

  • Friend/Friendships

    Establishing good friendships will take you far in life. Maybe places you haven’t thought of. More times than not, they’re good to have, which starts with you.

    Having good people in your life requires you to be the same kind of person. A person that cares, a person that’s genuine, that person that’s supportive, and also a good friend requires honesty(just to name a few).

    Just being there for someone is a great way to help build a friendship. And being good to them while you’re there is even better. Listening, hearing them out and allowing them to vent to you. Not being so critical of judgmental, but open and honest with them about the things that may come. Everyone needs love and support in life and friends are good to have for such things.

    Big things doesn’t always have to be done in life and especially friendships, but the little things are a lot of times all we need. The little things say so much in a friendship. They can show support, love, and even acceptance. Whether it’s giving that person advice, inviting that person to an event, or just checking on them and seeing how they’re doing. Reminding them that they’re valuable. That can go a long way for a friendship.

    So remember what it takes to be a good person and to be a good friend. Remember that others have feelings and lives as well, not just you. And remember the value of a good friend, so that you can be of good value yourself.

    Titus Armon

    Voting starts December 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • Titus Armon shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 weeks, 5 days ago


    Broke my limbs and tore my spirit
    As I walked and smelled debris
    I could barely talk
    Was hard of hearing
    Even lost feeling in some places
    Some places still looked nice
    But they were broken
    Why am I the chosen
    To see these things
    To be unfazed after the truth
    After the storm and troops
    Everyone is gone
    No sound but mine
    Where do I go and be fine
    Limping on distraught knees
    Existing with little breathing
    I continue…
    Down the wary roads
    As I see the smoke
    As the rain provokes
    My will elopes
    And I continue…
    Through the Hurricane

    Titus Armon

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    • Titus, this captures your emotion so well and in such a visual way. I am sorry you are going through a hard time. This piece reminded me of a quote: “When you are going through hell, keep going. ”

      Sending hugs. <3 Lauren

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    • Titus, what an inspiring poem! You have endured so much and I am so proud of you for persevering even at your lowest times. Great poem and a great message.

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  • Necia….I used to do some exercises like that. Maybe I’ll try some to help. I did complete something yesterday…and now I’m getting the urge to do something now. I usually only write when I’m feeling it or getting the urge…to be into it. I’m like that through and through. I can’t do much if I’m not into it. But now that I think about it…perhaps that perspective could change and I could have more of an outcome…pushing to do so. Interesting.

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  • Thanks Lauren. I understand. It’s just hard to get there sometimes.

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  • New Here

    Hello everyone…I’m new here, but not new to writing. I’ve been having a hard time getting back into writing and being inspired to write or even get the urge. I’ve had small surges here and there lately…but maybe this site can help change that.

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    • Yess! Write from your heart and soul. Just let all your feelings all and just write. <3 Lauren

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    • I think we’ve all had this issue at one point or another. This year I signed up for a writing challenge (write one poem a day for a year). While most of what I write either needs heavy editing or has no hope unless I completely re-write it, at least I have pieces to work from. One of my favorite sayings is that you can’t edit what isn’t written.…read more

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      • Following. I’ve also been having some writer’s block lately.

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      • Necia….I used to do some exercises like that. Maybe I’ll try some to help. I did complete something yesterday…and now I’m getting the urge to do something now. I usually only write when I’m feeling it or getting the urge…to be into it. I’m like that through and through. I can’t do much if I’m not into it. But now that I think about it…perhaps…read more

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    • Titus, Try taking all your most hateful angery thoughts and emotions and write them all on one side of a piece of paper. Then take all your best positive and good thoughts on the other side of the paper. Find the ones from both sides of the paper that you’re dealing with and going through in your present circumstances, and drawl lines connecting…read more

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    • Titus,
      I used to write all the time. Then I didn’t. Now I write for work, and my desire to write my own ideas is waking up. The struggle is in the doing for me. My best ideas come when I’m working out. I started writing down the ideas, they wait for me to flesh them out. I do and I will do more.
      I hope you find inspiration from the prompts in…read more

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