  • tealy submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your BodyWrite a letter or poem to your Body 9 months, 2 weeks ago

    treasure hunt

    to my body,
    we’ve been together for my whole life
    yet there is so much
    i’m just starting to learn about you

    remember that time our doctor
    suggested that we get on birth control
    because i couldn’t handle the pain
    that you conjured
    in that process where
    you give me a monthly opportunity
    to bring life into this world

    i didn’t understand how hard you worked
    and i numbed your remarkable pain
    for the next half of my life

    i didn’t want to feel you
    …and i didn’t
    but i also didn’t bleed every month
    for fourteen years

    i didn’t realize that i’d been
    hurting you, to numb
    the pain that you caused me
    but what i did to you wasn’t healthy

    it’s been almost two years
    since that other gynecology appointment
    we went to
    when our new doctor told us
    that we were making an uneducated decision
    to get off birth control

    i’m so glad we didn’t listen to her
    i feel as though
    i am just starting to understand you
    and myself
    in new ways since then

    you took some time to bounce back
    from what i did to you
    but after seven months
    you started up that process again

    the pain and blood rushed back
    and now you operate like clockwork
    i’m learning how to ease the pain
    with lifestyle changes
    and tracking our cycle

    turns out, i’m learning a lot about
    my emotions
    now that I’m communicating with you
    on our endocrine system

    thank you for coming back to me
    after i had shut you out for so long
    i feel as though
    we are healing together

    our dad sees it too
    last time we saw him, he said
    “you look like you put on some weight.”
    he said, “you look healthy.”

    our doctor doesn’t have us
    do ‘weight check-ins’ anymore either
    i’m finally willing to listen to you
    to stop depriving you
    of food, water, and love

    those unpredictable and disorderly dots
    you cover me in…do you remember
    how badly i wanted to scratch them off
    as a teenager because ‘everybody’ didn’t have them
    and I was so insecure
    about how we were different

    now, when i look in the mirror
    i appreciate the incalculable speckles
    scattered across our skin
    trickling down us from head to toe

    sometimes, i can even hear
    my late grandmother
    telling us that we, “have the map of Ireland
    on (our) face.”

    if i had been more patient, i wonder if i
    could have loved our natural nose
    when i was sixteen, i thought that nose-job
    would fix my issues i had with you
    and while i love our new nose,
    i can see how little
    appreciation and adoration
    i have given you in other ways

    it’s almost like, once i accepted you
    accepted the pain
    accepted the differences we had from others
    accepted the messages you tried to give me
    i found your beauty
    by discovering your beauty
    i truly began to discover myself

    gone are the days where I numbed
    myself from you
    when our ribs felt as though
    they could poke through our skin,
    when we did not bleed,
    and matte make-up
    turned our map of Ireland
    into a treasure hunt

    love, taylor

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    • Taylor, this is so good. I am glad you found peace with your body and your cycle. I am the same way. I recently stopped drinking caffeine to help with some of my symptoms. The map of Ireland in the form of freckles sounds so beautiful to me. I am glad you are embracing them and all of you. Keep falling in love with you. Cliche but true …You are perfect just the way you are. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being a part of The Unsealed family.

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      • Lauren, thank you so much for the kind words and support! I hope that you’re finding some benefits with stopping caffeine and kudos on giving that up- it’s not easy to break habits but it’s very interesting to notice how significant gut health is in general (I worked for a wellness doctor who was very adamant on our guts being our second brain so, he emphasized significance of nutrition and supplements- specifically fish oil and polyphenols aha). Again, I hope your symptoms are improving without caffeine! That expression about the map of Ireland in relation to freckles is like a core memory from my childhood so, I really appreciated this community/prompt that brought me back to those fond memories. Thank you for supporting my journey in self-love, I want to send the same loving kindness toward you and just express my gratitude for what you’ve done in creating this community. I apologize for the delay in getting back to you, (maybe tmi but I have been inspired by all that this community/family offers and am saving for a laptop to make it easier to engage with the community; so, I hope to have that soon and really look forward to being more involved on here). Thank you again for all that you do Lauren, it truly means so much to me!

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    • Dear Taylor,
      I am so glad you have found peace with your body. I hope you continue your positive journey of self love. Your words have touched my heart.


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