  • withinwords submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 5 months, 1 weeks ago

    To The One I Come Home To

    To the one I come home to
    Each and every time
    When it seems like no one else is there
    I find myself with you again

    I won’t pretend that my love is perfect
    I’ve abandoned, I’ve betrayed
    But you continue to accept my flaws
    And for this I love you so

    Because anyone can forget and move on
    But to forgive is the strongest power there is
    I find relief in your strength
    And comfort in your trust

    It’s funny the ways in which we accept only the love we think we deserve
    Although it would be so nice to write about the beauty of self love
    The truth is that the self can be hard to love
    And I’ll admit, I’m still trying to learn just how to

    It’s the external influence that surrounds you
    And having your voice silenced
    By those who are in a position to lead you
    That makes this love so hard sometimes

    It’s the generational trauma
    The demoralizing behavior passed down
    Through a world of dysregulation
    And incredible misguidance

    It’s true that love is learned
    In the early years of life
    But when no good examples exist
    How does one navigate with the heart?

    The young mind absorbs like a sponge
    The screaming, the fighting, and everything in between
    This is what becomes home
    So all my life, I’ve sought for chaos around every turn

    My favorite thing about you is that you learned how to love
    After being brought up in an environment deprived of it
    Either because your body needed it
    Or the world needed to see it

    Twenty seven years I’ve gotten to know you
    I’ve seen you flourish and fail
    I’ve seen laughter and tears
    The crazy thing about growth is it never ends

    So I’ll continue to learn just who you are
    And what you need in this reality
    To understand the depths of your heart
    I realize is a constant expression

    I love you for giving me space to cry
    The way the men in my life never would
    During times when my emotions needed to flow
    Like rain needs to fall

    I love you for staying with me while I tripped
    Over the ones who couldn’t see my worth
    I spent years trying to find “the one”
    When it was you the whole time

    I love you for being proud
    Even though the voices told you you weren’t good enough
    You found a way to break the cycle
    Of generational shame

    I love you for your curiosity
    The same curiosity I used to call stupid
    I’m sorry for calling you stupid
    When you were just trying to learn

    I love the way that you crave connection
    And the way that you find it
    To dive headfirst with nothing but a handful of vulnerability
    Is a hard thing to do in this world

    You explore far beyond your own skin
    A superficial life will not do
    Rather, you spin circles in the gravity of your own soul
    Searching far and wide for meaning untold

    I look forward to continuing this love
    You are my body, my soul, my everything in between
    You are the one I come home to
    And the one I call self

    Angela Tricomi

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    • Angela, I can definitely relate to this…especially this line: “having your voice silenced
      By those who are in a position to lead you
      That makes this love so hard sometimes.”
      Thank you so much for sharing your truth, allowing your voice to be heard, and 💓 to be felt.

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    • Angela, this piece is beautiful. I love this part “I spent years trying to find “the one”
      When it was you the whole time”

      I am sorry for the lack of love you felt as a childhood, but loving yourself is a superpower all on its own. You sound like an incredibly resilient and powerful woman. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our unsealed family. <3Lauren

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