

  • Dream Chaser

    The life you’ve fought so hard for is more than just a dream.

    We both know you’re the most solid on my team.

    Greatness is your birthright; you’re a true visionary.

    I admire your power; it is nothing short of extraordinary.

    Once I got to know you, I knew we’d be unstoppable.

    Nothing in this world can stop us from doing the impossible.

    When I faced my deepest, darkest fears, you never chose sides.

    With you, I’m an open book absolved of pride.

    I’m far from perfect, but I try my best to do what’s right.

    I no longer want to be a shadow of my former self; I was born to shine bright.

    I recently received my college acceptance letter after a 6-year gap.

    I took your advice, trusted my intuition, and built a better mousetrap.

    I was shocked by the news; I know you’re one proud little girl.

    I promised I’d make it up to you; it’s your dreamworld.

    Continue working towards your goals; the results will come to fruition.

    Always believe in yourself, and God will place you in position.

    Not everyone is lucky to experience someone like you.

    You’re truly one of a kind in all that you do.

    I’ve learned that good things come to those who wait, but everything comes at a cost.

    Are you willing to sacrifice what’s making you comfortable to gain more than you lost?

    Alexis Harvey

    Voting starts October 18, 2024 12:00am

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    • Alexis, this is so cute. You are right, “Not everyone is lucky to experience someone like you!” You are a unique, kind, and beautiful person. You have so much potential to be anything you want to be. You should be so proud of yourself because you have come so far. Congratulations! ♥

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  • It’s really the little things that mean the most to me. I’m honored to be someone so powerful and inspiring to you. I wasn’t even expecting anything when I wrote my poem, but your comment means everything to me. You actually made my day when I saw your comment. Thank you for believing in me!

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    • Alexis, that’s so sweet of you to say! I am so happy that I helped encourage you, even if it was just a little bit!! I’m always here to talk if you need it! I’m happy to believe in you, no matter what!! ♥

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  • My Message to the World

    It’s okay if no one sees things from your point of view.
    Not everyone has the same heart as you.

    Why does the world lack so much empathy?
    Let’s try to understand each other, agree to disagree.

    You can’t make people change, you can only control you.
    If they refuse to want better, there’s nothing you can do.

    You can’t force people to see you for who you truly are.
    Yet, you continue to shine like a twinkling star.

    Some people are blessings, while others are lessons.
    Good people will always leave a lasting impression.

    Sometimes, things are better left unsaid because there’s nothing left to say.
    True colors will be revealed when boundaries are at play.

    Healing isn’t linear, so extend yourself some grace.
    Be gentle with yourself as things slowly, fall into place.

    It’s okay to love others, but love yourself more.
    Self love can open doors you were blind to before.

    When life gets you down, shake it off and step up.
    Adversity can be disguised as an overflowing cup.

    Never give up on yourself, the best is yet to come.
    The worst part is over, you’ve already won.

    Mistakes are gonna happen, nobody’s perfect.
    Just remember, in the end it’ll all be worth it.

    I learned life’s biggest lessons through trial and error.
    You can weather any storm, no matter the weather.

    Alexis Harvey

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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  • Little Me

    You’re a beautiful soul who’s always been enough for me.
    Always happy-go-lucky, free-spirited and carefree.

    What I love the most about you is that you’re a part of me!
    Full of love, light and laughter, you taught me how to be free.

    You have the biggest heart and you love unconditionally.
    Always handling others with care, oh so intentionally.

    I wouldn’t be who I am today without you!
    You’ve always pushed me to make my dreams come true.

    Thank you for always making sure I never feel alone.
    You’ve always been my safe space, with you I am home.

    Watching you struggle was hard, you’re the strongest little girl I know.
    You’ve always adapted to change and left room to grow.

    You’ve shown me that I can survive anything, no matter what comes my way.
    You taught me how to love myself, even on my worst day.

    I’m proud of you kiddo, you’re my biggest blessing.
    Never show your hand and always keep em’ guessing.

    You’ll always have a friend in me and I promise to remain true.
    Words alone can’t explain how much I love you.

    Alexis Harvey

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Aww, Alexis, this is so sweet. I love that you look back on your past self to keep you motivated for your future. You CAN survive anything! You are so powerful and inspiring. Do it all for little Alexis! She’d be so proud of who she has become ♥♥.

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      • It’s really the little things that mean the most to me. I’m honored to be someone so powerful and inspiring to you. I wasn’t even expecting anything when I wrote my poem, but your comment means everything to me. You actually made my day when I saw your comment. Thank you for believing in me!

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        • Alexis, that’s so sweet of you to say! I am so happy that I helped encourage you, even if it was just a little bit!! I’m always here to talk if you need it! I’m happy to believe in you, no matter what!! ♥

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