  • vickyc24 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about what you are grateful for in your lifeWrite a poem about what you are grateful for in your life 6 months ago

    Grateful for the moments

    Life can be wonderful in moments full of joy.
    In the moments where you experience a sense of extreme gratitude because of how blissful it feels.
    In the moments when your surroundings take your breath away.
    In the moments you whisper underneath your breath, “I don’t want this to ever end.”
    In the moments you want to replay in your mind repeatedly.
    Yet, in the moments of turmoil, you want to fast forward to the ending.
    In the moments of experiencing the chaos, I learned to claim my emotions.
    In the moments that the pain felt infinite, I learned to show myself more grace.
    In the moments I felt alone and confused, I was led to rediscover myself.
    In the moments of hardship, I was taught to persevere.
    I am grateful for all the moments that this life has to offer.

    Vicky Rosas

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    • I’m really struck by this; thank you for allowing me to read it.

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    • Hi there, Vicky. Aiša here. Thank you for sharing your gratitude for moments such as these 🙂

      For me, one such moment was reading

      “In the moments you whisper underneath your breath, “I don’t want this to ever end.””

      Happy New Year, Vicky <3

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    • Vicky this is beautiful and so very wise. I love it. Thank you for sharing! <3 Lauren

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