince me I should.

    Ash Raymond James

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • Hi, Ash! Aiša here 🙂 Thank you for sharing your work of he(art) with us <3

      Surely, anyone who reads this letter will find that they are ready and more than willing to accept you! But guess what? You don’t need them to.

      You’ve got YOU!

      I’m absolutely gushing over the radical self-acceptance this piece embodies.

      “[…] but I move to a melody
      only a few can comprehend.”

      This is lovely—thanks again for sharing, Ash!

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    • Hi Ash, I love this… the humor, gentleness and unique touches put into it… seems like it reflects the really dope individual that you are! Plus, I LOVE dancing lol it’s extremely joyful 😎

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    • Ash! This is good! Never stop dancing. Never stop laughing at your own jokes. And if you start a flash mob, can you please make sure I am around? This piece made me smile on a gloomy Saturday. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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